Chudnovsky B.H. Electrical power transmission and distribution: aging and life extension techniques (Boca Raton, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаChudnovsky B.H. Electrical power transmission and distribution: aging and life extension techniques. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xxx, 381 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p. 367-381. - Пер. загл.: Передача и распределение электрической энергии: старение электрических систем и методы продления их жизни. - ISBN 978-1-4665-0246-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xxi
Author ...................................................... xxiii
Acronyms ...................................................... xxv

Chapter 1   Plating of Electrical Equipment ..................... 1
1.1  Electroplating for Contact Applications .................... 1
     1.1.1  Silver Plating ...................................... 1
     1.1.2  Tin Plating ......................................... 4
     Applications ............................................... 5
     1.1.3  Nickel Plating ...................................... 6
1.2  Electroless Plating ........................................ 8
     1.2.1  Electroless Nickel: Physical Properties ............. 9
     1.2.2  Electroless Nickel: Corrosion Resistance ........... 11
     1.2.3  Electroless Nickel: Electrical Resistivity ......... 11
1.3  Electroless Nickel as a Plating Alternative for
     Electrical Apparatuses in Corrosive Atmosphere ............ 12
     1.3.1  Testing of EN for Use in Electrical
            Applications ....................................... 13
     1.3.2  Field Testing of EN-Plated Electrical Equipment
            in Energized Conditions ............................ 18
1.4  Zinc Electroplating and Galvanization ..................... 23
     1.4.1  Zinc Electroplating ................................ 23
     1.4.2  Zinc Galvanization Processes ....................... 24
     1.4.3  Conversion Zn Plating: Passivation with CrIII or
            CrVI ............................................... 25
1.5  Metal Whiskers on Plating (Noncorrosive Phenomenon) ....... 26
     1.5.1  Whisker Phenomenon and Characteristics ............. 26
     1.5.2  Tin Whisker Mitigation Techniques .................. 31
     1.5.3  Tin Whiskers and the RoHS Initiative ............... 33
     1.5.4  WhiskeT Mitigation Levels Classification ........... 34
     1.5.5  Whiskers on Other Metal Platings ................... 35
1.6  Plating on Aluminum ....................................... 37
     1.6.1  Use of Aluminum in Electrical Industry ............. 37
     1.6.2  Metals Used to Plate Aluminum ...................... 39
     1.6.3  Methods for Plating on Aluminum .................... 39
     1.6.4  Quality of Tin Plating on Al for Different
            Plating Techniques ................................. 41
1.7  Plating Standards and Glossary ............................ 45
     1.7.1  National and International Standards and
            Regulations on Plating ............................. 45
1.8  Plating Glossary .......................................... 47
     References ................................................ 58

Chapter 2  Detrimental Processes and Aging of Plating .......... 63
2.1  Issues of Tin Plating Performance ......................... 63
     2.1.1  General Precautions in Using Tin Plating ........... 63
     2.1.2  Thermal Deterioration of Tin Plating on Aluminum ... 64
     2.1.3  Tin Pest ........................................... 70
2.2  Use of Underplating for Plating Longevity ................. 73
     2.2.1  Mitigating Role of Underplating .................... 73
     2.2.2  Advantages of Nickel as Underplating ............... 74
     2.2.3  Recommended Thickness of Nickel Underplating ....... 76
2.3  Applications of Ni Underplating ........................... 77
     2.3.1  Use of Ni Underplating for Tin Plating on Copper ... 77
     2.3.2  Nickel Underplating as a Tin Whisker Mitigation
            Technique .......................................... 78
     2.3.3  Ni Underplating for Tin Plating on Aluminum ........ 80
     2.3.4  Ni Underplating for Gold Plating ................... 84
2.4  Galvanic Corrosion: Connections Made of Dissimilar
     Metals .................................................... 85
     2.4.1  Hazard: Galvanic Corrosion ......................... 85
     2.4.2  Definition of Dissimilar Metals .................... 86
     2.4.3  Galvanic Corrosion of Copper-to-Aluminum
            Connections ........................................ 87
     2.4.4  Protection of Copper-to-Aluminum Connections
            from Galvanic Corrosion ............................ 88
     2.4.5  Galvanic Corrosion in Steel Connections with
            Aluminum and Other Metals .......................... 90
     2.4.6  General Precautions to Minimize Galvanic
            Corrosion in Connections ........................... 91
2.5  Other Detrimental Processes Affecting Plating
     Performance ............................................... 92
     2.5.1  Intermetallic Compounds ............................ 92
     2.5.2  Fretting Corrosion and a Means of Protection ....... 94

Chapter 3  Electrical Equipment in a Corrosive Environment ..... 99
3.1  Corrosion Factors in the Atmosphere ....................... 99
     3.1.1  Types of Corrosive Atmospheres ..................... 99
     3.1.2  Factors Affecting Atmospheric Corrosion ........... 101
     3.1.3  Airborne Contamination in Data Centers ............ 104
     3.1.4  Zinc Whiskers ..................................... 105
3.2  Effect of Environment on Bare Metals ..................... 106
     3.2.1  Iron and Steel in Enclosures, Frames, Rails,
            and so Forth ...................................... 106
     3.2.2  Copper and Copper Alloys: Parts of the Conductive
            Path .............................................. 107
     3.2.3  Nickel and Nickel Alloys: Electrical Contacts
            and Plating ....................................... 108
     3.2.4  Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys in Electrical
            Applications ...................................... 108
3.3  Atmospheric Corrosion of Silver Plating .................. 110
     3.3.1  Silver Plating Corrosion and Tarnish .............. 111
     3.3.2  Red-Plaque Corrosion .............................. 113
     3.3.3  Underplating Corrosion ............................ 115
     3.3.4  Effect of Silver Plating Thickness and Quality
            on Sulfuric Corrosion ............................. 116
     3.3.5  Corrosion of a Copper Bus with Flash Silver
            Plating ........................................... 116
3.4  Effect of Silver Corrosion on Contact Resistance ......... 117
     3.4.1  Silver Tarnish and Contact Electrical Resistance .. 117
     3.4.2  Techniques of Tarnish Cleaning .................... 120
3.5  Silver Whiskers: A Mysterious and Dangerous Phenomenon ... 121
     3.5.1  History of Silver Whiskers ........................ 121
     3.5.2  Factors That Affect the Growth of Silver
            Whiskers .......................................... 122
     3.5.3  Failures in Electrical Equipment Caused by Silver
            Whiskers .......................................... 123
     3.5.4  Study of the Silver Whisker Phenomenon ............ 123
     3.5.5  Silver Whiskers Puzzle ............................ 127
3.6  Tin Plating Corrosion .................................... 128
     3.6.1  Tin Oxidation ..................................... 129
     3.6.2  Reaction of Tin with Other Gases .................. 129
3.7  Zinc Plating Corrosion and Galvanized Steel .............. 130
     3.7.1  Atmospheric Corrosion of Zn ....................... 130
     3.7.2  White Rust on Zinc ................................ 131
     3.7.3  Galvanized Steel .................................. 132
     3.7.4  Signs of Galvanized Steel Corrosion ............... 133
     3.7.5  Factors Affecting Galvanized Steel Corrosion ...... 135
     3.7.6  Corrosion of Galvanized Steel in Circuit Breaker .. 136
3.8  Means of Corrosion Protection of Electrical Equipment .... 137
     3.8.1  Protective Coatings for Conductive Parts,
            Enclosures, and Frames ............................ 137
     3.8.2  Means of Protection from Silver Corrosion ......... 139
     3.8.3  Conversion Treatment .............................. 140
     3.8.4  Chromium-Free Varnish-Preventative Processes ...... 141
     3.8.5  Means of Preventing the Corrosion of Zinc-Plated
            Steel Parts in Electrical Equipment ............... 141
     3.8.6  Vaporized Corrosion Inhibitors .................... 142
     3.8.7  Lubrication ....................................... 142
3.9  Means of Environmental Control for Corrosion Protection .. 143
     3.9.1  Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
            Exposure to Corrosive Environment ................. 143
     3.9.2  Air Quality Monitoring ............................ 144
     3.9.3  Direct Gas Monitoring ............................. 145
     3.9.4  Corrosion Control Technology ...................... 145
     3.9.5  Chemical and Particulate Filtration ............... 147
     3.9.6  Temperature Control ............................... 147
3.10 Corrosion Glossary ....................................... 148
     References ............................................... 160

Chapter 4  Lubrication of Distribution Electrical Equipment ... 165
4.1  Lubrication Primer ....................................... 165
     4.1.1  Purpose of Lubrication ............................ 165
     4.1.2  Lubrication Terminology ........................... 166
     4.1.3  Types of Lubricating Materials .................... 167
     4.1.4  Grease Composition and Properties ................. 169
4.2  Incompatibility of Lubricants ............................ 173
     4.2.1  Definition of Incompatibility ..................... 173
     4.2.2  Causes of Incompatibility ......................... 174
4.3  Lubricant Working Temperature Limits and Storage ......... 176
     4.3.1  Lubricant Working Temperature ..................... 176
     4.3.2  Lubricant Storage Conditions and Shelf Life ....... 177
4.4  Lubrication of Electrical Contacts ....................... 178
     4.4.1  Principles of Contact Lubrication ................. 179
     4.4.2  Choice of Lubricants Based on Design and Contact/
            Plating Materials ................................. 179
     4.4.3  Lubrication as Protection from Fretting
            Corrosion, Mechanical Wear, and Friction .......... 183
     4.4.4  Lubrication as Protection from Corrosion .......... 184
     4.4.5  Durability of Lubricants .......................... 185
4.5  Practical Lubrication .................................... 186
     4.5.1  Periodic Lubrication Maintenance of Electrical
            Power Equipment ................................... 186
     4.5.2  General Lubrication Recommendations for
            Electrical Equipment .............................. 187
4.6  Lubrication Failure Modes ................................ 189
     4.6.1  Causes of Lubrication Failure ..................... 189
     4.6.2  Wrong Lubricant for Application ................... 190
     4.6.3  Thermal Limitations ............................... 190
     4.6.4  Lubricant Composition and Wrong Amount of
            Lubricant ......................................... 191
     4.6.5  Contaminants or Corrosives in the Lubricant ....... 191
     4.6.6  Environmental Factors Causing Grease
            Deterioration ..................................... 192
     4.6.7  Lubricants' Incompatibility ....................... 193
4.7  Lubrication Failures of Electrical Equipment: Case
     Studies .................................................. 193
     4.7.1  CB Failures Caused by Lubrication at U.S.
            Commercial Nuclear Power Plants ................... 193
     4.7.2  Overheating of the MV Switch ...................... 194
4.8  Informational Sources for Lubricants ..................... 198
4.9  Lubrication Glossary ..................................... 201
     References ............................................... 208

Chapter 5  Insulation, Coatings, and Adhesives in
Transmission and Distribution Electrical Equipment ............ 215
5.1  Insulating Materials in Power Equipment .................. 215
     5.1.1  Insulating Materials Used in the Electrical
            Industry .......................................... 215
     5.1.2  Thermal Limitation for Electrical Insulation ...... 219
     5.1.3  Thermal Degradation of Insulators ................. 222
     5.1.4  Temperature Limitations for Switchgear Assembly
            Based on Insulation Class ......................... 223
5.2  Aging of Insulating Materials due to Electrical Stress ... 224
     5.2.1  Electrical Breakdown in Insulation ................ 224
     5.2.2  Corona ............................................ 225
     5.2.3  Partial Discharge ................................. 227
5.3  Environmental Aging of Insulating Materials .............. 231
     5.3.1  Insulation Deterioration under Environmental
            Conditions ........................................ 231
     5.3.2  Biological Contamination and Corrosion of
            Insulators ........................................ 232
     5.3.3  Environmental Aging of Insulators in Transmission
            Lines ............................................. 232
     5.3.4  Stress Corrosion Cracking in Composite
            Insulators ........................................ 233
5.4  HV Bushings in Transformers and CBs ...................... 234
     5.4.1  Types of Bushings ................................. 234
     5.4.2  Bushings: Possible Causes of Failures ............. 235
5.5  Power Cable Insulation ................................... 236
     5.5.1  Cable Insulation Types ............................ 237
     5.5.2  Aging of Cable Insulating Materials ............... 238
5.6  Other Insulating Media ................................... 239
     5.6.1  Insulating Oil .................................... 239
     5.6.2  Sulfur Hexaflouride (SF6) as Insulating and
            Cooling Media ..................................... 243
     5.6.3  Air and Vacuum as Insulating Media ................ 244
5.7  Powder Coating and Paint for Electrical Enclosures ....... 245
     5.7.1  Electrical Enclosures: Types and Materials ........ 245
     5.7.2  Powder Coating/Paint Used for Enclosures .......... 246
     5.7.3  Defects and Failures of Powder Coatings and
            Paints ............................................ 249
     5.7.4  HVRTV Coating ..................................... 251
5.8  Electrical Insulation Standards and Glossary ............. 253
     5.8.1  National and International Standards and
            Regulations on Insulation ......................... 253
     5.8.2  Insulation Glossary ............................... 256

Chapter 6  Electrical Equipment Life Expectancy, Aging, and
Failures ...................................................... 269
6.1  Life Expectancy for Distribution and Transmission
     Equipment ................................................ 269
     6.1.1  Estimation of Electrical Equipment Lifetime ....... 269
     6.1.2  Overloading and Estimated Life of Electrical
            Equipment ......................................... 270
     6.1.3  Temperature and Estimated Life of Electrical
            Equipment ......................................... 271
6.2  Signatures of Aging of Electrical Equipment in Nuclear,
     Industrial, and Residential Environments ................. 272
     6.2.1  Aging Factors ..................................... 272
     6.2.2  Aging Equipment in an Industrial Environment ...... 273
     6.2.3  Aging Equipment in Power Generation and
            Transmission and Distribution ..................... 274
     6.2.4  Aging Power Equipment in a Residential
            Environment ....................................... 275
     6.2.5  Aging Electrical Equipment in Rural/Agricultural
            Applications ...................................... 277
6.3  Rural/Agricultural Applications .......................... 277
     Failure Modes and Failure Rates of Aging Electrical
     Equipment ................................................ 278
     6.3.1  Definitions of Failure, Failure Mode, and Failure
            Rate of Electrical Equipment ...................... 278
     6.3.2  The Bath Tub Curve, the Hypothetical Failure
            Rate vs. Time ..................................... 279
     6.3.3  Failure Causes of CBs ............................. 280
     6.3.4  Failure Causes and Failure Rates of Power
            Transformers ...................................... 282
     6.3.5  Failure Causes of MV Switchgear ................... 283
     6.3.6  Failure Causes of Other MV and LV Power
            Electrical Equipment .............................. 284
     6.3.7  Failure Causes of Power Connectors ................ 285
     6.3.8  Inadequate Maintenance and Maintenance Quality as
            a Cause of Failure ................................ 287
6.4  Failure Causes and Rates of Electrical Equipment Based
     on CIGRÉ Survey .......................................... 288
     6.4.1  Results of the Older CIGRЙ Surveys of HV
            CB Failures ....................................... 289
     6.4.2  Failure Causes of GIS ............................. 290
     6.4.3  Failure Causes of SF6 CBs ......................... 293
     6.4.4  Failure Causes of Disconnectors and Earthing
            Switches .......................................... 294
6.5  Failure Cases of High-Voltage Electrical Equipment ....... 294
     6.5.1  Failures of HV Bushings ........................... 294
     6.5.2  Failures of HV Transformers ....................... 295
     6.5.3  Failure Mechanisms of HV Transformers and
            Bushings .......................................... 296
     6.5.4  Failures of HV CBs ................................ 297
6.6  Failure Cases of Low- and Medium-Voltage Electrical
     Equipment ................................................ 299
     6.6.1  Bushing Failures in MV Switchgear ................. 299
     6.6.2  Case Studies of MV Switchgear Failures ............ 300
     6.6.3  Metal-Clad Switchgear Failures .................... 302
     6.6.4  Failure of MV Power Cables ........................ 303
     6.6.5  LV Switchboard Failure ............................ 303
     References ............................................... 305

Chapter 7  Physical Conditions of Electrical Equipment:
Testing, Monitoring, and Diagnostics .......................... 309
7.1  Parameters Defining the Physical Conditions of
     Electrical Equipment ..................................... 310
     7.1.1  Transformers ...................................... 310
     7.1.2  HV Bushings ....................................... 310
     7.1.3  Circuit Breakers .................................. 310
     7.1.4  Switchgear ........................................ 310
     7.1.5  Power Cables ...................................... 311
7.2  Techniques for Testing Physical Conditions of MV Cables .. 311
     7.2.1  Comparison of MV Cable Testing Techniques ......... 312
     7.2.2  High Potential Withstand Test ..................... 313
     7.2.3  PD Diagnostics .................................... 315
     7.2.4  Choice of MV Cable Diagnostics .................... 316
7.3  Testing Techniques to Assess Insulation Conditions of
     HV/MV Switchgear, CBs, and Transformers .................. 317
     7.3.1  Insulation Condition: PD Testing .................. 317
     7.3.2  Diagnostics of Oil Condition ...................... 319
7.4  Online Monitoring Techniques for PD of MV Substations,
     Switchgear, and Cables ................................... 324
     7.4.1  PD Detection in Substations, Switchgear, and
            Cables ............................................ 325
     7.4.2  Monitoring PDs with Fiber-Optic Technology ........ 325
7.5  Testing of HV Bushing Conditions ......................... 326
7.6  Thermal Conditions of Electrical Equipment and
     Temperature Monitoring ................................... 327
     7.6.1  Temperature Measurement Using Thermography ........ 328
     7.6.2  Continuous Temperature Measurement ................ 328
     7.6.3  Fiber-Optic Technology for Temperature
            Measurement ....................................... 329
     7.6.4  Winding Temperature Monitoring of HV Transformers
            with the Fiber-Optic Technique .................... 331
     7.6.5  Wireless Temperature Monitoring ................... 332
7.7  Physical Conditions of Transmission Electrical
     Equipment: Online Monitoring Techniques .................. 336
     7.7.1  Condition Monitoring Technologies in Electrical
            Transmission ...................................... 336
     7.7.2  Overhead Transmission Lines ....................... 336
     7.7.3  Properties of Transmission Overhead Lines
            to Monitor, Sensing Elements and Monitoring
            Techniques ........................................ 338

Chapter 8  Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Life
Extension Techniques .......................................... 347
8.1  Maintenance Strategies ................................... 347
8.2  Maintenance as a Life Extension Technique ................ 349
     8.2.1  Time-Based Maintenance ............................ 349
     8.2.2  Maintenance of Power Circuit Breakers ............. 349
     8.2.3  Periodic Lubrication of the Power Circuit
            Breaker ........................................... 351
     8.2.4  Refurbishment or Reconditioning ................... 352
     8.2.5  Condition-Based Maintenance ....................... 354
8.3  CBM Methodology and Life Management ...................... 356
     8.3.1  Distribution Power Transformers ................... 356
     8.3.2  Power Cable Systems ............................... 358
8.4  Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Exposed to Corrosion
     and Water ................................................ 360
     8.4.1  Water-Damaged Electrical Equipment ................ 360
     8.4.2  Electrical Equipment in Nuclear Industry .......... 361
     References ............................................... 363

Index ......................................................... 367

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