Heat pipes and solid sorption transformations: fundamentals and practical applications (Boca Raton, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHeat pipes and solid sorption transformations: fundamentals and practical applications / ed. by L.L.Vasiliev, S.Kakaç. - Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xviii, 518 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.497-518. - ISBN 978-1-4665-6414-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Editors ........................................................ xi
Contributors ................................................. xvii

1  A Review of Modelling Approaches to Heat and Mass 
   Transfers in Porous Wicks .................................... 1
   Sassi Ben Nasrallah and Marc Prat
2  Thermally Powered Adsorption Cooling: Recent Trends and
   Applications ................................................ 29
   В.B. Saha and I.I. El-Sharkawy
3  Optimisation of Adsorption Dynamics in Adsorptive Heat
   Transformers: Experiment and Modelling ...................... 63
   Yuri I. Aristov
4  Mechanisms of Intensive Heat Transfer for Different Modes 
   of Boiling ................................................. 109
   Victor V. Yagov
5  A Review of Practical Applications of Heat Pipes and
   Innovative Application of Opportunities for Global 
   Warming .................................................... 145
   M. Mochizuki, A. Akbarzadeh and T. Nguyen
6  Heat Pipes and Thermosyphons for Thermal Management of
   Solid Sorption Machines and Fuel Cells ..................... 213
   L.L. Vasiliev and L.L. Vasiliev Jr.
7  Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Sorption and
   Chemisorption Heat Converters and Their Optimisation ....... 259
   L.L. Vasiliev, O.S. Rabinovich, N.V. Pavlyukevich and
   M.Ум. Liakh
8  Sorption Systems with Heat Pipe Thermal Management for
   Hydrogenous Gas Storage and Transportation ................. 283
   L.L. Vasiliev and L.E. Kanonchik
9  Fundamental Questions of Closed Two-Phase Thermosyphons .... 319
   M.K. Bezrodny
10 Thermal Control Systems with Variable Conductance Heat
   Pipes for Space Application: Theory and Practice ........... 357
   V.M. Baturkin
11 Thermosyphon Technology for Industrial Applications ........ 411
   Marcia В. H. Mantelli
12 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with Phase Change in
   Minichannels and Microchannels ............................. 465
   V.V. Kuznetsov and S.A. Safonov

Index ......................................................... 497

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