Freiberger Forschungshefte. С. Geowissenschaften; 543 (Freiberg, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMathematical geosciences: theory, methods and applications / ed. by S.M.Ernst, V.Liesenberg, F.Shahzad. - Freiberg: TU Bergakademie, 2013. - (Freiberger Forschungshefte. С. Geowissenschaften; 543). - 186 S.: ill. - Ref.: p.182-183. - ISBN 978-3-86012-453-6

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 9

Theoretical Geology - The Gap Between Empirical And
Mathematical Geology ........................................... 13
1  Introduction ................................................ 14
2  Empirical geology ........................................... 15
3  Mathematical geology ........................................ 21
4  The paradox ................................................. 21
5  Theoretical geology ......................................... 25
6  Discussion/conclusions ...................................... 27
7  Planned research/recommendations ............................ 29

The Aitchison geometry of the simplex and the statistical
analysis of compositional data ................................. 31
1  Introduction ................................................ 31
2  Theoretical considerations .................................. 35
3  The principle of working on coordinates ..................... 42
4  Probability distributions and Aitchison geometry ............ 43
5  Example 1: Genetic hypothesis (Hardy-Weinberg-Law) .......... 46
6  Example 2: Progressive chemical weathering profile .......... 50
7  Conclusions ................................................. 56

Statistical  Variation in Fission Track Dating ................. 61
1  Introduction ................................................ 62
2  Sample and Experimental Setting ............................. 62
3  Methodology ................................................. 64
4  Results ..................................................... 65
5  Discussion .................................................. 72
6  Summary ..................................................... 74

A Comparison of Covariance Matching Constrained Kriging with
Estimation and Simulation ...................................... 77
1  Introduction ................................................ 77
2  Methodology ................................................. 79
3  Case Study .................................................. 81
4  Conclusions ................................................. 86

Vectorization of raster images with special emphasis on
orientation images ............................................. 89
1  Introduction ................................................ 89
2  Primary algorithm ........................................... 92
3  Data structure .............................................. 93
4  Algorithm in detail ......................................... 94
5  Practical application to an orientation image of EBSD data .. 98
6  Results and discussion ..................................... 100
7  Conclusion ................................................. 102

Local terrain variables used for predictive vegetation types
of three Brazilian biomes ..................................... 105
Introduction .................................................. 106
2  Material and methods ....................................... 109
3  Results and Discussion ..................................... 118
4  General Analyses ........................................... 125
5  Conclusion ................................................. 128

A Comparison of Simulation Models on the bases of Tenth SPE
Comparative Solution Project .................................. 133
1  Introduction ............................................... 133
2  Description of models ...................................... 134
3  Geological modelling ....................................... 134
4  Results and discussions .................................... 138
5  Summary of results ......................................... 144
6  Conclusions and recommendations ............................ 145

Characterizing spatial and temporal rainfall events in arid
environments of Jordan ........................................ 147
1  Introduction ............................................... 148
2  Data and method of analysis ................................ 149
3  Results and Discussion ..................................... 154
4  Conclusion ................................................. 155

Groundwater level fluctuations and future predictions of the
Alluvial Aquifer, Pakistan .................................... 159
1  Site description and hydogeology ........................... 160
2  Model setup ................................................ 160
3  Calibration and Verification ............................... 162
4  Model Execution and analysis ............................... 164
5  Comparison among past, present, and future groundwater
   flow regimes (3D cross section) ............................ 167
6  Concluding remarks ......................................... 168

Dissolution of an isolated fracture ........................... 171
1  Introduction ............................................... 172
2  Theoretical Formulation .................................... 174
3  Results and discussions .................................... 177
4  Conclusions ................................................ 182

Contributors .................................................. 185
Acknowledgements .............................................. 186

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