Editorial: 'Disregarded' microbial diversity and ecological
potentials in aquatic systems: a new paradigm shift ahead
T. Sime-Ngando, N. Niquil ....................................... 1
Hidden diversity among aquatic heterotrophic flagellates:
ecological potentials of zoosporic fungi
T. Sime-Ngando, E. Lefèvre, F.H. Gleason ........................ 5
The ecological potentials of Phytomyxea ("plasmodiophorids")
in aquatic food webs
S. Neuhauser, M. Kirchmair, F.H. Gleason ....................... 23
Perkinsozoa, a well-known marine protozoan flagellate
parasite group, newly identified in lacustrine systems:
a review
J.-F. Mangot, D. Debroas, I. Domaizon .......................... 37
Parasitic chytrids could promote copepod survival by mediating
material transfer from inedible diatoms
M. Kagami, N.R. Helmsing, E. van Donk .......................... 49
Patterns of utilization of different carbon sources by
F.H. Gleason, A.V. Marano, A.L. Digby, N. Al-Shugairan,
O. Lilje, M.M. Steciow, M.D. Barrera, S. Inaba, A. Nakagiri .... 55
Potential role of fungi in plankton food web functioning and
stability: a simulation analysis based on Lake Biwa inverse
N. Niquil, M. Kagami, J. Urabe, U. Christaki, E. Viscogliosi,
T. Sime-Ngando ................................................. 65
The effects of antifungal substances on some zoosporic fungi
(Kingdom Fungi)
F.H. Gleason, A.V. Marano ...................................... 81
Diversity, role in decomposition, and succession of zoosporic
fungi and straminipiles on submerged decaying leaves in
a woodland stream
A.V. Marano, C.L.A. Pires-Zottarelli, M.D. Barrera,
M.M. Steciow, F.H. Gleason ..................................... 93
Potential distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in
Argentina: implications in amphibian conservation
R. Ghirardi, M.G. Perotti, M.M. Steciow, M.L. Arellano,
G.S. Natale ................................................... 111