Belyaev L.S. Electricity market reforms: economics and policy challenges (New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBelyaev L.S. Electricity market reforms: economics and policy challenges. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011. - ISBN 978-1-4419-5611-8

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  Electric Power Systems, Their Properties, and Specific
   Features ..................................................... 7
   2.1  General Definitions and Classification of EPSs .......... 7
   2.2  Benefits of Creating and Interconnecting EPSs ........... 9
   2.3  Properties of EPSs ..................................... 15
   2.4  Electric Power Industry in Planned and Market
        Economies .............................................. 23
3  Electric Power Industry in the Context of Microeconomics .... 31
   3.1  Basic Notions of Microeconomics ........................ 31
        3.1.1  Production Cost ................................. 34
        3.1.2  The Firm's Costs in the Short Run ............... 35
        3.1.3  Marginal Costs and the Supply Curve of the
               Firm ............................................ 36
        3.1.4  The Firm's Costs in the Long Run ................ 39
   3.2  Types of Markets for Commodities, Resources, and
        Services ............................................... 41
        3.2.1  Markets with Perfect Competition ................ 43
        3.2.2  Monopoly Market ................................. 45
        3.2.3  Oligopoly ....................................... 47
4  Models of Electricity Market Organization ................... 51
   4.1  Basic Models of Electricity Market Organization ........ 51
        4.1.1  Model l-Regulated Natural Monopoly .............. 51
        4.1.2  Model 2-Single Buyer ............................ 54
        4.1.3  Model 3-Competition in the Wholesale Market ..... 56
        4.1.4  Model 4-Competition in the Wholesale and
               Retail Markets .................................. 59
   4.2  Comparison of Models: Criteria, Factors, Competition,
        and Regulation ......................................... 61
        4.2.1  Possibilities for Creation of Stimuli to
               Increase Efficiency of Electricity Production
               Under Tariff Regulation ......................... 65
        4.2.2  Qualitative Analysis and Comparison of Models ... 67
   4.3  Flaws of the Competitive Electricity Market ............ 72
5  Short-Run Production Costs and Electricity Markets .......... 77
   5.1  Relationship Between Short-Run (Yearly) and Hourly
        (Instantaneous) Costs of Power Plants and EPS
        Generation Sphere ...................................... 77
        5.1.1  Mathematical Expression of Links Between
               Short-Run and Hourly Costs ...................... 78
   5.2  Spot Electricity Markets: Pitfalls in Their
        Organization ........................................... 83
   5.3  Short-Run Costs of Power Plants ........................ 88
        5.3.1  General Conditions, Dependences, and
               Assumptions ..................................... 89
        5.3.2  Short-Run Costs of HPPs ......................... 94
        5.3.3  Short-Run Costs of NPPs ......................... 95
        5.3.4  Short-Run Costs ofCPPs on Fossil Fuel ........... 96
        5.3.5  Short-Run Costs of CGPPs ....................... 101
        5.3.6  Comparison of Short-Run Costs of Power Plants
               with Costs of "Typical" Firms .................. 105
   5.4  Short-Run Costs of Generation Companies and Price
        Formation in the Wholesale Electricity Market ......... 107
        5.4.1  Short-Run Costs of VICs ........................ 108
        5.4.2  VIC Costs as Applied to the European Section
               of Russia's UPS ................................ 111
        5.4.3  Costs of PGCs and Wholesale Prices in
               the Competitive Market ......................... 115
        5.4.4  About Market of Long-Term Contracts ............ 122
6  EPS Expansion Under Different Market Models ................ 127
   6.1  Financing Mechanisms for Construction of Power
        Plants ................................................ 127
   6.2  Models of Price Formation and Their Analysis .......... 137
   6.3  Generation Costs in the Long Run ...................... 149
        6.3.1  Long-Run Costs of Power Plants ................. 150
        6.3.2  Long-Run Costs of VIC's Generation Sphere ...... 151
        6.3.3  Long-Run Costs of PGCs ......................... 153
   6.4  Price Barrier for New Power Plants in the
        Competitive Market .................................... 155
        6.4.1  Initial Principles, Conditions, and
               Assumptions .................................... 156
        6.4.2  Comparison of Costs of Operating and New
               Power Plants ................................... 156
        6.4.3  Price Barrier in the Long Run .................. 158
   6.5  Substantiation of the Efficiency of Intersystem
        and Interstate Electric Ties Under Different Models
        of Market Organization ................................ 163
        6.5.1  The Situation Under Regulated and Competitive
               Electricity Markets ............................ 164
        6.5.2  Benefits or Losses Due to Electricity Export ... 167
        6.5.3  Possibilities for Realization of Capacity
               Effect of Interconnecting Power Systems ........ 168
        6.5.4  Difficulties in Substantiating Financial
               Efficiency of Interstate Ties Under
               Competitive Market ............................. 173
7  Worldwide Experience in Electric Power Industry
   Restructuring .............................................. 177
   7.1  Power Industry Restructuring in the USA and Canada .... 178
        7.1.1  The Start of the Reform in the USA ............. 178
        7.1.2  Energy Crisis in California .................... 179
        7.1.3  Reform Outcome ................................. 180
        7.1.4  Expansion of Generation Capacities ............. 183
        7.1.5  Canada ......................................... 184
   7.2  Positive Examples of Markets with Regulated Prices .... 185
        7.2.1  China .......................................... 186
        7.2.2  India .......................................... 187
        7.2.3  South Korea .................................... 188
        7.2.4  France ......................................... 189
        7.2.5  Japan .......................................... 190
   7.3  Experience of Implementing the Competitive
        Electricity Markets ................................... 191
        7.3.1  Brazil ......................................... 192
        7.3.2  Argentina ...................................... 193
        7.3.3  Chile .......................................... 194
        7.3.4  Great Britain .................................. 194
        7.3.5  Scandinavian Countries ......................... 197
        7.3.6  Other Western European Countries ............... 198
        7.3.7  Australia ...................................... 198
8  Power Industry Reforms in Russia ........................... 203
   8.1  The Reform of the 1990s ............................... 203
   8.2  Further Restructuring with Transition to the
        Competitive Market .................................... 208
   8.3  Forecast for the Years 2010-2020 ...................... 215
9  Conclusion: Main Results and Directions for Further
   Research ................................................... 223
   9.1  Relatively New Results Obtained in the Book ........... 223
   9.2  Practical Experience of Power Industry
        Restructuring ......................................... 227
   9.3  Analysis of Initial Principles (Arguments,
        Postulates) of the Competitive Electricity Market
        Conceptions ........................................... 232
   9.4  General Conclusions ................................... 234
   9.5  Directions for Further Studies ........................ 235
Appendix A  Derivation of Expressions for the Investment
   Component of Electricity Price (Tariff) .................... 237
   A.l  Competitive Market (Mechanism 3 of Financing) ......... 237
   A.2  Regulated Monopoly with Self-Financing (Mechanism 1
        of Financing)
   A.3  Regulated Monopoly Borrowing Credits and Single-
        Buyer Market (Financing Mechanism 2) .................. 243
   References ................................................. 249

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