Mendonca J.T. Physics of ultra-cold matter: atomic clouds, bose-einstein condensates and rydberg plasmas (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMendonça J.T. Physics of ultra-cold matter: atomic clouds, bose-einstein condensates and rydberg plasmas / J.T.Mendonça, H.Terças. - New York: Springer, 2013. - xx, 398 p. - (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics; 70). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.395-398. - ISBN 978-1-4614-5412-0; ISSN 1615-5653

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Three Phases of Ultra-cold Matter ....................... 1
   1.2  Historical Perspective .................................. 3
   1.3  Book Overview ........................................... 4
   References ................................................... 6

Part I  Atomic Clouds

2  Laser Cooling ................................................ 9
   2.1  Atom in the Laser Field ................................. 9
   2.2  Laser Cooling Force .................................... 14
   2.3  Doppler Limit .......................................... 17
   2.4  Magnetic Traps ......................................... 18
        2.4.1  Multipolar Field Configuration .................. 19
        2.4.2  Helmholtz Configuration ......................... 20
        2.4.3  Ioffe Configuration ............................. 20
        2.4.4  Anti-Helmholtz Configuration .................... 21
   2.5  Sisyphus Cooling ....................................... 23
   2.6  Evaporative Cooling .................................... 25
   2.7  Sympathetic Cooling .................................... 29
   References .................................................. 33
3  Wave Kinetic Approach ....................................... 35
   3.1  Wigner-Moyal Procedure ................................. 35
        3.1.1  Quasi-distributions ............................. 36
        3.1.2  Weyl Transformation ............................. 39
        3.1.3  Wave Kinetic Equation ........................... 41
        3.1.4  The Quasi-classical Limit ....................... 43
   3.2  Center-of-Mass Equation ................................ 44
   3.3  Wave Kinetic Description of the Laser-Atom
        Interaction ............................................ 47
   3.4  Two-Level Atom ......................................... 48
   3.5  Links with Dynamics and Statistics ..................... 50
        3.5.1  Quasi-classical Limit ........................... 50
        3.5.2  Momentum Diffusion and the Doppler Limit ........ 51
   3.6  Lambda Configuration ................................... 53
   3.7  Two Coupled Radiative Transitions ...................... 55
   3.8  Influence of a Blue-Detuned Pump ....................... 58
   References .................................................. 60
4  Atomic Clouds ............................................... 63
   4.1  Atom-Atom Collisions ................................... 64
   4.2  Feshbach Resonances .................................... 69
   4.3  Collective Forces ...................................... 74
   4.4  Equilibrium Profiles ................................... 79
        4.4.1  Qualitative Discussion .......................... 80
        4.4.2  Quantitative Model .............................. 82
   4.5  Coulomb Expansion ...................................... 84
   References .................................................. 88
5  Waves and Oscillations in Clouds ............................ 89
   5.1  Hybrid Sound ........................................... 89
        5.1.1  Fluid Description ............................... 89
        5.1.2  Kinetic Approach ................................ 91
   5.2  Tonks-Dattner Modes .................................... 96
   5.3  Large Scale Oscillations ............................... 99
        5.3.1  The Centre-of-Mass Oscillation .................. 99
        5.3.2  Normal Modes ................................... 100
   5.4  Nonlinear Mode Coupling ............................... 103
   5.5  Quasi-linear Diffusion ................................ 107
   5.6  Phaser, the Phonon Laser .............................. 100
   References ................................................. 114
6  Photons in the Ultra-cold Gas .............................. 115
   6.1  Optical Properties .................................... 116
   6.2  Modulational Instability .............................. 118
   6.3  Photon Bubbles ........................................ 120
   6.4  Roton Instability ..................................... 125
   6.5  Density Fluctuations .................................. 131
   6.6  Collective Laser Scattering ........................... 135
   References ................................................. 138

Part II  The Physics of Bose-Einstein Condensates

7  Bose Einstein Condensates .................................. 143
   7.1  Uniform Gas ........................................... 144
   7.2  Trapped Gas ........................................... 145
   7.3  Atom Correlations ..................................... 149
   7.4  Mean Field Approximation .............................. 153
   7.5  Thomas-Fermi Approximation ............................ 155
   7.6  Fluid and Kinetic Formulations ........................ 158
        7.6.1  Quantum Fluid Equations ........................ 158
        7.6.2  Wave Kinetic Equation .......................... 160
   References ................................................. 161
8  Elementary Excitations in BECs ............................. 163
   8.1  SoundWaves ............................................ 163
   8.2  Global Oscillations ................................... 165
   8.3  Kinetic Processes ..................................... 168
   8.4  Landau Damping ........................................ 169
   8.5  Dynamical Instabilities ............................... 171
   8.6  Wakefields in Bose-Einstein Condensates ............... 174
   References ................................................. 180
9  Solitons ................................................... 181
   9.1  Effective One-Dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii Equation ... 182
   9.2  One-Dimensional Dark and Grey Solitons ................ 184
        9.2.1  Energy of the Soliton .......................... 187
   9.3  The Inverse Scattering Transform ...................... 188
   9.4  Interaction Between Two Dark Solitons ................. 189
   9.5  Bright Solitons ....................................... 193
   9.6  Dark Solitons in Harmonic Traps ....................... 194
   9.7  The Soliton Gas ....................................... 197
   9.8  Solitons in Two Dimensions ............................ 200
   References ................................................. 202
10 Quantum Field Theory of BECs ............................... 205
   10.1 Bogoliubov Theory ..................................... 205
   10.2 ВЕС Depletion ......................................... 209
   10.3 Phonon Pair Creation .................................. 211
        10.3.1 Time Refraction ................................ 211
        10.3.2 Dynamical Casimir Effect ....................... 215
   10.4  Acoustic Black Holes ................................. 217
        10.4.1 Hawking Radiation .............................. 218
        10.4.2 Effective Metric in a Condensate ............... 219
        10.4.3 Acoustic Hawking (Unruh) Radiation ............. 220
   References ................................................. 222
11 Superfluidity .............................................. 225
   11.1 Phonon Kinetics ....................................... 225
   11.2 Phonon Fluid Equations ................................ 228
   11.3 Slow Perturbations in the Superfluid .................. 230
   11.4 Superfluid Currents ................................... 232
   11.5 Phonon Landau Damping ................................. 234
   11.6 Roton Excitation ...................................... 235
       11.6.1 Wave Kinetic Equation with Dipolar
              Interactions .................................... 236
       11.6.2 Dispersion Relation ............................. 237
       11.6.3 Roton Instability ............................... 238
   References ................................................. 240
12 Rotating BECs .............................................. 241
   12.1 Quantum Vortices ...................................... 241
   12.2 Vortex Nucleation ..................................... 244
   12.3 Tkachenko Modes ....................................... 245
   12.4 Rossby Waves .......................................... 246
   12.5 Rossby-Tkatchenko Modes ............................... 252
   12.6 Coupling with Photon OAM States ....................... 254
   References ................................................. 256
13 Quantum Coherence .......................................... 257
   13.1 Atom Interferometry ................................... 257
   13.2 Time Interferometry ................................... 259
   13.3 Decoherence Processes ................................. 262
   13.4 Gravitational Decoherence ............................. 265
   13.5 Josephson Tunneling of a Condensate ................... 269
   References ................................................. 274

Part III  The Physics of Ultracold Plasmas

14 Ultra-cold Plasmas ......................................... 277
   14.1 Different Plasma Regimes .............................. 278
   14.2 Basic Plasma Properties ............................... 280
   14.3 Ionization Processes .................................. 283
   14.4 Single Particle Motion ................................ 285
   14.5 Adiabatic Invariants .................................. 289
   14.6 Plasma Equations ...................................... 293
        14.6.1 Klimontovitch Equation ......................... 294
        14.6.2 Vlasov Equation ................................ 296
        14.6.3 Kinetic Equations with Collisions .............. 298
   14.7 Fluid Equations ....................................... 299
   References ................................................. 302
15 Physics of Rydberg Plasmas ................................. 305
   15.1 Plasma Expansion in the Collisional Regime ............ 306
        15.1.1 Free Diffusion ................................. 306
        15.1.2 Ambipolar Diffusion Regime ..................... 308
        15.1.3 Recombination in Volume ........................ 309
   15.2 Collisionless Plasma Expansion ........................ 310
   15.3 Strongly Coupled Ions ................................. 313
        15.3.1 Ion-Neutral Coupling ........................... 313
        15.3.2 Ion-Ion Coupling ............................... 316
        15.3.3 Phase Transitions .............................. 317
   15.4 Disorder Induced Heating .............................. 321
   15.5 Quasi-equilibrium States .............................. 323
   15.6 Rydberg Atoms ......................................... 326
        15.6.1 Basic Properties ............................... 326
        15.6.2 Rydberg Blockade ............................... 329
   15.7 Three-Body Recombination .............................. 334
   References ................................................. 336
16 Waves in Rydberg Plasmas ................................... 339
   16.1 Isotropic Plasmas ..................................... 340
   16.2 Polaritons and Slow Light ............................. 343
   16.3 Ponderomotive Force ................................... 349
   16.4 Electron Drift Instability ............................ 351
   16.5 Drift Waves at Plasma Gradients ....................... 353
   16.6 Waves in Magnetized Cold Plasmas ...................... 355
        16.6.1 General Dispersion Relation .................... 355
        16.6.2 Parallel Propagation ........................... 358
        16.6.3 Perpendicular Propagation ...................... 360
   16.7 Waves in Expanding Plasmas ............................ 361
   16.8 Waves in Strongly Coupled Plasmas ..................... 364
   References ................................................. 366
17 Kinetic Theory of Waves .................................... 367
   17.1 Kinetic Dispersion Relation ........................... 368
   17.2 Electron Plasma Waves ................................. 371
   17.3 Ion Acoustic Waves .................................... 373
   17.4 Waves in Quantum Plasmas .............................. 374
   17.5 Sound Waves in a Turbulent Plasma ..................... 378
        17.5.1 Plasmon Kinetic Equation ....................... 378
        17.5.2 Ion Oscillations ............................... 380
   References ................................................. 381
18 Conclusions ................................................ 383
   Appendix ................................................... 385
   A.1  Atomic Structure ...................................... 385
   A.2  Quantum Theory of Radiative Transitions ............... 389

Appendix ...................................................... 385
A.1  Atomic Structure ......................................... 385
A.2  Quantum Theory of Radiative Transitions .................. 389

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