Hakanson L. Principles of lake sedimentology (Caldwell, 2002). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHåkanson L. Principles of lake sedimentology / L.Håkanson, M.Jansson. - Caldwell: Blackburn Press, 2002. - 316 p. - Ref.: p.295-308. - Sub. ind.: p.309-316. - ISBN 1-930665-54-7

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Оглавление / Contents
1    Prologue ................................................... 1

2    Lake Types and Sediment Types .............................. 5
2.1  Lake Classifications ....................................... 5
     2.1.1  Genetic Lake Types .................................. 5
     2.1.2  Trophic Level Classifications ...................... 12
     2.1.3  Thermal Lake Types ................................. 14
2.2  Sediment Classifications .................................. 17
     2.2.1  Genetic Sediment Types ............................. 19
     2.2.2  Descriptive Sediment Classifications ............... 22
2.3  Lake Type versus Sediment Type ............................ 24

3    Methods of Sampling ....................................... 32
3.1  General Requirements on Sampling Equipment ................ 32
3.2  Types of Sampling System .................................. 37
     3.2.1  Number of Samples .................................. 39
     3.2.2  The Sample Formula ................................. 40
     3.2.3  Sampling in Different Environments - Statistical
            Aspects ............................................ 43
     3.2.4  Sub-Sampling ....................................... 48
3.3  Sediment Traps ............................................ 53
     3.3.1  Physics of Sedimentation in Vessels ................ 53
     3.3.2  Geometry of Vessels ................................ 56
     3.3.3  Practical Aspects .................................. 60
     3.3.4  Problems with Sediment Traps ....................... 61
3.4  The Cone Apparatus for in Situ Determination of Sediment
     Types ..................................................... 62
3.5  Methods of Defining Concentrations ........................ 65
3.6  Sampling of Sediment Pore Water ........................... 69

4    Physical and Chemical Sediment Parameters ................. 73
4.1  Physical Parameters ....................................... 73
     4.1.1  Water Content ...................................... 73
     4.1.2  Loss on Ignition (Organic Content) ................. 76
     4.1.3  Bulk Density ....................................... 80
     4.1.4  Grain Size ......................................... 82
    Methods of Analysis ....................... 82
    Grain Size Classifications ................ 84
    Statistical Definitions ................... 87
    Grain Size Interrelationships ............. 91
4.2  Chemical Parameters ....................................... 95
     4.2.1  Elemental Composition .............................. 95
     4.2.2  Organic Carbon Compounds ........................... 98
    Humic Compounds ........................... 98
    Other Organic Substances ................. 100
     4.2.3  Minerals in Lake Sediments ........................ 101
    Carbonates ............................... 101
    Silicates ................................ 104
    Iron ..................................... 107
    Phosphorus ............................... 108
    Sulfides ................................. 112
    Heavy Metals ............................. 113

5    Biological Parameters .................................... 118
5.1  Sediment-Living Algae .................................... 118
5.2  Macrophytes .............................................. 121
5.3  Benthic Invertebrates .................................... 122
     5.3.1  Important Forms of Benthic Animals ................ 123
     5.3.2  Feeding Mechanisms and Food Types Among Insects ... 127
     5.3.3  Distribution of Benthic Fauna Within Lakes ........ 127
     5.3.4  Benthic Lake Typologies ........................... 131
5.4  Bacteria ................................................. 133
     5.4.1  Functional Classification of Bacteria ............. 134
     5.4.2  Bacterial Turnover of Important Elements .......... 135
    Oxidation and Reduction of Nitrogen
                     Compounds ................................ 135
    Oxidation and Reduction of Sulfur
                     Compounds ................................ 136
    Oxidation and Reduction of Iron .......... 138
    Fermentation ............................. 138
    Methane Formation ........................ 139
     5.4.3  Decomposition of Organic Material - General
            Concepts .......................................... 139
     5.4.4  Strategies and Methods for Determination of
            Bacterial Activity ................................ 143
    The Whole-Lake Approach .................. 143
    Bacterial Activity in Experimental
                     Procedures ............................... 143
    Parameters Reflecting Total Bacterial
                     Activity ................................. 145
    Factors Reflecting Defined Parts of
                     Bacterial Activity ....................... 147

6    Sedimentation in Lakes and Water Dynamics ................ 148
6.1  Physics of Sedimentation in Lakes ........................ 148
6.2  Geography of Sedimentation in Lakes ...................... 156
     6.2.1  River-Mouth Areas ................................. 157
    Delta Sedimentation ...................... 157
    River Plume Sedimentation ................ 159
    The Borderline Between River Action and
                     Wind/Wave Action ......................... 164
     6.2.2  Open Water Areas .................................. 170
     6.2.3  Temporal Variations ............................... 174

7    Lake Bottom Dynamics ..................................... 177
7.1  Definitions .............................................. 177
7.2  Processes of Resuspension ................................ 181
     7.2.1  Entrainment ....................................... 181
     7.2.2  Turbidific Sedimentation .......................... 184
     7.2.3  Wind/Wave Influences .............................. 188
     7.2.4  Topographical Influences .......................... 194
7.3  Methods to Determine Prevailing Bottom Dynamics .......... 200
     7.3.1  Lake-Specific Methods ............................. 201
    The Energy-Topography Formula ............ 201
    The Characteristic Water Content Model ... 202
     7.3.2  Site-Specific Methods ............................. 204
    The ETA-Diagram .......................... 205
    The Cone Apparatus ....................... 206

8    Sediment Dynamics and Sediment Age ....................... 213
8.1  Laminated Sediments ...................................... 213
8.2  Bioturbation ............................................. 218
     8.2.1  Introduction ...................................... 218
     8.2.2  Patchiness ........................................ 219
    Areal Patchiness ......................... 219
    Vertical Patchiness ...................... 222
    Temporal Patchiness ...................... 222
    Species-Specific Patchiness .............. 222
     8.2.3  Modelling of Bioturbation/Biotransport ............ 224
    A Dynamic Model .......................... 225
    An Empirical Model ....................... 232
8.3  Sediment Age and Age Determination ....................... 237
     8.3.1  Methods of Age Determination ...................... 237
    Lead-210 ................................. 241
    Cesium-137 ............................... 243

9    Release of Substances from Lake Sediments - the
     Example of Phosphorus .................................... 244
9.1  Background and Presuppositions ........................... 244
9.2  Factors of Importance for Mobilization of Phosphorus ..... 246
     9.2.1  Fractional Distribution of Particulate
            Phosphorus ........................................ 246
     9.2.2  Redox Conditions .................................. 247
     9.2.3  pH ................................................ 248
     9.2.4  Microbial Mineralization .......................... 249
     9.2.5  Equilibrium Reactions ............................. 250
9.3  Transport Mechanisms ..................................... 250
     9.3.1  Phosphorus in Sediment Pore Water ................. 250
     9.3.2  Diffusion ......................................... 253
     9.3.3  Turbulent Mixing/Bottom Dynamics .................. 253
     9.3.4  Bioturbation ...................................... 254
     9.3.5  Gas Convection .................................... 254
9.4  A General View of Phosphorus Release ..................... 255

10   Sediments in Aquatic Pollution Control Programmes ........ 258
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 258
10.2 Why Use Sediments? ....................................... 258
10.3 How to Use Sediments ..................................... 262
     10.3.1 Principles of Metal Distribution in Aquatic
            Systems ........................................... 263
   The Type of Metal and Type of Pollution .. 264
   The "Carrier Particles" .................. 265
   The Environmental Characteristics ........ 269
   Natural Background Levels ................ 271
     10.3.2 The Contamination Factor .......................... 273
     10.3.3 Case Study - River Kolbäcksan ..................... 274
     10.3.4 The Degree of Contamination ....................... 280
11 Epilogue ................................................... 283

Appendix 1 Table for Student's t-Distribution ................. 285
Appendix 2 Computer Programmes in BASIC for Determination of
     Biotransport.Time Stratification and Sediment
     Compaction ............................................... 286
References .................................................... 295
Subject Index ................................................. 309

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