Variational analysis and generalized differentiation in optimization and control: in honor of Boris S. Mordukhovich (New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVariational analysis and generalized differentiation in optimization and control: in honor of Boris S. Mordukhovich / ed. by R.S.Burachik, J.-Ch.Yao. - New York: Springer, 2010. - x, 232 p.: ill. - (Springer optimization and its applications; vol.47). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-4419-0436-2; ISSN 1931-6828

Место хранения: 013 | Институт математики СО РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
List of Contributors ........................................... ix
Systems of Vector Quasi-equilibrium Problems and Their
Applications .................................................... 1
Qamrul Hasan Ansari and Jen-Chih Yao
Properties of Derivates and Some Applications .................. 43
Michael McAsey and Libin Моu
On Computing the Mordukhovich Subdifferential Using Directed
Sets in Two Dimensions ......................................... 59
Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi, and Vera Roshchina
Future Challenges for Variational Analysis ..................... 95
Jonathan M. Borwein
A Deflected Subgradient Method Using a General Augmented
Lagrangian Duality with Implications on Penalty Methods ....... 109
Regina S. Burachik and C. Yalçin Kaya
On Weak Multifunction Equilibrium Problems .................... 133
Adela Capătă, Gábor Kassay, and Boglárka Mosoni
Optimality Conditions for a Simple Convex Bilevel 
Programming Problem ........................................... 149
S. Dempe, N. Dinh, and J. Dutta
Smooth Representations of Optimal Solution Sets of Piecewise
Linear Parametric Multiobjective Programs ..................... 163
Ya Ping Fang and Xiao Qi Yang
Global Optimality Conditions for Classes of Non-convex 
Multi-objective Quadratic Optimization Problems ............... 177
V. Jeyakumar, G.M. Lee, and G. Li
Application of Variational Analysis and Control Theory to
Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Density
Function ...................................................... 187
Ilya Shvartsman
Parametric Variational System with a Smooth-Boundary
Constraint Set ................................................ 205
J.-C. Yao and N.D. Yen
Exact Penalty in Constrained Optimization and the
Mordukhovich Basic Subdifferential ............................ 223
Alexander J. Zaslavski

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