Polymeric chiral catalyst design and chiral polymer synthesis (Hoboken, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPolymeric chiral catalyst design and chiral polymer synthesis / ed. by Sh.Itsuno. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2011. - xx, 497 p., [8] of col. plates: col. ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.489-497. - ISBN 978-0-470-56820-0

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Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE ...................................................... xiii
FOREWORD ..................................................... xvii
CONTRIBUTORS .................................................. xix

1  An Overview of Polymer-Immobilized Chiral Catalysts and
   Synthetic Chiral Polymers .................................... 1
   Shinichi Itsuno
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Polymeric Chiral Catalyst ............................... 2
        1.2.1  Polymers Having a Chiral Pendant Group ........... 4
        1.2.2  Main-chain Chiral Polymers ....................... 4
        1.2.3  Dendrimer-supported Chiral Catalysts ............. 6
        1.2.4  Helical Polymers ................................. 6
        1.2.5  Multicomponent Asymmetric Catalysts .............. 7
        1.2.6  Continuous Row System ............................ 8
   1.3  Synthesis of Optically Active Polymers .................. 8
        1.3.1  Asymmetric Reaction on Polymer ................... 9
        1.3.2  Helical Polymers and Hyperbranched Polymers ...... 9
        1.3.3  Heteroatom Chiral Polymers ...................... 10
        1.3.4  Asymmetric Polymerization ....................... 11
   References .................................................. 11
        1.3.1  10 9876543 ...................................... 21
2  Polymer-Immobilized Chiral Organocatalyst ................... 17
   Naoki Haraguchi and Shinichi Itsuno
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 17
   2.2  Synthesis of Polymer-immobilized Chiral
        Organocatalyst ......................................... 18
   2.3  Polymer-immobilized Cinchona Alkaloids ................. 22
   2.4  Other Polymer-immobilized Chiral Basic
        Organocatalysts ........................................ 27
   2.5  Polymer-immobilized Cinchona Alkaloid Quaternary
        Ammonium Salts ......................................... 28
   2.6  Polymer-immobilized MacMillan Catalysts ................ 35
   2.7  Polymer-immobilized Pyrrolidine Derivatives ............ 42
   2.8  Other Polymer-immobilized Chiral Quaternary Ammonium
        Salts .................................................. 46
   2.9  Polymer-immobilized Proline Derivatives ................ 46
   2.10 Polymer-immobilized Peptides and Poly(amino acid)s ..... 50
   2.11 Polymer-immobilized Chiral Acidic Organocatalysts ...... 50
   2.12 Helical Polymers as Chiral Organocatalysts ............. 51
   2.13 Cascade Reactions Using Polymer-immobilized Chiral
        Organocatalysts ........................................ 52
   2.14 Conclusions ............................................ 54
   References .................................................. 56
3  Asymmetric Synthesis Using Polymer-Immobilized Proline
   Derivatives ................................................. 63
   Michelangelo Gruttadauria, Francesco Giacalone, and Renato
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 63
   3.2  Polymer-supported Proline .............................. 66
   3.3  Polymer-supported Prolinamides ......................... 73
   3.4  Polymer-supported Proline-Peptides ..................... 75
   3.5  Polymer-supported Pyrrolidines ......................... 78
   3.6  Polymer-supported Prolinol and Diarylprolinol
        Derivatives ............................................ 80
   3.7  Conclusions and Outlooks ............................... 84
   References .................................................. 85
4  Peptide-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis ...................... 91
   Kazuaki Kudo and Kengo Akagawa
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 91
   4.2  Poly(amino acid) Catalysts ............................. 94
   4.3  Tri- and Tetrapeptide Catalysts ........................ 99
   4.4  Longer Peptides with a Secondary Structure ............ 110
   4.5  Others ................................................ 118
   4.6  Conclusions and Outlooks .............................. 119
   References ................................................. 120
5  Continuous Flow System using Polymer-Supported Chiral
   Catalysts .................................................. 125
   Santiago V. Luis and Eduardo García-Verdugo
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 125
   5.2  Asymmetric Polymer-supported, Metal-based Catalysts
        and Reagents .......................................... 132
        5.2.1  Enantioselective Additions to C=0 Groups ....... 132
        5.2.2  Diels-Alder and Related Cycloaddition
               Reactions ...................................... 136
        5.2.3  Enantioslective Cyclopropanation Reactions ..... 139
        5.2.4  Reduction Reactions ............................ 142
        5.2.5  Oxidation Reactions ............................ 143
   5.3  Polymer-supported Asymmetric Organocatalysts .......... 147
   5.4  Polymer-supported Biocatalysts ........................ 151
   5.5  Conclusions ........................................... 152
   References ................................................. 153
6  Chiral Synthesis on Polymer Support: A Combinatorial
   Approach ................................................... 157
   Deepak B. Salunke and Chung-Ming Sun
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 157
   6.2  Chiral Synthesis of Complex Polyfunctional Molecules
        on Polymer Support .................................... 160
        6.2.1  Spirocyclic Compound Libraries ................. 160
        6.2.2  Macrocyclic Compound Libraries ................. 165
        6.2.3  Heterocyclic Compound Libraries ................ 168
        6.2.4  Natural-product-inspired Compound Libraries .... 176
        6.2.5  Libraries Through Combinatorial Decoration of
               Natural Products ............................... 184
        6.2.6  Divergent Synthesis of Small Molecular
               Libraries ...................................... 188
        6.2.7  Chiral Molecules Through Sequential Use of
               Polymer-supported Reagents ..................... 192
   6.3  Conclusions ........................................... 194
   References ................................................. 195
7  Synthesis and Application of Helical Polymers with
   Macromolecular Helicity Memory ............................. 201
   Hiroki Iida and Eiji Yashima
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 201
   7.2  Macromolecular Helicity Memory ........................ 203
        7.2.1  Macromolecular Helicity Memory in Solution ..... 203
        7.2.2  Macromolecular Helicity Memory in a Gel and
               a Solid ........................................ 213
   7.3  Enantioselective Reaction Assisted by Helical
        Polymers with Helicity Memory ......................... 218
   7.4  Conclusions ........................................... 219
   References ................................................. 219
8  Poly(isocyanide)s, Poly(quinoxaline-2,3-diyl)s, and
   Related Helical Polymers Used as Chiral Polymer Catalysts
   in Asymmetric Synthesis .................................... 223
   Yuuya Nagata and Michinori Suginome
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 223
   8.2  Asymmetric Synthesis of Poly(isocyanide)s ............. 224
        8.2.1  Synthesis of Poly(isocyanide)s Bearing Chiral
               Side Chains .................................... 224
        8.2.2  Nonracemic Poly(isocyanide)s Without Chiral
               Pendant Groups ................................. 239
   8.3  Asymmetric Synthesis of Poly(quinoxaline)s ............ 244
        8.3.1  Polymerization of 1,2-diisocyanobenzenes ....... 244
        8.3.2  Preparation of Nonracemic Poly(quinoxaline)s ... 246
   8.4  Enantioselective Catalysis using Helical Polymers ..... 255
        8.4.1  Chiral Polymer Catalysts with Chiral Groups
               in the Close Proximity of the Reaction Sites ... 255
        8.4.2  Chiral Polymer Catalysts with No Chiral
               Groups in the Proximity of the Reaction Sites .. 258
   8.5  Conclusions ........................................... 262
   References ................................................. 263
9  C2 Chiral Biaryl Unit-Based Helical Polymers and Their
   Application to Asymmetric Catalysis ........................ 267
   Takeshi Maeda and Toshikazu Takata
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 267
   9.2  Synthesis of C2 Chiral Unit-based Helical Polymers .... 269
   9.2  Use of C2 Chiral Biaryl Moieties as Chirally
        Twisted Units in the Polymer Main Chain ............... 269
        9.2.2  Synthesis of Stable Helical Polymers by the
               Fixation of Main-chain Conformation ............ 277
   9.3  Asymmetric Reactions Catalyzed by Helical Polymer
        Catalysts ............................................. 282
   9.4  Conclusions ........................................... 289
   References ................................................. 290
10 Immobilization of Multicomponent Asymmetric Catalysts
   (MACs) ..................................................... 293
   Hiroaki Sasai and Shinobu Takizawa
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 293
   10.2 Dendrimer-Supported and Dendronized Polymer-
        supported MACs ........................................ 294
        10.2.1 Dendrimer-supported MACs [4] ................... 294
        10.2.2 Dendronized Polymer-supported MACs [11] ........ 296
   10.3 Nanoparticles as Supports for Chiral Catalysts [13] ... 302
        10.3.1 Micelle-derived Polymer Supports [14] .......... 302
        10.3.2 Monolayer-protected Au Cluster
               (Au-MPC)-supported Enantioselective Catalysts
               [21] ........................................... 307
   10.4 The Catalyst Analog Approach [24] ..................... 311
   10.5 Metal-bridged Polymers as Heterogeneous Catalysts:
        An Immobilization Method for MACs Without Using Any
        Support [26] .......................................... 314
   10.6 Conclusion ............................................ 318
   References ................................................. 319
11 Optically Active Polymer and Dendrimer Synthesis and
   Their Use in Asymmetric Synthesis .......................... 323
   Qiao-Sheng Нu and Lin Pu
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 323
   11.2 Synthesis and Application of BINOL/BINAP-based
        Optically Active Polymers ............................. 324
        11.2.1 Synthesis of BINOL-based Optically Active
               Polymers ....................................... 324
        11.2.2 Application of BINOL-based Optically Active
               Polymers ....................................... 327
        11.2.3 Synthesis and Application of a BINAP-
               containing Polymer ............................. 347
        11.2.4 Synthesis of an Optically Active BINOL-BINAP-
               based Bifunctional Polymer and Application in
               Asymmetric Alkylation and Hydrogenation ........ 351
   11.3 Synthesis and Application of Optically Active
        Dendrimers ............................................ 355
        11.3.1 Synthesis of BINOL-based Dendrimers and
               Application in Asymmetric Alkylation ........... 355
        11.3.2 Synthesis of Optically Active, Ephedrine-
               based Dendronized Polymers ..................... 358
   11.4 Conclusions ........................................... 360
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 361
   References ................................................. 361
12 Asymmetric Polymerizations of /^-Substituted Maleimides .... 365
   Kenjiro Onimura and Tsutomu Oishi
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 365
   12.2 Chirality of 1-Mono- or 1,1-Disubstituted and 1,2-
        Disubstituted Olefins ................................. 365
   12.3 Asymmetric Polymerizations of Achiral iV-Substituted
        Maleimides ............................................ 368
   12.4 Anionic Polymerization Mechanism of RMI ............... 371
   12.5 Asymmetric Polymerizations of Chiral N-Substituted
        Maleimides ............................................ 372
   12.6 Structure and Absolute Stereochemistry of Poly(RMI) ... 373
   12.7 Asymmetric Radical Polymerizations of Л'-Substituted
        Maleimides ............................................ 378
   12.8 Chiral Discrimination Using Poly(RMI) ................. 378
        12.8.1 1H NMR Titration ............................... 380
        12.8.2 Optical Resolution Using Poly(RMI) ............. 381
   12.9 Conclusions ........................................... 384
   References ................................................. 385
13 Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polymer Having Binaphthol
   Units via Oxidative Cross-Coupling Polymerization .......... 389
   Shigeki Habaue
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 389
   13.2 Oxidative Cross-coupling Reaction between 2-Naphthol
        and 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoate ............................ 391
   13.3 Oxidative Cross-coupling Polymerization Affording
        Linear Poly(binaphthol) ............................... 392
   13.4 Oxidative Cross-coupling Polymerization Leading to a
        Hyperbranched Polymer ................................. 396
   13.5 Photeiuminescence Properties of Hyperbranched
        Polymers .............................................. 400
   13.6 Conclusions ........................................... 403
   References ................................................. 404
14 Optically Active Polyketones ............................... 407
   Kyoko Nozaki
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 407
   14.2 Asymmetric Synthesis of Isotactic
        Poly(propylene-afr-co) ................................ 409
   14.3 Asymmetric Synthesis of Isotactic Syndiotactic
        Poly(styrene-alt-co) .................................. 411
   14.4 Asymmetric Terpolymers Consisting of Two Kinds of
        Olefins and Carbon Monoxide ........................... 413
   14.5 Asymmetric Polymerization of Other Olefins with CO .... 414
   14.6 Chemical Transformations of Optically Active
        Polyketones ........................................... 415
   14.7 Conformational Studies on the Optically Active
        Polyketones ........................................... 416
   14.8 Conclusions ........................................... 419
   References ................................................. 420
15 Synthesis and Function of Chiral π-Conjugated Polymers
   from Phenylacetylenes ...................................... 423
   Toshiki Aoki, Takashi Kaneko, and Masahiro Teraguchi
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 423
   15.2 Helix-sense-selective Polymerization (HSSP) of
        Substituted Phenylacetylenes and Function of the
        Resulting One-handed Helical Poly(phenylacetylene)s ... 425
        15.2.1 Synthesis of Chiral rt-Conjugated Polymers
               from Phenylacetylenes by Asymmetric-induced
               Polymerization (AIP) and Helix-sense-
               selective Polymerization (HSSP) of Chiral and
               Achiral Phenylacetylenes ....................... 425
        15.2.2 (HSSP) of Three Types of Monomers RDHPA,
               RDAPA, and RDIPA, Scheme 15.4a ................. 427
        15.2.3 Modified HSSP .................................. 432
        15.2.4 Functions of One-handed Helical
               Polyphenylacetylenes Prepared by HSSP .......... 434
   15.3 Chiral Desubstitution of Side Groups in Membrane
        State ................................................. 439
        15.3.1 Polymer Reaction in Membrane State(RIM) ........ 439
        15.3.2 Reaction in One-handed Helical Polymer
               Membranes: Synthesis of One-handed Helical
               Polymers with no Chiral Side Groups and no
               Chiral Carbons ................................. 439
        15.3.3 Reaction in Polystyrene Monolith: Synthesis
               of Chiral Porous Materials ..................... 444
   15.4 Synthesis of Chiral Polyradicals ...................... 446
        15.4.1 Molecular Design of Optically Active Helical
               Polyradicals ................................... 446
        15.4.2 Copolymerization of the Monomers Possessing
               Radical and Chiral Moieties .................... 447
        15.4.3 Synthesis of Chiral Polyradicals via HSSP of
               Achiral Monomers ............................... 450
   References ................................................. 454
16 P-Stereogenic Oligomers, Polymers, and Related Cyclic
   Compounds .................................................. 457
   Yasuhiro Morisaki and Yoshiki Chujo
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 457
   16.2 P-Stereogenic Oligomers Containing Chiral "P" Atoms
        in the Main Chain ..................................... 458
        16.2.1 P-Stereogenic Tetraphosphines Containing Two
               Chiral "P" Atoms ............................... 458
        16.2.2 P-Stereogenic Hexaphosphines Containing Four
               Chiral "P" Atoms ............................... 461
        16.2.3 P-Stereogenic Oligomers Containing 6, 8, and
               12 Chiral "P" Atoms ............................ 464
   16.3 P-Stereogenic Polymers Containing Chiral "P" Atoms
        in the Main Chain ..................................... 470
        16.3.1 P-Stereogenic Polymers Containing Chiral "P"
               Atoms in the Repeating Unit of the Main
               Chain .......................................... 470
        16.3.2 Optically Active Dendrimers Containing the
               P-Chiral Bisphosphine Unit as the Core ......... 473
        16.3.3 Helical Polymers Containing Chiral "P" Atoms
               in the Terminal Unit ........................... 473
   16.4 Cyclic Phosphines Using P-Stereogenic Oligomers
        as Building Blocks .................................... 475
        16.4.1 Stereospecific Synthesis of trans-1,4-
               Diphosphacyclohexane ........................... 475
        16.4.2 Synthesis of 1,4,7,10-
               Tetraphosphacyclodocecane, 12-Phosphacrown-4 ... 478
        16.4.3 Synthesis of 18-Diphosphacrown-6 ............... 480
   16.5 Conclusions ........................................... 485
   References ................................................. 485

INDEX ......................................................... 489

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