Advances in near-surface seismology and ground-penetrating radar (Tulsa; Washington; Denver, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in near-surface seismology and ground-penetrating radar / ed. by R.D.Miller, J.H.Bradford, K.Holliger; R.B.Latimer, managing editor. - Tulsa: Society of Exploration Geophysicists; Washington: American Geophysical Union; Denver: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 2010. - xvii, 487 p.: ill. - (Geophysical developments series; N 15). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.477-487. - ISBN 978-1-56080-224-2

Оглавление / Contents
About the Editors .............................................. ix
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
Introduction ................................................. xiii

Section 1  Reviews

Chapter 1  Joint Inversion of Crosshole GPR and Seismic
           Traveltime Data ...................................... 1
           Niklas Linde and Joseph A. Doetsch
Chapter 2  Estimation of Near-surface Shear-wave Velocity and
           Quality Factor by Inversion of High-frequency
           Rayleigh Waves ...................................... 17
           Jianghai Xia and Richard D. Miller
Chapter 3  Investigation and Use of Surface-wave
           Characteristics for Near-surface Applications ....... 37
           Yixian Xu, Yinhe Luo, Qing Liang, Liming Wang
           Xianhai Song, Jiangping Liu, Chao Chen, and
           Hanming Gu
Chapter 4  Advances in Surface-wave and Body-wave
           Integration ......................................... 55
           Laura Valentina Socco, Daniele Boiero, Sebastiano
           Foti, and Claudio Piatti

Section 2  Methodology

Chanter 5  Inversion for the Stochastic Structure of
           Subsurface Velocity Heterogeneity from Surface-
           based Geophysical Reflection Images ................. 77
           James Irving, Marie Scholer, and Klaus Holliger
Chapter 6  Toward True-amplitude Vector Migration of GPR Data
           Using Exact Radiation Patterns ...................... 97
           J. van der Kruk, R. Streich, and M. Grasmueck
Chapter 7  Multiple-scale-porosity Wavelet Simulation Using
           GPR Tomography and Hydrogeophysical Analogs ........ 117
           Erwan Gloaguen, Bernard Giroux, Denis Marcotte,
           Camille Dubreuil-Boisclair, and Patrick Tremblay-
Chapter 8  Estimating In Situ Horizontal Stress in Soil
           Using Time-lapse VS Measurements ................... 131
           Ranajit Ghose
Chapter 9  Analysis of the Velocity Dispersion and
           Attenuation Behavior  of Multifrequency Sonic
           Logs ............................................... 153
           Ludovic Baron and Klaus Holliger
Chapter 10 Permittivity Structure Derived from Group
           Velocities of Guided GPR Pulses .................... 167
           Matthew M. Haney, Kathryn T. Decker, and John
           H. Bradford
Chapter 11 Sensitivity Studies of Fundamental- and
           Higher-mode Rayleigh-wave Phase Velocities in
           Some Specific Near-surface Scenarios ............... 185
           Carlos Calderón-Macias and Barbara Luke
Chapter 12 Void Detection Using Near-surface Seismic Methods .. 201
           Steven D. Sloan, Shelby L. Peterie, Julian
           Ivanov, Richard D. Miller, and Jason R. McKenna
Chapter 13 Inversion Methodology of Dispersive Amplitude and
           Phase versus Offset of GPR Curves (DAPVO) for
           Thin Beds .......................................... 219
           Jacques Deparis and Stéphane Garambois
Chapter 14 Characterizing the Near Surface with Detailed
           Refraction Attributes .............................. 233
           Derecke Palmer
Chapter 15 Direct Determination of Electric Permittivity and
           Conductivity from Air-launched GPR Surface-
           reflection Data .................................... 251
           Evert Slob and Sébastien Lambot
Chapter 16 Theory of Viscoelastic Love Waves and their
           Potential Application to Near-surface Sensing of
           Permeability ....................................... 263
           Paul Michaels and Vijay Gottumukkula

Section 3  Integrative Approaches

Chapter 17 High-resolution Seismic Imaging of Near-surface
           Fault Structures within the Upper Rhine Graben,
           Germany ............................................ 281
           Patrick Musmann and Hermann Buness
Chapter 18 High-resolution SH-wave Seismic Reflection for
           Characterization of Onshore Ground Conditions in
           the Trondheim Harbor, Central Norway ............... 297
           Ulrich Polom, Louise Hansen, Guillaume Sauvin,
           Jean-Sébastien L'Heureux, Isabelle Lecomte,
           Charlotte M. Krawczyk, Maarten Vanneste, and
           Oddvar Longva
Chapter 19 Integrated Hydrostratigraphic Interpretation of
           3D Seismic-reflection and Multifold Pseudo-3D
           GPR Data ........................................... 313
           John H. Bradford
Chapter 20 Refraction Nonuniqueness Studies at Levee Sites
           Using the Refraction-tomography and JARS Methods ... 327
           Julian Ivanov, Richard D. Miller, Jianghai Xia,
           Joseph B. Dunbar, and Shelby Peterie

Section 4  Case Studies

Chapter 21 Near-surface Shear-wave Velocity Measurements
           for Soft-soil Earthquake-hazard Assessment Some
           Canadian Mapping Examples .......................... 339
           J.A. Hunter, D. Motazedian, H.L. Crow,
           G.R. Brooks, R.D. Miller, A.J.-M. Pugin,
           S.E. Pullan, and J. Xia
Chapter 22 Integrating Seismic-velocity Tomograms and
           Seismic Imaging: Application to the Study of
           a Buried Valley .................................... 361
           Femi O. Ogunsuyi and Douglas R. Schmitt
Chapter 23 Estimation of Chalk Heterogeneity from
           Stochastic Modeling Conditioned by Crosshole GPR
           Traveltimes and Log Data ........................... 379
           Lars Nielsen, Majken C. Looms, Thomas M. Hansen,
           Knud S. Cordua, and Lars Stemmerik
Chapter 24 Clayey Landslide Investigations Using Active
           and Passive Vs Measurements ........................ 397
           F. Renalier, G. Bièvre, D. Jongmans,
           M. Campillo, and P.-Y. Bard
Chapter 25 Detecting Perched Water Bodies Using Surface-
           seismic Time-lapse Traveltime Tomography ........... 415
           David Gaines, Gregory S. Baker, Susan S. Hubbard,
           David Watson, Scott Brooks, and Phil Jardine
Chapter 26 Composite Moveout Correction to a Shallow Mixed
           Reflection/Refraction GPR Phase .................... 429
           J.F. Hermance, R.W. Jacob, and R.N. Bohidar
Chapter 27 Improving Fractured-rock Characterization Using
           Time-frequency Analysis of GPR Data Sets ........... 435
           Mehrez Elwaseif, Lee Slater, Mamdouh Soliman,
           and Hany Salah
Chapter 28 Application of the Spatial-autocorrelation
           Microtremor-array Method for Characterizing
           S-wave Velocity in the Upper 300 m of Salt Lake
           Valley, Utah ....................................... 447
           William J. Stephenson and Jack K. Odum
Chapter 29 Integrated Approach for Surface-wave Analysis
           from Near Surface to Bedrock ....................... 461
           Ali Ismet Kanli

Index ......................................................... 477

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