Electron crystallography of soluble and membrane proteins: methods and protocols (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаElectron crystallography of soluble and membrane proteins: methods and protocols / ed. by I.Schmidt-Krey, Y.Cheng. - New York: Humana Press, 2013. - xiii, 586 p.: ill. - (Methods in molecular biology; 955) (Springer protocols). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.569-586. - ISBN 978-1-62703-175-2

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Contributors ................................................... xi
1  Introduction to Electron Crystallography ..................... 1
   Werner Kühlbrandt
2  Practical Aspects in Expression and Purification of
   Membrane Proteins for Structural Analysis ................... 17
   Kutti R. Vinothkumar, Patricia С. Edwards, and Joerg
3  Two-Dimensional Crystallization of Membrane Proteins by
   Reconstitution Through Dialysis ............................. 31
   Matthew C. Johnson, Tina M. Dreaden, Laura Y. Kim,
   Frederik Rudolph, Bridgette A. Barry, and Ingeborg 
4  Monolayer Two-Dimensional Crystallization of Membrane
   Proteins .................................................... 59
   Luc Lebeau and Catherine Vénien-Bryan
5  Screening for Two-Dimensional Crystals by Transmission
   Electron Microscopy of Negatively Stained Samples ........... 73
   Tina M. Dreaden, Maureen Metcalfe, Laura Y. Kim, Matthew
   C. Johnson, Bridgette A. Barry, and Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey
6  Low Dose Techniques and Cryo-Electron Microscopy ........... 103
   Toshinori Fujiyoshi
7  Grid Preparation for Cryo-Electron Microscopy .............. 119
   Nobuhiko Gyobu
8  Recording High-Resolution Images of Two-Dimensional 
   Crystals of Membrane Proteins .............................. 129
   Agustin Avila-Sakar, Xueming Li, Shawn Q. Zheng, and 
   Yifan Cheng
9  The Collection of High-Resolution Electron Diffraction
   Data ....................................................... 153
   Tamir Gonen
10 Image Processing of 2D Crystal Images ...................... 171
   Marcel Arbeit, Daniel Castaño-Díez, Raphael Thierry,  
   Bryant R. Gipson, Xiangyan Zeng, and Henning Stahlberg
11 Merging of Image Data in Electron Crystallography .......... 195
   Marcel Arheit, Daniel Castaño-Díez, Raphaël Thierry,
   Priyanka Abeyrathne, Bryant R. Gipson, and Henning 
12 Evaluation of Electron Crystallographic Data from Images
   of Two-Dimensional Crystals ................................ 211
   Vinzenz M. Unger
13 Modeling, Docking, and Fitting of Atomic Structures to
   3D Maps from Cryo-Electron Microscopy ...................... 229
   Gregory S. Allen and David L. Stokes
14 Phasing Electron Diffraction Data by Molecular
   Replacement: Strategy for Structure Determination and
   Refinement ................................................. 243
   Goragot Wisedchaisri and Tamir Gonen
15 High-Throughput Methods for Electron Crystallography ....... 273
   David L. Stokes, Iban Ubarretxena-Belandia, Tamir Gonen,
   and Andreas Engel
16 Automated Grid Handling and Image Acquisition for Two-
   Dimensional Crystal Screening .............................. 297
   Anchi Cheng
17 Automation of Data Acquisition in Electron 
   Crystallography ............................................ 307
   Anchi Cheng
18 Automation of Image Processing in Electron 
   Crystallography ............................................ 313
   Marcel Arheit, Daniel Castaño-Diez, Raphael Thierry, 
   Bryant R. Gipson, Xiangyan Zeng, and Henning Stahlberg
19 Choice and Maintenance of Equipment for Electron 
   Crystallography ............................................ 331
   Deryck J. Mills and Janet Vonck
20 Future Developments in Instrumentation for Electron 
   Crystallography ............................................ 353
   Kenneth H. Downing
21 Tubular Crystals and Helical Arrays: Structural
   Determination of HIV-1 Capsid Assemblies Using Iterative
   Helical Real-Space Reconstruction .......................... 381
   Peijun Zhang, Xin Meng, and Gongpu Zhao
22 Single Particle Electron Microscopy ........................ 401
   Wilson C.Y. Lau and John L. Rubinstein
23 Electron Tomography of Paracrystalline 2D Arrays ........... 427
   Hanspeter Winkler, Shenping Wu, and Kenneth A. Taylor
24 High-Resolution Imaging of 2D Outer Membrane Protein 
   F. Crystals by Atomic Force Microscopy ..................... 461
   Dimitrios Fotiadis and Daniel J. Müller
25 Determination of Soluble and Membrane Protein Structures
   by X-Ray Crystallography ................................... 475
   Raquel L. Lieberman, Mary E. Peek, and J. Derrick Watkins
26 Solution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ........... 495
   James J.С. ho и and Remy Sounier
27 Structure-Function Insights of Membrane and Soluble
   Proteins Revealed by Electron Crystallography .............. 519
   Tina M. Dreaden, Bharanidharan Devarajan, Bridgette 
   A. Barry, and Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey
28 Lipid Monolayer and Sparse Matrix Screening for Growing
   Two-Dimensional Crystals for Electron Crystallography:
   Methods and Examples ....................................... 527
   Mark Yeager, Kelly A. Dryden, and Barbie K. Ganser-
29 Processing of Electron Diffraction Patterns with the XDP
   Program .................................................... 539
   Kaoru Mitsuoka
30 Future Directions of Electron Crystallography .............. 551
   Yoshinori Fujiyoshi
Index ......................................................... 569

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