List of abbreviations .......................................... II
1 Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1 Research questions ...................................... 5
1.2 Structure of the thesis ................................. 5
2 Compendium of manuscripts .................................... 7
2.1 ln-situ microcosms for demonstrating microbial
contaminant degradation (BACTRAP®) ...................... 7
2.2 Characterisation of microbial activity in the
framework of natural attenuation without groundwater
monitoring wells?: a new Direct-Push probe ............. 17
2.3 Hexadecane and pristane degradation potential
affected by varying redox conditions at the level of
the aquifer - Evidence from sediment incubations and
in-situ microcosms, submitted .......................... 32
2.4 Various methods for visualising microbial toluene and
benzene degrader activity in in-situ microcosms, in
prep ................................................... 49
2.5 Microbial cell-envelope fragments and the formation
of soil organic matter - a case study from a glacier
forefield .............................................. 66
3 Discussion .................................................. 85
3.1 In situ microbial activity assessment in water
saturated soils ........................................ 86
3.2 Microbial activity in the vadose zone .................. 91
3.3 Contribution of dead microbial biomass to non-living
soil organic matter .................................... 94
4 Summary ..................................................... 97
5 Zusammenfassung ............................................. 99
References ...................................................... V
Danksagung/Acknowledgements .................................. XXVI
Eigenständigkeitserklärung .................................. XXVII
Declaration of Independent Work ............................. XXVII
Curriculum vitae ........................................... XXVIII
Appendix ................................................... XXXIII