List of Contributors ........................................... ix
Preface ....................................................... xiv
T. Glade, P. Albini and F. Frances
An Introduction to the use of historical data in natural
hazard assessments ........................................... xvii
PART A: Earthquakes (Albini, P.)
F. Galadini, P. Galli, D. Molin and G. Ciurletti
Searching for the source of the 1117 earthquake in
northern Italy: A multidisciplinary approach .................... 3
J. Vogt
Sismicité historique des petites Antilles.
Un test pour quelques années du milieu du XIXe siécle .......... 29
P. Albini and F. Rodriguez De La Torre
The 1828-1829 earthquake sequence in the provinces of
Alicante and Murcia (S-E Spain): Historical sources and
macroseismic intensity assessment .............................. 35
M.S. Barbano, R. Rigano and I. Coppolino
The seismic history of Nicolosi (Catania, Italy) ............... 55
T. Susagna, X. Goula, and A. Roca
A new macroseismic catalogue for Catalonia ..................... 71
M. Mucciarelli and M. Stucchi
Expeditious seismic damage scenarios based on intensity
data from historical earthquakes ............................... 81
PART B: Flooding (Frances,F.)
F. Frances
Incorporating non-systematic information to flood frequency
analysis using die maximum likelihood estimation method ........ 89
M. Fernández De Villalta, G. Benito and A. Diez-Herrero
Historical flood data analysis using a GIS:
The Palaeotagus database ...................................... 101
R. Naulet, M. Lang, D. Coeur and C. Gigon
Collaboration between historians and hydrologists on
the Ardèche river (France) .................................... 113
M.-C. Llasat and M. Barriendos
Availability and potential of historical flood series in the
Iberian Peninsula (14th - 20th centuries) ..................... 131
S. Pagliara
Hydraulic modelling and historical inundation assessment
for the Versilia river ........................................ 141
PART C: Landslides (Glade, T.)
T. Glade
Landslide hazard assessment and historical landslide
data - an inseparable couple? ................................. 153
V. Rizzo, F. Fragale and O. Terranova
Widespread landslide and flood events in the Catanzaro's
Isthmus (Calabria, Italy); Relationships with
rainfall data ................................................. 169
C. Alger and E.E. Brabb
The development and application of a historical bibliography
to assess landslide hazard in the United States ............... 185
D. Calcaterra and M. Parise
The contribution of historical information in the
assessment of landslide hazard ................................ 201
Index ......................................................... 219