Homeostasis and toxicology of essential metals (London, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHomeostasis and toxicology of essential metals / ed. by Ch.M.Wood, A.P.Farrell, C.J.Brauner. - London: Academic Press, 2012. - xxi, 497 p., [4] p. of plates: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.475-494. - ISBN 978-0-12-378636-4

Оглавление / Contents
Contents of Homeostasis and Toxicology of Non-Essential
Metals, Volume 31B ............................................. xi
Contributors ................................................. xvii
Preface ....................................................... xix

1  An Introduction to Metals in Fish Physiology and
   Toxicology: Basic Principles
   Chris M. Wood
   1  Background ................................................ 2
   2  Structure of the Book ..................................... 6
   3  Chemical Speciation in Freshwater and Sea water ........... 7
   4  Sources of Metals and Economic Importance ................ 11
   5  Environmental Situations of Concern ...................... 12
   6  Acute and Chronic Ambient Water Quality Criteria ......... 13
   7  Mechanisms of Toxicity ................................... 18
   8  Essentiality or Non-Essentiality of Metals ............... 23
   9  Potential for Bioconcentration and/or Biomagnification
      of Metals ................................................ 24
   10 Characterization of Uptake Routes ........................ 27
   11 Characterization of Internal Handling .................... 31
   12 Characterization of Excretion Routes ..................... 36
   13 Behavioral Effects of Metals ............................. 38
   14 Molecular Characterization of Metal Transporters,
      Storage Proteins, and Chaperones ......................... 39
   15 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ............................ 40
   16 Interactions with Other Metals ........................... 40
2  Copper
   Martin Grosell .............................................. 54
   1  Introduction ............................................. 54
   2  Chemical Speciation and Other Factors Affecting
      Toxicity in Freshwater and Seawater ...................... 55
   3  Sources of Copper in the Environment and its Economic
      Importance ............................................... 59
   4  Environmental Situations of Concern ...................... 59
   5  Acute and Chronic Ambient Water Quality Criteria ......... 60
   6  Mechanisms of Toxicity ................................... 62
   7  Essentiality of Copper ................................... 93
   8  Potential for Bioconcentration and Biomagnification of
      Copper ................................................... 94
   9  Characterization of Uptake Routes ........................ 94
   10 Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 103
   11 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 107
   12 Behavioral Effects of Copper ............................ 108
   13 Molecular Characterization of Copper Transporters,
      Storage Proteins, and Chaperones ........................ 109
   14 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 109
   15 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 109
   16 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 110
3  Zinc
   Christer Hogstrand
   1  Introduction ............................................ 136
   2  Chemical Speciation of Zinc in Freshwater and Seawater .. 137
   3  Sources of Zinc and Economic Importance ................. 138
   4  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 140
   5  Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Zinc in Various
      Jurisdictions ........................................... 142
   6  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 144
   7  Essentiality and Roles of Zinc in Biology ............... 149
   8  Potential for Bioconcentration of Zinc .................. 157
   9  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 161
   10 Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 172
   11 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 176
   12 Behavioral Effects of Zinc .............................. 177
   13 Molecular Characterization of Zinc Transporters,
      Storage Proteins, and Chaperones ........................ 179
   14 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 179
   15 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 180
   16 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 184
4  Iron
   Nicolas R. Bury, David Boyle and Christopher A. Cooper
   1  Chemical Speciation in Freshwater and Seawater .......... 202
   2  Sources of Iron and Economic Importance ................. 205
   3  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 206
   4  A Survey of Acute and Chronic Ambient Water Quality
      Criteria in Various Jurisdictions in Freshwater and
      Seawater ................................................ 207
   5  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 209
   6  Essentiality or Non-Essentiality of Iron: Evidence For
      and Against ............................................. 212
   7  Potential for Bioconcentration and/or Biomagnification
      of Iron ................................................. 212
   8  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 215
   9  Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 221
   10 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 227
   1l Behavioral Effects of Iron .............................. 227
   12 MoJeeular Characterization of Epithelial Iron
      Transporters and Hepcidin ............................... 228
   13 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 234
   14 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 234
   15 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 236
5  Nickel
   Greg Pyle and Patrice Couture
   1  Nickel Speciation in Freshwater and Saltwater ........... 254
   2  Nickel Sources and Economic Importance .................. 256
   3  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 258
   4  Environmental Criteria .................................. 258
   5  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 260
   6  Nickel Essentiality ..................................... 269
   7  Potential for Biomagnification or Bioconcentration of
      Nickel .................................................. 272
   8  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 272
   9  Internal Handling of Nickel ............................. 272
   10 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 277
   11 Chemosensory and Behavioral Effects ..................... 278
   12 Genomic, Proteomic, and Genotoxic Effects ............... 280
   13 Nickel Interaction with Other Metals .................... 280
   14 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 281
6  Cobalt
   Ronny Blust
   1  Chemical Speciation in Freshwater and Seawater .......... 292
   2  Sources (Natural and Anthropogenic) of Cobalt and
      Economic Importance ..................................... 295
   3  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 296
   4  A Survey of Acute and Chronic Ambient Water Quality
      Criteria in Various Jurisdictions in Freshwater and
      Seawater ................................................ 296
   5  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 297
   6  Essentiality or Non-Essentiality of Cobalt: Evidence
      For and Against ......................................... 300
   7  Potential for Bioconcentration and/or Biomagnification
      of Cobalt ............................................... 304
   8  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 307
   9  Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 312
   10 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 314
   11 Behavioral Effects of Cobalt ............................ 314
   12 Molecular Characterization of Cobalt Transporters,
      Storage Proteins, and Chaperones ........................ 315
   13 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 317
   14 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 317
7  Selenium
   David M. Janz
   1  Introduction ............................................ 329
   2  Chemical Speciation in Freshwater and Seawater .......... 329
   3  Sources of Selenium and Economic Importance ............. 332
   4  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 334
   5  Survey of Water Quality Guidelines ...................... 337
   6  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 338
   7  Selenium Essentiality ................................... 344
   8  Potential for Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of
      Selenium ................................................ 348
   9  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 351
   10 Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 352
   11 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 357
   12 Behavioral Effects of Selenium .......................... 358
   13 Molecular Characterization of Transporters, Storage
      Proteins, and Chaperones ................................ 359
   14 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 359
   15 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 361
   16 Interactions with Water Temperature ..................... 363
   17 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 364
8  Molybdenum and Chromium
   Scott D. Reid
   1  Chemical Speciation in Freshwater and Seawater .......... 376
   2  Sources (Natural and Anthropogenic) of Molybdenum and
      Chromium and Economic Importance ........................ 378
   3  Environmental Situations of Concern ..................... 379
   4  A Survey of Acute and Chronic Ambient Water Quality
      Criteria in Various Jurisdictions in Freshwater and
      Seawater ................................................ 380
   5  Mechanisms of Toxicity .................................. 381
   6  Essentiality or Non-Essentiality of Molybdenum and
      Chromium: Evidence For and Against ...................... 389
   7  Potential for Bioconcentration and/or Biomagnification
      of Molybdenum and Chromium .............................. 390
   8  Characterization of Uptake Routes ....................... 393
   9  Characterization of Internal Handling ................... 394
   10 Characterization of Excretion Routes .................... 398
   11 Behavioral Effects of Molybdenum and Chromium ........... 402
   12 Molecular Characterization of Molybdenum and Chromium
      Transporters, Storage Proteins, and Chaperones .......... 403
   13 Genomic and Proteomic Studies ........................... 403
   14 Interactions with Other Metals .......................... 405
   15 Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions .................... 406
9  Field Studies on Metal Accumulation and Effects in Fish
   Patrice Couture and Greg Pyle
   1  Historical Review of Natural and Anthropogenic
      Contamination of Aquatic Environments by Metals ......... 418
   2  Relative Importance of Diet Versus Water as Metal
      Sources in Wild Fish .................................... 426
   3  Bioenergetic Effects of Metal Contamination in Wild
      Fish .................................................... 434
   4  Metal Effects on Behavior ............................... 446
   5  Seasonal, Interannual, and Age-dependent Variations in
      Fish Condition and Contamination ........................ 450
   6  Applying Predictive Models in Field Situations .......... 458
   7  Concluding Remarks ...................................... 461

   Other Volumes in the Fish Physiology Series Color Plate

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