Advances in magnetic shape memory materials: special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only (Durnten-Zurich; Enfield, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in magnetic shape memory materials: special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only / ed. by V.A.Chernenko. - Durnten-Zurich; Enfield: Trans Tech Publications, 2011. - viii, 234 p.: ill. (some col.). - (Materials science forum; vol.684). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-3-03785-147-0; ISSN 0255-5476

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Composition-Dependent Basics of Smart Heusler Materials from
First-Principles Calculations
   P. Entel, A. Dannenberg, M. Siewert, H.C. Herper, 
   M.E. Gruner, V.D. Buchelnikov and V.A. Chernenko ............. 1
Magnetic Anisotropy of Ferromagnetic Martensites
   V.A. L'vov and V.A. Chernenko ............................... 31
Entropy Changes in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
   E. Cesari, D. Salas and S. Kustov ........................... 49
Stress-Temperature Phase Diagram of Ni2MnGa and Structural
Relations between its Constituent Phases
   T. Fukuda, T. Terai, H. Maeda and T. Kakeshita .............. 61
Neutron Diffraction Studies of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys
   J.M. Barandiarán, J. Gutiérrez, P. Lázpita and 
   J. Feuchtwanger ............................................. 73
Influence of Long-Range Atomic Order on the Structural and
Magnetic Properties of Ni-Mn-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory
   V. Sánchez-Alarcos, J.I. Pérez-Landazábal and V. Recarte .... 85
Crystal Structures of Modulated Martensitic Phases of FSM
Heusler Alloys
   L. Righi, F. Albertini, S. Fabbrici and A. Paoluzi ......... 105
Magnetic Microstructure Analysis of Ferromagnetic Shape 
Memory Alloys and Related Compounds
   Y. Murakami, R. Kainuma, D. Shindo and A. Tonomura ......... 117
Polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga as a Potential Material for
Magnetically Driven Actuators
   M. Pötschke, S. Roth, U. Gaitzsch, C. Hürrich, A. Böhm
   and L. Schultz ............................................. 129
Metamagnetic Shape Memory Effect and Magnetic Properties of
Ni-Mn Based Heusler Alloys
   R. Kainuma, W. Ito, R.Y. Umetsu, V.V. Khovaylo and 
   T. Kanomata ................................................ 139
Reverse Magnetostructural Transitions by Co and In Doping
NiMnGa Alloys: Structural, Magnetic, and Magnetoelastic
   F. Albertini, S. Fabbrici, A. Paoluzi, J. Kamarad,
   Z. Arnold, L. Righi, M. Solzi, G.	Porcari, 
   C. Pernechele, D. Serrate and P. Algarabel ................. 151
Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Ferromagnetic Shape Memory
Alloys Ni2MnGa1-xCux
   K. Endo, Т. Kanomata, A. Kimura, M. Kataoka, 
   H. Nishihara, R.Y. Umetsu, K. Obara, T. Shishido, 
   M. Nagasako, R. Kainuma and K.R.A. Ziebeck ................. 165
Effects of Surface Pinning, Locking and Adaption of Twins on
the Performance of Magnetic Shape-Memory Alloys
   M. Chmielus and P. Müllner ................................. 177
Long-Term Cyclic Loading of 10M Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys
   I. Aaltio, O. Söderberg, Y.L. Ge and S.P. Hannula .......... 203
Surface Study of Ni2MnGa(100)
   S.W. D'Souza, R.S. Dhaka, A. Rai, M. Maniraj, J. Nayak,
   S. Singh, D.L. Schlagel, Т.A. Lograsso, A. Chakrabarti 
   and S.R. Barman ............................................ 215

Keyword Index ................................................. 231
Author Index .................................................. 233

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