Tu J. Computational fluid dynamics: a practical approach (Waltham; Oxford, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTu J. Computational fluid dynamics: a practical approach / J.Tu, G.-H.Yeoh, Ch.Liu. - 2nd ed. - Waltham; Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 2013. - xiii, 440 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.421-44. - Ind.: p.435-440. - ISBN 978-0-08-098243-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the First Edition .................................. VII
Preface to the Second Edition .................................. xi
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii

1  Introduction
   1.1  What is computational fluid dynamics? ................... 1
   1.2  Advantages of computational fluid dynamics .............. 4
   1.3  Application of computational fluid dynamics ............. 6
   1.4  The future of computational fluid dynamics ............. 26
   1.5  Summary ................................................ 27
   Review questions ............................................ 28
2  CFD Solution Procedure - A Beginning
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 31
   2.2  Problem setup - pre-process ............................ 34
   2.3  Numerical solution - CFD solver ........................ 43
   2.4  Result report and visualization - post-process ......... 49
   2.5  Summary ................................................ 58
   Review questions ............................................ 60
3  Governing Equations for CFD - Fundamentals
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 61
   3.2  The continuity equation ................................ 61
   3.3  The momentum equation .................................. 70
   3.4  The energy equation .................................... 84
   3.5  The additional equations for turbulent flow ............ 94
   3.6  Generic form of the governing equations for CFD ....... 104
   3.7  Physical boundary conditions of the governing
        equations ............................................. 113
   3.8  Summary ............................................... 116
   Review questions ........................................... 118
4  CFD Techniques - The Basics
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 123
   4.2  Discretization of governing equations ................. 125
   4.3  Converting governing equations to algebraic
        equation system ....................................... 136
   4.4  Numerical solutions to algebraic equations ............ 150
   4.5  Pressure-velocity coupling - "SIMPLE" scheme .......... 160
   4.6  Multi-grid method ..................................... 170
   4.7  Summary ............................................... 172
   Review questions ........................................... 173
5  CFD Solution Analysis - Essentials
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 177
   5.2  Consistency ........................................... 178
   5.3  Stability ............................................. 182
   5.4  Convergence ........................................... 188
   5.5  Accuracy .............................................. 195
   5.6  Efficiency ............................................ 205
   5.7  Case studies .......................................... 206
   5.8  Summary ............................................... 215
   Review questions ........................................... 216
6  Practical Guidelines for CFD Simulation and Analysis
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 219
   6.2  Guidelines on grid generation ......................... 220
   6.3  Guidelines for boundary conditions .................... 242
   6.4  Guidelines for turbulence modeling .................... 249
   6.5  Summary ............................................... 268
   Review questions ........................................... 269
7  Some Applications of CFD with Examples
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 275
   7.2  To assist in the design process - as a design tool .... 276
   7.3  To enhance understanding - as a research tool ......... 282
   7.4  Other important applications .......................... 288
   7.5  Summary ............................................... 340
   Review questions ........................................... 343
8  Some Advanced Topics in CFD
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 349
   8.2  Advances in numerical methods and techniques .......... 349
   8.3  Advances in computational models ...................... 367
   8.4  Other numerical approaches for CFD .................... 383
   8.5  Summary ............................................... 391
   Review questions ........................................... 392

Appendix A  Full Derivation of Conservation Equations ......... 395
Appendix В  Upwind Schemes .................................... 401
Appendix С  Explicit and Implicit Methods ..................... 403
Appendix D  Learning Program .................................. 405
Appendix E  CFD Assignments and Guideline for CFD Project ..... 407
   References ................................................. 421
Index ......................................................... 435

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