Dieck R.H. Measurement uncertainty: methods and applications (Research Triangle Park, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDieck R.H. Measurement uncertainty: methods and applications. - 4th ed. - Research Triangle Park: ISA, 2007. - ix, 274 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.273-274. - ISBN-10 1-55617-915-0; ISBN-13 978-1-55617-915-0

Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE ........................................................ ix

UNIT 1  Introduction and Overview ............................... 3
1-1  Course Coverage ............................................ 3
1-2  Purpose .................................................... 3
1-3  Audience and Prerequisites ................................. 4
1-4  Study Material ............................................. 4
1-5  Organization and Sequence .................................. 4
1-6  Course Objectives/Learning Objectives ...................... 5
1-7  Course Length .............................................. 5

UNIT 2  Fundamentals of Measurement Uncertainty Analysis ........ 9
2-1  The Purpose of Engineering, Experimental, or Test
     Measurements ............................................... 9
2-2  Measurement Error Definition .............................. 10
2-3  Summary ................................................... 32
Exercises ...................................................... 34

UNIT 3  The Measurement Uncertainty Model ...................... 39
3-1  The Statement of Measurement Uncertainty .................. 39
3-2  Grouping and Categorizing Error Sources ................... 40
3-3  The Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty (Symmetrical
     Systematic Uncertainties) ................................. 43
3-4  The Uncertainty Statement (Symmetrical Systematic
     Standard Uncertainties) ................................... 48
3-5  Computing the Uncertainty Interval (Symmetrical
     Systematic Uncertainties) ................................. 51
3-6  The Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty
     (Nonsymmetrical Standard Systematic Uncertainties) ........ 54
3-7  Common Uncertainty Model Summary .......................... 59
3-8  Summary ................................................... 60
Exercises ...................................................... 62

UNIT 4  How To Do It Summary ................................... 67
4-1  Review of Nomenclature .................................... 67
4-2  How To Do It Summary ...................................... 69
4-3  Calculation of Random Standard Uncertainties .............. 69
4-4  Obtaining and Combining Systematic Standard
     Uncertainties ............................................. 73
4-5  Nonsymmetrical Systematic Standard Uncertainties .......... 79
4-6  Step-by-Step Instructions ................................. 80
4-7  Treatment of Calibration Errors (Uncertainties) ........... 83
4-8  Simplified Uncertainty Analysis for Calibrations .......... 85
4-9  Business Decisions and the Impact of Measurement
     Uncertainty ............................................... 96
4-10 The Timing of an Uncertainty Analysis ..................... 99
4-11 Conclusion ............................................... 103
References .................................................... 103
Exercises ..................................................... 103

UNIT 5  Uncertainty (Error) Propagation ....................... 111
5-1  General Considerations ................................... 111
5-2  The Need for Uncertainty Propagation ..................... 111
5-3  Theoretical Considerations: Methods for Uncertainty
     Propagation .............................................. 113
5-4  Uncertainty Propagation Examples ......................... 126
5-5  Detailed Equation for Uncertainty Propagation ............ 141
5-6  Uncertainty of Results Derived from X-Y Plots ............ 142
5-7  Summary .................................................. 146
References .................................................... 146
Exercises ..................................................... 147

UNIT 6  Weighting Method for Multiple Results ................. 153
6-1  The Purpose of Multiple Measurements of the Same
     Test Result .............................................. 153
6-2  Fundamentals of Weighting by Uncertainty ................. 153
References .................................................... 161
Exercises ..................................................... 161

UNIT 7  Applied Considerations ................................ 165
7-1  General Considerations ................................... 165
7-2  Choice of Error (and Uncertainty) Units .................. 165
7-3  Treatment of Outliers .................................... 168
7-4  Curve Fitting ............................................ 171
7-5  Correlation Coefficients: Their Use and Misuse ........... 181
7-6  Tests for Normality, Probability Plots ................... 183
7-7  Sampling Error ........................................... 187
7-8  Selecting Instrumentation Based on Vendor Uncertainty
     Statements ............................................... 192
References .................................................... 194
Exercises ..................................................... 195

UNIT 8  Presentation of Results ............................... 201
8-1  General Considerations ................................... 201
8-2  Presentation Content ..................................... 202
8-3  Illustration ............................................. 202
8-4  Summary .................................................. 206
APPENDIX A  Suggested Reading and Study Materials ............. 209
APPENDIX В  Glossary .......................................... 212
APPENDIX С  Nomenclature ...................................... 221
APPENDIX D  Student's t for 95% Confidence .................... 229
APPENDIX E  5% Significant Thompson's τ ....................... 233
APPENDIX F  Areas Under the Normal Curve ...................... 237
APPENDIX G  Pressure Instrumentation Selection Example ........ 241
APPENDIX H  Alternate Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
            Approach .......................................... 253
APPENDIX I  Solutions to All Exercises ........................ 257

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