List of figures ................................................ ix
List of tables ............................................... xiii
Acknowledgements ............................................... xv
List of abbreviations ......................................... xix
Introduction .................................................... 1
Where, what and when: the Clactonian in its broader context ..... 5
1 Strangers in a strange land: the Clactonian problem,
outlined and defined ......................................... 7
2 Geological and other frameworks ............................. 32
3 The Clactonian sites in their physical context .............. 61
4 Hominin occupation in the Cromerian Complex and in the
early part of the Anglian Glaciation ....................... 102
5 Hominin occupation just before, during, and just after
Marine Isotope Stage 11: the Swanscombe Interglacial ....... 132
6 Hominin occupation just before, during, and just after
Marine Isotope Stage 9: the Purfleet Interglacial .......... 162
7 Hominin occupation just before, during, and just after
Marine Isotope Stage 7: the Aveley Interglacial ............ 187
8 The European scene ......................................... 216
9 The story so far ........................................... 248
Why and how: the Clactonian itself ............................ 253
10 A twentieth-century child: non-handaxe assemblages from
before 1900 to 1950 ........................................ 255
11 Coming of age in the brave new world: the Clactonian from
the 1950s to the present ................................... 281
12 The contentious stones ..................................... 304
13 How well behaved was Homo heidelbergensis? ................. 346
Epilogue ...................................................... 374
Bibliography .................................................. 377
Index ......................................................... 407