Atmospheric turbulence and mesoscale meteorology: scientific research inspired by Doug Lilly (Cambridge, 2004 (2010)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAtmospheric turbulence and mesoscale meteorology: scientific research inspired by Doug Lilly / ed. by E.Fedorovich, R.Rotunno, B.Stevens. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 (2010). - x, 280 p., [8] p. of plates: ill., ports. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.279-280. - ISBN 978-0-521-18392-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Douglas K. Lilly: a biography ................................... 1
   Katharine M. Kanak
   with recollections from K. Bryan, J. Deardorff,
   K. Droegemeier, J. Kimpel, P. Lamb, D. Lenschow, and
   J. Smagorinsky

Part I Atmospheric turbulence .................................. 15
1  Changing the face of small-scale meteorology ................ 17
   John C. Wyngaard
2  Phenomenological hunts in two-dimensional and stably
   stratified turbulence ....................................... 35
   James C. McWilliams
3  Energy dissipation in large-eddy simulation: dependence
   on flow structure and effects of eigenvector alignments ..... 51
   Chad Higgins, Marc Parlange, and Charles Meneveau
4  Dreams of a stratocumulus sleeper ........................... 71
   David A. Randall and Wayne H. Schubert
5  Large-eddy simulations of cloud-topped mixed layers ......... 95
   Chin-Hoh Moeng, Peter P. Sullivan, and Bjorn Stevens

Part II Mesoscale meteorology ................................. 115
6  Model numerics for convective-storm simulation ............. 117
   Joseph B. Klemp and William C. Skamarock
7  Numerical prediction of thunderstorms: fourteen years 
   later ...................................................... 139
   Juanzhen Sun
8  Tropical cyclone energetics and structure .................. 165
   Kerry Emanuel
9  Mountain meteorology and regional climates ................. 193
   Ronald B. Smith
10 Dynamic processes contributing to the mesoscale spectrum
   of atmospheric motions ..................................... 223
   Kenneth S. Gage

Appendix A  Douglas K. Lilly: positions, awards, and 
students ...................................................... 265
   Compiled by Katharine M. Kanak
Appendix В  List of publications by Douglas K. Lilly .......... 268
   Compiled by Katharine M. Kanak

Index ......................................................... 279

The color plates are situated between pages 118 and 199,
and are also available for download from

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