Geophysics in mining and environmental protection (Berlin; Heidelberg; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGeophysics in mining and environmental protection / ed. by A.F.Idziak, R.Dubiel. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2011. - xii, 136 p.: ill. - (Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.135-136. - ISBN 978-3-642-19096-4; ISSN 2190-5193

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Evaluation of Seismic Effects Generated by Mining Induced
   Seismic Events in Stonava Area ............................... 1
   Zdeněk Kaláb and Jaromír Knejzlík
2  Moment Tensor Solution and Physical Parameters of Selected
   Recent Seismic Events at Rudna Copper Mine .................. 11
   Grzegorz Lizurek and Pawel Wiejacz
3  Seismic Loading of Medieval Jeronym Mine During West 
   Bohemia Swarm in 2008 ....................................... 21
   Zdeněk Kaláдb and Markéta Lednická
4  Spin and Twist Wave Groups in the Seismic Field: A Case of
   Mining Event ................................................ 31
   Krzysztof P. Teisseyre
5  An Analysis of Amplification Effects at Selected Polish
   Seismic Stations ............................................ 49
   Monika Dec
6  Investigation of the Medieval Jeroným Mine Stability:
   Present Results from a Distributed Measurement Network ...... 59
   Jaromír Knejzlik, Zdeněk Kaláb, Markéta Lednická, and 
   Lubomír Staš
7  Seismic and Geodetic Observations of Subsidence Trough
   Development Over a Longwall Face in a Coal Bed Under 
   Extraction .................................................. 71
   Michał Bogusz and Maciej Mendecki
8  Suggestion of Complex Monitoring of Undermined Territory .... 81
   Hana Doležalová
9  Identification of Geotechnical Conditions in Areas of
   Former Shallow Mining Activity Using Geoelectrical
   Methods ..................................................... 91
   Jolanta Pierwola, Jarosław Badera, and Zbigniew Mirkowski
10 The Use of Seismic Methods to Determine Potential 
   Directions of Underground Water Flow in a Fractured Rock 
   Mass ....................................................... 101
   Adam Idziak and Iwona Stan-Kleczek
11 Assessment of Fracture Properties from P-Wave Velocity
   Distribution ............................................... 109
   Jan Vilhelm, Vladimír Rudajev, and Roman Živor
12 Electrical Resistivity Imaging Method in Investigating
   Post-Glacial Geomorphological Forms ........................ 117
   Anna Wysowska and Jolanta Pierwola
13 Frictional Metamorphism of Coal in the Upper Silesia
   Coal Basin, Southern Poland ................................ 127
   Stanisław Roman Ćmiel and Maria Dziurowicz

Index ......................................................... 135

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