Tieszen R.L. After Godel: Platonism and rationalism in mathematics and logic (Oxford, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTieszen R.L. After Gödel: Platonism and rationalism in mathematics and logic. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - xi, 245 p. - Bibliogr.: p.227-238. - Ind.: p.239-245. - ISBN 978-0-19-968061-0

Оглавление / Contents
1  Setting the Stage .................................................. 1
2  Incompleteness, Consistency, and the Ascent to Platonic 
   Rationalism ....................................................... 24
3  Godel's Path From Hilbert and Camap to Husserl .................... 51
4  A New Kind of Platonism ........................................... 77
5  Consciousness, Reason, and Intentionality ........................ 107
6  Constituted Platonism, Reason, and Mathematical Knowledge ........ 139
7  Minds and Machines ............................................... 177
8  Reason, Science, and Evidence .................................... 203
Bibliography ........................................................ 227
Index ............................................................... 239

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