Alexeev A.D. Physics of coal and mining processes (Boca Raton, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAlexeev A.D. Physics of coal and mining processes. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. - xiii, 369 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.359-369. - ISBN 978-1-4398-7634-3

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ...................................................... vii
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
Author ....................................................... xiii
1  Coal Structure ............................................... 1
   1.1  Genesis of Coal Substance ............................... 2
   1.2  Elemental Composition of Coals .......................... 5
   1.3  Structure of Organic Mass ............................... 8
   1.4  X-Ray Studies .......................................... 17
        1.4.1  Literature Review ............................... 17
        1.4.2  Structural Peculiarities of Coal-Methane
               System .......................................... 31
        1.4.3  New Approach to Analyzing Coal via Scattering
               X-Ray Investigation ............................. 37
       Materials and Methods .................. 41
       Results and Discussion ................. 42
        1.4.4  Conclusions ..................................... 53
   1.5  Porosity ............................................... 53
        1.5.1  General Characteristics ......................... 54
        1.5.2  Neutron Scattering .............................. 59
        1.5.3  Fractality ...................................... 63
        1.5.4  Closed Porosity of Donbass Coals ................ 69
   1.6  Conclusions ............................................ 78
   References .................................................. 80
2  Equilibrium Phase States and Mass Transfer in Coal-Methane
   Systems ..................................................... 87
   2.1  Equilibrium and Dynamics of Mass Exchange between
        Sorbed and Free Methane ................................ 87
        2.1.1  Gaseous State of Methane in System of Opened
               and Closed Pores ................................ 87
        2.1.2  Solid Solution of Methane in Coal: Absorption
               and Adsorption .................................. 90
        2.1.3  Diffusion of Methane from Coal Lumps into
               Filtration Volume: Efficient Diffusion
               Coefficient ..................................... 93
   2.2  Joint Flow of Filtration and Diffusion Processes in
        Coal Massifs ........................................... 94
        2.2.1  Double-Time Models of Mass Transfer: Fast 'and
               Slow Methane .................................... 94
        2.2.2  Methane Escaping from Coal into Closed Volume:
               Role of Backpressure ............................ 98
        2.2.3  Methane Flow from Coal Seam into Worked-Out
               Space .......................................... 104
   2.3  Methane Accumulation in Dangerous Coal Lump Regions ... 107
        2.3.1  Time for Formation of Highly Explosive
               Methane-Air Mixture ............................ 107
        2.3.2  Thermodynamic Gibbs Potential for Gas-Coal
               Massif: Prognosis for Localization of Coal
               Burst Sections of Seam ......................... 111
   2.4  Investigation of Phase State and Desorption
        Mechanisms of Methane in Coal ......................... 114
        2.4.1  Methane Phase States in Coal ................... 115
        2.4.2  Kinetics and Mechanisms of Methane Desorption
               from Coal ...................................... 126
        2.4.3  Transformation of Methane Desorption
               Mechanism: Three Stages of Desorption .......... 140
   2.5  Conclusions ........................................... 143
   References ................................................. 144
3  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Coal and Rocks ....... 147
   3.1  Experimental Techniques ............................... 147
        3.1.1  High Resolution Spectrometers .................. 147
        3.1.2  Wide Line Spectrometers ........................ 148
        3.1.3  High Pressure Technique ........................ 151
   3.2  Coal Structure Research ............................... 157
        3.2.1  Determining Structural Components of Coals
               through 1H NMR Data ............................ 157
        3.2.2  Application of 13C NMR for Analyzing Coal
               Structures ..................................... 158
        3.2.3  Research of Donets Basin Coals ................. 160
   3.3  Phase States of Water and Methane in Coal ............. 161
        3.3.1  Water-Coal Adsorption .......................... 163
        3.3.2  Adsorption by Impulse NMR ...................... 170
        3.3.3  Water in Rocks ................................. 182
        3.3.4  Methane in Coal ................................ 187
   3.4  Phase State of Binding in Rocks ....................... 195
        3.4.1  Polymer Compositions in Coals .................. 195
        3.4.2  Binding in Rocks ............................... 200
   3.5  Conclusions ........................................... 209
   References ................................................. 210
4  Behaviors of Rocks and Coals in Volumetric Fields of
   Compressive Stresses ....................................... 215
   4.1  Experimental Technique ................................ 215
        4.1.1  Literature Review .............................. 216
        4.1.2  True Triaxial Compression Unit ................. 220
   4.2  Strength Properties of Rocks Treated by Different
        Binders ............................................... 226
        4.2.1  Experimental Methods and Estimates of
               Strengthening .................................. 227
        4.2.2  Width of Fissure Openings ...................... 229
        4.2.3  Moisture of Rocks under Strengthening .......... 230
        4.2.4  Temperature of Surroundings .................... 232
        4.2.5  Conclusions .................................... 233
   4.3  Influence of Loading Method and Loading History on
        Volumetric Strength ................................... 234
        4.3.1  Loading Method ................................. 234
        4.3.2  Loading History ................................ 237
        4.3.3  Conclusions .................................... 240
   4.4  Coal Destruction ...................................... 240
        4.4.1  Mechanism of Coal Destruction .................. 241
        4.4.2  Filtration Properties .......................... 249
        4.4.3  Changes of Fissured and Porous Structures ...... 252
   4.5  Limit State ........................................... 254
   4.6  Post-Limit State ...................................... 261
        4.6.1  Essence of Problem ............................. 262
        4.6.2  Post-Limit Deformation under True Triaxial
               Compression .................................... 264
   4.7  Conclusions ........................................... 272
   References ................................................. 273
5  Genesis of Natural Gases, Methane Extraction, and Coal
   Mining Safety .............................................. 277
   5.1  Genesis of Gases in Coal-Bearing Series ............... 277
        5.1.1  Methane Isotopic Analysis: Literature Review ... 278
        5.1.2  Methane Isotopic Analysis: Experiment and
               Discussion ..................................... 279
        5.1.3  Mossbauer Spectroscopy ......................... 282
        5.1.4  Stoichiometry of Reaction ...................... 285
        5.1.5  Conclusions .................................... 287
   5.2  Dependence of Outburst Proneness on Mineral
        Inclusions ............................................ 288
        5.2.1  Experiments and Discussion ..................... 288
        5.2.2  Conclusions .................................... 292
   5.3  Electromagnetic Method of Seam Degassing .............. 292
        5.3.1  Electric Dipole ................................ 301
        5.3.2  Magnetic Dipole ................................ 302
        5.3.3  Conclusions .................................... 303
   5.4  Physics of Fissured Porous Coal Structure
        Transformation under Influence of Unloading Wave ...... 303
        5.4.1  Influence of Gas Content on Stability of
               Coal- Gas System ............................... 304
        5.4.2  Modeling of Porous Medium ...................... 308
        5.4.3  Movement of Wave of Unloading .................. 310
        5.4.4  Transformation of Pores into Fissures .......... 316
   5.5  Classification of Gas-Dynamic Phenomenon Type ......... 318
        5.5.1  Criteria of GDP ................................ 320
        5.5.2  Parameters and Technology of Method ............ 324
   5.6  Predicting Coal Seam and Sandstone Outburst Danger .... 327
        5.6.1  Outburst Dangers of Coal Seams ................. 327
       Criteria for Outburst Danger .......... 327
       Criteria for Outburst Estimation ...... 327
       Grounding and Testing of Outburst
                        Prediction Method at Openings of
                        Steep Seams ........................... 332
        5.6.2  Rock and Gas Outbursts ......................... 335
   5.7  Safe Extraction of Coal ............................... 341
        5.7.1  Outburst Control Measures ...................... 341
        5.7.2  Safe Load on Working Face ...................... 349
   5.8  Conclusions ........................................... 351
   References ................................................. 351

Index ......................................................... 359

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