Luna A. Diffusion MRI outside the brain: a case-based review and clinical applications (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLuna A. Diffusion MRI outside the brain: a case-based review and clinical applications / A.Luna, R.Ribes, J.A.Soto. - Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012. - xxi, 400 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.395-400. - ISBN 78-3-642-21051-8

Место хранения: 054 | Международный томографический центр CO РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
1  Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Acquisition and Biophysical
   Basis ........................................................ 1
   Javier Sánchez-González and Javier Lafuente-Martínez
   1.1  Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Physical Basis and
        Types of Acquisition .................................... 1
   1.2  Fat Suppression Techniques .............................. 7
   1.2.1   Advanced Fat Suppression Techniques ................. 11
   1.3  Motion Control ......................................... 11
   1.4  Non-Single-Shot EPI Acquisition ........................ 11
   Further Reading ............................................. 15
2  How to Identify and Avoid Artifacts on DWI .................. 17
   Javier Sánchez-González
   2.1  Optimization of Signal to Noise Ratio .................. 17
   2.2  Geometrical Distortion Artifacts ....................... 22
   2.3  Motion Artifacts ....................................... 22
   2.4  Eddy Currents Artifacts ................................ 22
   2.5  Fat Suppression Artifacts .............................. 22
   2.6  Dielectric Shielding Artifacts ......................... 28
   2.7  Tips in DWI Sequence Design for Body Applications ...... 28
   Further Reading ............................................. 31
3  Quantification and Postprocessing of DWI .................... 33
   Javier Sánchez-González and Antonio Luna
   3.1  Biophysical Basis ...................................... 33
   3.2  Estimation of Quantitative Data ........................ 33
        3.2.1  ADC and eADC Estimation with Two and Multiple
               b-Values ........................................ 33
        3.2.2  Multiexponential Modeling of Diffusion .......... 35
        3.2.3  Diffusion Tensor Imaging ........................ 37
   3.3  DWI Analysis and Postprocessing ........................ 39
        3.3.1  Diffusion Registration .......................... 39
        3.3.2  DWI Analysis and Postprocessing ................. 39
        3.3.3  ADC Analysis .................................... 41
   Further Reading ............................................. 48
4  DWI at 3 T: Advantages, Disadvantages, Pitfalls,
   and Advanced Clinical Applications .......................... 51
   Javier Sánchez-González and Antonio Luna
   4.1  DWI at 3T .............................................. 51
   4.1.1   Advanced Clinical Applications at 3 T Magnets ....... 52
   4.2  Pitfalls in DWI ........................................ 66
        4.2.1  T2 Shine-Through ................................ 66
        4.2.2  T2 Dark-Through ................................. 66
        4.2.3  Restriction of Normal Structures ................ 68
        4.2.4  Iron Overload ................................... 68
        4.2.5   Nonmalignant Lesions with Apparent
                Restrictions on DWI ............................ 68
        4.2.6   Tumors with Low Cellular Density ............... 70
   4.3  Conclusions ............................................ 72
   Further Reading ............................................. 72
5  DWI of the Liver ............................................ 75
   Antonio Luna and Luis Luna
   5.1  Background ............................................. 75
   5.2  DWI: Basic Concepts .................................... 75
   5.3  DWI: Basic Sequence Design ............................. 75
   5.4  Quantification ......................................... 80
   5.5  Other Techniques ....................................... 81
   5.6  Clinical Applications in Liver Disease ................. 81
        5.6.1  Focal Liver Lesion Detection .................... 81
        5.6.2  Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions ......... 83
        5.6.3  Benign Focal Liver Lesions ...................... 84
        5.6.4  Malignant Focal Liver Lesions ................... 85
        5.6.5  Focal Liver Lesions in the Cirrhotic Liver ...... 86
        5.6.6  Monitoring Response to Treatment ................ 90
        5.6.7  Diffuse Liver Disease ........................... 90
   5.7  Conclusions ............................................ 96
   Further Reading ............................................. 96
6  Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Pancreas ............... 99
   Jorge A. Soto, German A. Castrillon, Stephan Anderson, and
   Nagaraj Holalkere
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 99
   6.2  Pancreatic Cancer ..................................... 100
   6.3  Cystic Masses ......................................... 100
   6.4  Other Applications .................................... 100
   6.5  Biliary Tract ......................................... 101
        Case 6.1:  Mass-Forming Focal Pancreatitis ............ 102
        Case 6.2:  Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma ........... 104
        Case 6.3:  Serous Cystadenoma ......................... 106
        Case 6.4:  Pancreatic Pseudocyst ...................... 108
        Case 6.5:  Von Hippel Lindau Disease with Simple
                   Pancreatic Cysts. .......................... 110
        Case 6.6:  Mucinous Суstadenoma ....................... 112
        Case 6.7:  Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm .... 114
        Case 6.8:  Sclerosing Pancreatitis and Peripancreatic
                   Collection ................................. 116
        Case 6.9:  Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma ................... 118
        Case 6.10: Acute Cholecystitis ........................ 120
   Further Reading ............................................ 122
7  Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Renal and Adrenal
   Glands ..................................................... 123
   Nagaraj Holalkere, Stephan Anderson, and Jorge A. Soto
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 123
   7.2  Technique ............................................. 123
   7.3  Renal DWI ............................................. 124
   7.4  Adrenal DWI ........................................... 125
        Case 7.1:  Papillary Cell Carcinoma ................... 126
        Case 7.2:  Cystic Clear Cell Carcinoma ................ 128
        Case 7.3:  Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst ..................... 130
        Case 7.4:  Lymph Node Metastasis ...................... 132
        Case 7.5:  Alternative to Contrast-Enhanced MR
                   Imaging .................................... 134
        Case 7.6:  Recurrent Renal Cancer ..................... 136
        Case 7.7:  Adrenal Metastatic Lesion .................. 137
        Case 7.8:  Lipid Rich Adrenal Adenoma ................. 139
        Case 7.9:  Adrenal Hematoma ........................... 141
        Case 7.10: Collision Tumor ............................ 142
   Further Reading ............................................ 144
8  Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Prostate, Bladder, and
   Retroperitoneum ............................................ 145
   Joan C. Vilanova, Roberto Garcia-Figueiras, Joaquim Barceló,
   and Antonio Luna
   8.1  DWI of Prostate ....................................... 145
        8.1.1  Biophysical Basis .............................. 145
        8.1.2  Technical Adjustments .......................... 145
        8.1.3  DWI of the Prostate at 3 T ..................... 146
        8.1.4  Benign Conditions .............................. 146
        8.1.5  Cancer Detection ............................... 147
        8.1.6  Cancer Localization ............................ 147
        8.1.7  Tumoral Grading and Local Staging (T-Staging) .. 148
        8.1.8  N and M Staging ................................ 148
        8.1.9  Posttreatment Monitorization, Detection of
               Recurrence, and Prediction of Response to
               Treatment ...................................... 148
        8.1.10 Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) ................. 149
   8.2  Applications of DWI in Bladder Cancer ................. 150
   8.3  Assessment of the Retroperitoneum with DWI ............ 150
        Case 8.1:  Evaluation of Prostatic Cancer
                   with DWI at 3 T Magnet? .................... 151
        Case 8.2:  Chronic Prostatitis ........................ 154
        Case 8.3:  Central Gland Prostate Cancer .............. 156
        Case 8.4:  Bilateral Peripheral Prostate Cancer ....... 158
        Case 8.5:  Seminal Vesicles Infiltration .............. 160
        Case 8.6:  Monitorization of Response to Hormonal
                   Therapy in a Patient with Prostate Cancer
                   and Metastatic Pelvic Lymph Nodes .......... 162
        Case 8.7:  Local Recurrence After Brachytherapy ....... 164
        Case 8.8:  Local Recurrence After Radical
                   Prostatectomy .............................. 166
        Case 8.9:  Bladder Carcinoma .......................... 169
        Case 8.10: Recurrent Retroperitoneal Leiomyosarcoma ... 172
   Further Reading ............................................ 174
9  Use of DWI in Female Pelvis ................................ 177
   German A. Castrillon, Stephan Anderson, Nagaraj
   Holalkere, and Jorge A. Soto
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 177
   9.2  Normal Appearance of Uterus and Cervix on DWI ......... 177
   9.3  Clinical Applications ................................. 178
        9.3.1  Cervical Carcinoma ............................. 178
        9.3.2   Endometrial Cancer ............................ 178
        9.3.3  Myometrium ..................................... 179
        9.3.4  Characterization of Ovarian Masses ............. 180
        9.3.5  Assessment of Peritoneal Spread of Ovarian
               Carcinoma ...................................... 180
        9.3.6  Vagina and Vulva ............................... 180
        Case 9.1:  Residual Cervical Carcinoma ................ 181
        Case 9.2:  Characterization of Endometrial
                   Adenocarcinoma ............................. 183
        Case 9.3:  Early Endometrial Adenocarcinoma ........... 185
        Case 9.4:  Adenomyosis ................................ 187
        Case 9.5:  Uterine Leiomyoma .......................... 189
        Case 9.6:  Adnexal Endometrioma ....................... 191
        Case 9.7:  Ovarian Fibroma ............................ 193
        Case 9.8:  Didelphus Uterus and Ovarian Dermoid
                   Tumor ...................................... 195
        Case 9.9:  Ovarian Carcinoma .......................... 197
        Case 9.10: Vulvar Sarcoma ............................. 199
   Further Reading ............................................ 200
10 DWI of the Breast .......................................... 203
   Joaquim Barceló, Joan C. Vilanova, and Antonio Luna
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 203
   10.2 Quantification in Breast DWI .......................... 203
   10.3 Assessment of Breast Lesions .......................... 204
   10.4 Technical Considerations of Breast DWI ................ 205
   10.5 Breast Cancer: Monitorization and Prediction
        of Response to Treatment with DWI ..................... 206
   10.6 Breast Cancer: Screening and Staging with DWI ......... 206
        Case 10.1:  Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ................. 208
        Case 10.2:  Pure Mucinous Carcinoma ................... 210
        Case 10.3:  Ductal Carcinoma In Situ .................. 211
        Case 10.4:  Fibroadenoma .............................. 214
        Case 10.5:  Borderline Phyllodes Tumor ................ 215
        Case 10.6:  Infiltrating Lobulillar Carcinoma ......... 217
        Case 10.7:  Invasive Lobulillar Carcinoma - IVIM
                    Approach .................................. 219
        Case 10.8:  Post-treatment Monitorization of
                    Lobulillar Carcinoma ...................... 222
        Case 10.9:  Post-treatment Monitorization of
                    Multifocal Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma .. 225
        Case 10.10: Recurrent Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ....... 227
   Further Reading ............................................ 228
11 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Gastrointestinal
   Tract and Peritoneum ....................................... 231
   German A. Castrillon, Stephan Anderson, Jorge A. Soto,
   and Antonio Luna
   11.1 Malignant Lesions of GI Tract on DWI .................. 231
        11.1.1 Colorectal Carcinoma ........................... 232
        11.1.2 Stomach ........................................ 232
        11.1.3 Small Bowel Tumors ............................. 233
        11.1.4 Esophagus ...................................... 234
   11.2 Inflammatory Diseases ................................. 234
        11.2.1 Acute Appendicitis ............................. 235
        11.2.2 Acute Diverticulitis ........................... 236
        11.2.3 Colitis and Enteritis .......................... 236
        11.2.4 Epiploic Appendagitis and Omental Infarction ... 236
   11.3 Evaluation of the Peritoneum .......................... 237
        Case 11.1:  Colon Carcinoma ........................... 238
        Case 11.2:  Gastric Carcinoma ......................... 240
        Case 11.3:  Gastric Lymphoma .......................... 240
        Case 11.4:  Duodenal Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ............. 243
        Case 11.5:  Esophageal Carcinoma ...................... 245
        Case 11.6:  Acute Appendicitis ........................ 246
        Case 11.7:  Acute Diverticulitis with Abscess
                    Formation ................................. 247
        Case 11.8:  Crohn's Disease - Active Inflammation ..... 249
        Case 11.9:  Crohn's Disease: Fibrostenotic Stage ...... 250
        Case 11.10: Peritoneal Metastases of Ovarian
                    Carcinoma ................................. 252
   Further Reading ............................................ 253
12 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Anorectal Region ............. 255
   Lidia Alcalá, Teodoro Martín, and Antonio Luna
   12.1 Technical Considerations .............................. 255
   12.2 Clinical Applications ................................. 255
        12.2.1 Rectal Cancer Detection ........................ 255
        12.2.2 Rectal Cancer Staging .......................... 256
        12.2.3 Prediction of Rectal Cancer Outcome and Early
               Detection of Tumor Response .................... 256
        12.2.4 Posttreatment Restaging and Detection of
               Recurrence ..................................... 257
        12.2.5 Applications of DWI in Other Rectal Tumors ..... 257
        12.2.6 Inflammatory Conditions ........................ 258
        12.2.7 Evaluation of Fistula-In-Ano ................... 258
   12.3 Conclusions ........................................... 258
        Case 12.1:  T1-Stage Concurrent Carcinomatous Rectal
                    Polyps .................................... 259
        Case 12.2:  Detection of Mesorectal Lymphadenopathies
                    Using DWI ................................. 261
        Case 12.3:  Prediction of Response to Neoadjuvant
                    Treatment ................................. 263
        Case 12.4:  Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum
                    with Poor Response to Treatment ........... 265
        Case 12.5:  Diagnosis and Monitoring of Presacral
                    Recurrence of Rectal Carcinoma ............ 267
        Case 12.6:  Cystic Retrorectal Hamartoma or Tailgut
                    Cyst ...................................... 269
        Case 12.7:  Monitorization of Response to Treatment
                    with Imatinib of a Rectal GIST ............ 270
        Case 12.8:  Perirectal Abscess Secondary to
                    Postsurgical Dehiscence of Sutures ........ 273
        Case 12.9:  Complicated Acute Diverticulitis .......... 275
        Case 12.10: Crohn's Disease and Perianal Fistulas ..... 276
   Further Reading ............................................ 277
13 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in the Evaluation of Lung,
   Mediastinum, Heart, and Chest Wall ......................... 279
   Antonio Luna, Teodoro Martín, and Javier Sánchez González
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 279
   13.2 Technical Considerations .............................. 279
   13.3 Clinical Applications ................................. 280
        13.3.1 Detection of Pulmonary Nodules ................. 280
        13.3.2 Pulmonary Nodule Characterization .............. 280
        13.3.3 Lung Cancer Evaluation ......................... 280
        13.3.4 Staging of NSCLC with DWI ...................... 281
        13.3.5 Mediastinum .................................... 282
        13.3.6 Pleural Disease ................................ 282
        13.3.7 Hyperpolarized Gases DWI ....................... 282
        13.3.8 Chest Wall ..................................... 282
        13.3.9 Cardiac DWI and DTI ............................ 283
   13.4 Conclusions ........................................... 283
        Case 13.1:  Synchronization on Chest DWI .............. 284
        Case 13.2:  Pulmonary Metastasis of Renal Cell
                    Carcinoma ................................. 286
        Case 13.3:  Solitary Benign Lung Nodule in an
                    Asymptomatic Patient ...................... 288
        Case 13.4:  Histological Grading and Prediction of
                    Response and Posttreatment
                    Monitorization of Lung Adenocarcinoma ..... 290
        Case 13.5:  Distinction of Central Bronchogenic
                    Carcinoma and Peripheral Obstructive
                    Atelectasis ............................... 292
        Case 13.6:  Staging and Posttreatment Monitorization
                    of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma .............. 294
        Case 13.7:  Exudative Pleural Effusion ................ 297
        Case 13.8:  Chronic and Occult Acute Rib Fractures .... 299
        Case 13.9:  Pericardial Neuroblastoma ................. 301
        Case 13.10: Ex Vivo DTI of a Pig Heart ................ 303
   Further Reading ............................................ 305
14 Role of DWI in the Evaluation of Tumors of the Head
   and Neck and in the Assessment of Lymph Nodes .............. 307
   Inmaculada Rodriguez, Teodoro Martín, and Antonio Luna
   14.1 DWI in Head and Neck Regions .......................... 307
        14.1.1 Technical Aspects and Field-Strength ........... 307
        14.1.2 Characterization of Benign and Malignant
               Tumors ......................................... 308
        14.1.3 Salivary Gland Tumors .......................... 309
        14.1.4 Monitoring and Predicting Response to
               Treatment ...................................... 309
        14.1.5 Detection of Recurrence ........................ 310
   14.2 Evaluation of Lymph Nodes With DWI .................... 310
        14.2.1 Evaluation of Cervical Lymph Nodes ............. 310
        14.2.2 DWI of Lymph Nodes in Chest, Abdomen, and
               Pelvis ......................................... 311
        Case 14.1:  Intraorbital Metastasis from
                    Retroperitoneal Leiomyosarcoma ............ 312
        Case 14.2:  Oropharynx Cancer with Nodal Metastases ... 314
        Case 14.3:  Superficial Giant Neurofibroma ............ 317
        Case 14.4:  Cervical Esophageal Cancer ................ 319
        Case 14.5:  Recurrent Lingual Carcinoma ............... 321
        Case 14.6:  Cellulitis and Sialadenitis of Parotid
                    Gland with Abscess Formation .............. 325
        Case 14.7:  Nodal and Local Recurrence of Parotid
                    Squamous Cell Carcinoma ................... 327
        Case 14.8:  Posttreatment Monitorization and
                    Prediction of Response to Treatment of
                    Occult Cavum Carcinoma with Metastatic
                    Cervical Lymph Nodes ...................... 329
        Case 14.9:  Nodal Metastasis in the Neck from
                    Squamous Cell Carcinoma ................... 333
        Case 14.10: Vertebral, Nodal, and Peritoneal
                    Metastases of Surgically Removed
                    Endometrial Cancer ........................ 335
   Further Reading ............................................ 337
15 Musculoskeletal Applications of DWI ........................ 339
   Joan C. Vilanova, Sandra Baleato, and Elda Balliu
   15.1 DWI Sequences ......................................... 339
   15.2 Clinical Applications ................................. 340
        15.2.1 Bone Marrow Assessment ......................... 340
        15.2.2 Evaluation of the Spine ........................ 340
        15.2.3 Soft-tissue Tumors ............................. 340
        15.2.4 Postreatment Monitorization .................... 341
        15.2.5 Infection and Inflammation ..................... 342
        15.2.6 Bone Ischemia and Trauma ....................... 342
        15.2.7 Cartilage ...................................... 342
   15.3 New Approaches to DWI of the Musculoskeletal System ... 342
        Case 15.1:  Bone Plasmacytoma ......................... 343
        Case 15.2:  Benign Vertebral Fracture ................. 346
        Case 15.3:  Spondylodiscitis .......................... 348
        Case 15.4:  Liposclerosing Myxofibrous Tumor .......... 350
        Case 15.5:  Chronic Popliteal Cyst .................... 352
        Case 15.6:  Recurrent Malignant Soft Tissue Tumor ..... 354
        Case 15.7:  Postsurgical Follow-up of Degenerative
                    Disk Disease .............................. 356
        Case 15.8:  Diabetic Osteomyelitis and Neuropathic
                    Foot ...................................... 358
        Case 15.9:  Pelvic Abscesses Secondary to Symphysis
                    Pubis Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis .. 360
        Case 15.10: Rheumatoid Arthritis ...................... 362
   Further Reading ............................................ 364
16 Whole-Body Applications of DWI ............................. 365
   Joan C. Vilanova, Sandra Baleato, Joaquim Barceló, and
   Antonio Luna
   16.1 General and Technical Considerations .................. 365
   16.2 Oncological Applications ... 366
   16.3 Comparison of WB-DWI to PET and PET-CT ................ 367
   16.4 Non Oncological Applications .......................... 368
        Case 16.1:  Multifocal Bone Tuberculosis .............. 369
        Case 16.2:  Bone Metastases from Breast Cancer ........ 372
        Case 16.3:  Bone and Lymph Node Metastases from
                    Prostate Cancer ........................... 374
        Case 16.4:  Multiple Myeloma .......................... 376
        Case 16.5:  Bone Metastases from Unknown Primary ...... 378
        Case 16.6:  Liver and Bone Metastases from Lung
                    Cancer .................................... 380
        Case 16.7:  Search for the Primary Neoplasm in a
                    Patient with Hepatic Metastases ........... 382
        Case 16.8:  Staging and Posttreatment Monitorization
                    of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in a Pregnant
                    Woman ..................................... 385
        Case 16.9:  Unique Spleen Metastasis from Rectal
                    Cancer .................................... 387
        Case 16.10: Neurofibromatosis Type 1 .................. 389
   Further Reading ............................................ 392

Index ......................................................... 395

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