Brent R.P. Modern computer arithmetic (Cambridge, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBrent R.P. Modern computer arithmetic / R.P.Brent, P.Zimmermann. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. - xvi, 221 p.: ill. - (Cambridge monographs on applied and computational mathematics; 18). - Ref.: p.191-205. - Ind.: p.207-221. - ISBN 978-0-521-19469-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgements ............................................... xi
Notation ..................................................... xiii
1  Integer arithmetic ........................................... 1
   1.1  Representation and notations ............................ 1
   1.2  Addition and subtraction ................................ 2
   1.3  Multiplication .......................................... 3
        1.3.1  Naive multiplication ............................. 4
        1.3.2  Karatsuba's algorithm ............................ 5
        1.3.3  Toom-Cook multiplication ......................... 6
        1.3.4  Use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) .......... 8
        1.3.5  Unbalanced multiplication ........................ 8
        1.3.6  Squaring ........................................ 11
        1.3.7  Multiplication by a constant .................... 13
   1.4  Division ............................................... 14
        1.4.1  Naive division .................................. 14
        1.4.2  Divisor preconditioning ......................... 16
        1.4.3  Divide and conquer division ..................... 18
        1.4.4  Newton's method ................................. 21
        1.4.5  Exact division .................................. 21
        1.4.6  Only quotient or remainder wanted ............... 22
        1.4.7  Division by a single word ....................... 23
        1.4.8  Hensel's division ............................... 24
   1.5  Roots .................................................. 25
        1.5.1  Square root ..................................... 25
        1.5.2  kth root ........................................ 27
        1.5.3  Exact root ...................................... 28
   1.6  Greatest common divisor ................................ 29
        1.6.1  Naive GCD ....................................... 29
        1.6.2  Extended GCD .................................... 32
        1.6.3  Half binary GCD, divide and conquer GCD ......... 33
   1.7  Base conversion ........................................ 37
        1.7.1  Quadratic algorithms ............................ 37
        1.7.2  Subquadratic algorithms ......................... 38
   1.8  Exercises .............................................. 39
   1.9  Notes and references ................................... 44
2  Modular arithmetic and the FFT .............................. 47
   2.1  Representation ......................................... 47
        2.1.1  Classical representation ........................ 47
        2.1.2  Montgomery's form ............................... 48
        2.1.3  Residue number systems .......................... 48
        2.1.4  MSB vs LSB algorithms ........................... 49
        2.1.5  Link with polynomials ........................... 49
   2.2  Modular addition and subtraction ....................... 50
   2.3  The Fourier transform .................................. 50
        2.3.1  Theoretical setting ............................. 50
        2.3.2  The fast Fourier transform ...................... 51
        2.3.3  The Schonhage-Strassen algorithm ................ 55
   2.4  Modular multiplication ................................. 58
        2.4.1  Barrett's algorithm ............................. 58
        2.4.2  Montgomery's multiplication ..................... 60
        2.4.3  McLaughlin's algorithm .......................... 63
        2.4.4  Special moduli .................................. 65
   2.5  Modular division and inversion ......................... 65
        2.5.1  Several inversions at once ...................... 67
   2.6  Modular exponentiation ................................. 68
        2.6.1  Binary exponentiation ........................... 70
        2.6.2  Exponentiation with a larger base ............... 70
        2.6.3  Sliding window and redundant representation ..... 72
   2.7  Chinese remainder theorem .............................. 73
   2.8  Exercises .............................................. 75
   2.9  Notes and references ................................... 77
3  Floating-point arithmetic ................................... 79
   3.1  Representation ......................................... 79
        3.1.1  Radix choice .................................... 80
        3.1.2  Exponent range .................................. 81
        3.1.3  Special values .................................. 82
        3.1.4  Subnormal numbers ............................... 82
        3.1.5  Encoding ........................................ 83
        3.1.6  Precision: local, global, operation, operand .... 84
        3.1.7  Link to integers ................................ 86
        3.1.8  Ziv's algorithm and error analysis .............. 86
        3.1.9  Rounding ........................................ 87
        3.1.10 Strategies ...................................... 90
   3.2  Addition, subtraction, comparison ...................... 91
        3.2.1  Floating-point addition ......................... 92
        3.2.2  Floating-point subtraction ...................... 93
   3.3  Multiplication ......................................... 95
        3.3.1  Integer multiplication via complex FFT .......... 98
        3.3.2  The middle product .............................. 99
   3.4  Reciprocal and division ............................... 101
        3.4.1  Reciprocal ..................................... 102
        3.4.2  Division ....................................... 106
   3.5  Square root ........................................... 111
        3.5.1  Reciprocal square root ......................... 112
   3.6  Conversion ............................................ 114
        3.6.1  Floating-point output .......................... 115
        3.6.2  Floating-point input ........................... 117
   3.7  Exercises ............................................. 118
   3.8  Notes and references .................................. 120
   4  Elementary and special function evaluation .............. 125
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 125
   4.2  Newton's method ....................................... 126
        4.2.1  Newton's method for inverse roots .............. 127
        4.2.2  Newton's method for reciprocals ................ 128
        4.2.3  Newton's method for (reciprocal) square roots .. 129
        4.2.4  Newton's method for formal power series ........ 129
        4.2.5  Newton's method for functional inverses ........ 130
        4.2.6  Higher-order Newton-like methods ............... 131
   4.3  Argument reduction .................................... 132
        4.3.1  Repeated use of a doubling formula ............. 134
        4.3.2  Loss of precision .............................. 134
        4.3.3  Guard digits ................................... 135
        4.3.4  Doubling versus tripling ....................... 136
   4.4  Power series .......................................... 136
        4.4.1  Direct power series evaluation ................. 140
        4.4.2  Power series with argument reduction ........... 140
        4.4.3  Rectangular series splitting ................... 141
   4.5  Asymptotic expansions ................................. 144
   4.6  Continued fractions ................................... 150
   4.7  Recurrence relations .................................. 152
        4.7.1  Evaluation of Bessel functions ................. 153
        4.7.2  Evaluation of Bernoulli and tangent numbers .... 154
   4.8  Arithmetic-geometric mean ............................. 158
        4.8.1  Elliptic integrals ............................. 158
        4.8.2  First AGM algorithm for the logarithm .......... 159
        4.8.3  Theta functions ................................ 160
        4.8.4  Second AGM algorithm for the logarithm ......... 162
        4.8.5  The complex AGM ................................ 163
   4.9  Binary splitting ...................................... 163
        4.9.1  A binary splitting algorithm for sin, cos ...... 166
        4.9.2  The bit-burst algorithm ........................ 167
   4.10 Contour integration ................................... 169
   4.11 Exercises ............................................. 171
   4.12 Notes and references .................................. 179
5  Implementations and pointers ............................... 185
   5.1  Software tools ........................................ 185
        5.1.1  CLN ............................................ 185
        5.1.2  GNU MP (GMP) ................................... 185
        5.1.3  MPFQ ........................................... 186
        5.1.4  GNUMPFR ........................................ 187
        5.1.5  Other multiple-precision packages .............. 187
        5.1.6  Computational algebra packages ................. 188
   5.2  Mailing lists ......................................... 189
        5.2.1  The GMP lists .................................. 189
        5.2.2  The MPFR list .................................. 190
   5.3  On-line documents ..................................... 190
        References ............................................ 191
Index ......................................................... 207

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