Jacobson M.Z. Air pollution and global warming: history, science, and solutions (Cambridge; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJacobson M.Z. Air pollution and global warming: history, science, and solutions. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - xviii, 375 p.: col. ill. – Ref.: p.343-358. – Ind.: p.359-375. – ISBN 978-1-107-69115-5

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by John H. Seinfeld ................................... xv
Preface ...................................................... xvii
1  Basics and Discovery of Atmospheric Chemicals ................ 1
   1.1  Basic Definitions ....................................... 1
   1.2  History of Discovery of Elements and Compounds of
        Atmospheric Importance .................................. 3
   1.3  Chemical Structure and Reactivity ...................... 22
   1.4  Chemical Reactions and Photoprocesses .................. 25
   1.5  Chemical Lifetimes ..................................... 26
   1.6  Chemical Units ......................................... 27
   1.7  Summary ................................................ 27
   1.8  Problems ............................................... 27
2  The Sun, the Earth, and the Evolution of the Earth's
   Atmosphere .................................................. 29
   2.1  The Sun and Its Origin ................................. 29
   2.2  Spectra of the Radiation of the Sun and the Earth ...... 31
   2.3  Primordial Evolution of the Earth and Its Atmosphere ... 33
   2.4  Summary ................................................ 43
   2.5  Problems ............................................... 43
3  Structure and Composition of the Present-Day Atmosphere ..... 45
   3.1  Air Pressure and Density Structure ..................... 45
   3.2  Processes Affecting Temperature ........................ 46
   3.3  Temperature Structure of the Atmosphere ................ 49
   3.4  Equation of State ...................................... 52
   3.5  Composition of the Present-Day Atmosphere .............. 55
   3.6  Characteristics of Selected Gases and Aerosol
        Particle Components .................................... 56
   3.7  Summary ................................................ 71
   3.8  Problems ............................................... 71
4  Urban Air Pollution ......................................... 73
   4.1  History and Early Regulation of Outdoor Urban Air
        Pollution .............................................. 73
   4.2  Gas-Phase Chemistry of the Background Troposphere ...... 85
   4.3  Chemistry of Photochemical Smog ........................ 88
        4.3.1  Emissions of Photochemical Smog Precursors ...... 89
   4.4  Pollutant Removal ...................................... 98
   4.5  Summary ................................................ 98
   4.6  Problems ............................................... 99
5  Aerosol Particles in the Polluted and Global Atmosphere .... 101
   5.1  Size Distributions .................................... 101
   5.2  Sources and Compositions of New Particles ............. 103
   5.3  Processes Affecting Particle Size ..................... 112
   5.4  Summary of the Composition of Aerosol Particles ....... 120
   5.5  Aerosol Particle Morphology and Shape ................. 120
   5.6  Health Effects of Aerosol Particles ................... 122
   5.7  Quantifying the Health Effects of Particles or Gases .. 123
   5.8  Summary ............................................... 124
   5.9  Problems .............................................. 124
6  Effects of Meteorology on Air Pollution .................... 127
   6.1  Forces ................................................ 127
   6.2  Winds ................................................. 128
   6.3  Global Circulation of the Atmosphere .................. 131
   6.4  Semipermanent Pressure Systems ........................ 134
   6.5  Thermal Pressure Systems .............................. 135
   6.6  Effects of Large-Scale Pressure Systems on Air
        Pollution ............................................. 135
   6.7  Effects of Local Meteorology on Air Pollution ......... 144
   6.8  Summary ............................................... 150
   6.9  Problems .............................................. 151
7  Effects of Pollution on Visibility, Ultraviolet Radiation,
   and Colors in the Sky ...................................... 153
   7.1  Processes Affecting Solar Radiation in the
        Atmosphere ............................................ 153
   7.2  Visibility ............................................ 166
   7.3  Colors in the Atmosphere .............................. 170
   7.4  Summary ............................................... 172
   7.5  Problems .............................................. 173
   7.6  Visibility Project .................................... 174
8  International Regulation of Urban Smog Since the 1940s ..... 175
   8.1  Regulation in the United States ....................... 175
   8.2  Pollution Trends and Regulations outside the United
        States ................................................ 189
   8.3  Summary ............................................... 205
   8.4  Problems .............................................. 205
9  Indoor Air Pollution ....................................... 207
   9.1  Pollutants in Indoor Air and Their Sources ............ 207
   9.2  Sick Building Syndrome ................................ 217
   9.3  Personal Clouds ....................................... 218
   9.4  Regulation of Indoor Air Pollution .................... 218
   9.5  Summary ............................................... 219
   9.6  Problems .............................................. 219
10 Acid Deposition ............................................ 221
   10.1 Historical Aspects of Acid Deposition ................. 221
   10.2 Causes of Acidity ..................................... 224
   10.3 Sulfuric Acid Deposition .............................. 226
   10.4 Nitric Acid Deposition ................................ 228
   10.5 Effects of Acid Deposition ............................ 228
   10.6 Natural and Artificial Neutralization of Lakes and
        Soils ................................................. 231
   10.7 Recent Regulatory Control of Acid Deposition .......... 234
   10.8 Summary ............................................... 235
   10.9 Problems .............................................. 236
11 Global Stratospheric Ozone Reduction ....................... 237
   11.1 Structure of the Present-Day Ozone Layer .............. 237
   11.2 Relationship between the Ozone Layer and Ultraviolet
        Radiation ............................................. 239
   11.3 Chemistry of the Natural Ozone Layer .................. 240
   11.4 Recent Changes to the Ozone Layer ..................... 243
   11.5 Effects of Chlorine on Global Ozone Reduction ......... 245
   11.6 Effects of Bromine on Global Ozone Reduction .......... 251
   11.7 Regeneration Rates of Stratospheric Ozone ............. 251
   11.8 Antarctic Ozone Hole .................................. 252
   11.9 Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Life and
        Ecosystems ............................................ 256
   11.10 Regulation of Chlorofluorocarbons .................... 259
   11.11 Summary .............................................. 261
   11.12 Problems ............................................. 261
12 The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming ................... 263
   12.1 Temperature on Earth in the Absence of a Greenhouse
        Effect ................................................ 263
   12.2 The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming .............. 268
   12.3 Recent and Historical Temperature Trends .............. 274
   12.4 Feedbacks and Other Factors That May Affect Global
        Temperatures .......................................... 288
   12.5 Consequences of Global Warming ........................ 294
   12.6 Regulatory Control of Global Warming .................. 301
   12.7 Summary ............................................... 306
   12.8 Problems .............................................. 307
   12.9 Essay Questions ....................................... 307
13 Energy Solutions to Air Pollution and Global Warming ....... 309
   13.1 Clean, Low-Risk, Sustainable Energy Systems ........... 309
   13.2 Characteristics of Electricity-Generating Wind,
        Water, and Sunlight Technologies ...................... 317
   13.3 Energy Needed to Power the World ...................... 323
   13.4 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Resources Available to
        Power the World ....................................... 323
   13.5 Number, Footprint, and Spacing of Plants and Devices
        Required .............................................. 325
   13.6 Material Resources Required ........................... 329
   13.7 Downtime of Wind, Water, and Sunlight versus
        Conventional Energy Technologies ...................... 331
   13.8 Reliably Matching Demand with Variable Wind, Water,
        and Sunlight Resources ................................ 332
   13.9 Cost of Wind, Water, and Sunlight Electricity
        Generation and Long-Distance At Transmission .......... 335
   13.10 Policy Mechanisms .................................... 336
   13.11 Summary and Conclusions .............................. 337
   13.12 Problems ............................................. 339
   13.13 Group or Individual Project .......................... 340
Appendix: Conversions and Constants ........................... 341
References .................................................... 343
Index ......................................................... 359

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