About this book ............................................... xiu
Acknowledgments .............................................. xvii
Introduction .................................................. xix
0 Notational conventions ....................................... 1
0.1 Representing objects as strings ......................... 2
0.2 Decision problems/languages ............................. 3
0.3 Big-oh notation ......................................... 3
EXERCISES .................................................... 4
PART ONE: BASIC COMPLEXITY CLASSES .............................. 7
1 The computational model—and why it doesn't matter ............ 9
1.1 Modeling computation: What you really need to know ..... 10
1.2 The Turing machine ..................................... 11
1.3 Efficiency and running time ............................ 15
1.4 Machines as strings and the universal Turing machine ... 19
1.5 Uncomputability: An introduction ....................... 21
1.6 The Class P ............................................ 24
1.7 Proof of Theorem 1.9: Universal simulation in O(T log
t)-time ................................................ 29
2 NP and NP completeness ...................................... 38
2.1 The Class NP............................................ 39
2.2 Reducibility and NP-completeness ....................... 42
2.3 The Cook-Levin Theorem: Computation is local ........... 44
2.4 The web of reductions .................................. 50
2.5 Decision versus search ................................. 54
2.6 coNP, EXP, and NEXP .................................... 55
2.7 More thoughts about P, NP, and all that ................ 57
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY ................................... 62
EXERCISES ................................................... 63
3 Diagonalization ............................................. 68
3.1 Time Hierarchy Theorem ................................. 69
3.2 Nondeterministic Time Hierarchy Theorem ................ 69
3.3 Ladner's Theorem: Existence of NP-intermediate
problems ............................................... 71
3.4 Oracle machines and the limits of diagonalization ...... 72
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY ................................... 76
EXERCISES ................................................... 77
4 Space complexity ............................................ 78
4.1 Definition of space-bounded computation ................ 78
4.2 PSPACE completeness .................................... 83
4.3 NL completeness ........................................ 87
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY ................................... 93
EXERCISES ................................................... 93
5 The polynomial hierarchy and alternations ................... 95
5.1 The Class Σ2p .......................................... 96
5.2 The polynomial hierarchy ............................... 97
5.3 Alternating Turing machines ............................ 99
5.4 Time versus alternations: Time-space tradeoffs for
SAT ................................................... 101
5.5 Defining the hierarchy via oracle machines ............ 102
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 104
EXERCISES .................................................. 104
6 Boolean circuits ........................................... 106
6.1 Boolean circuits and P/poly ........................... 107
6.2 Uniformly generated circuits .......................... 111
6.3 Turing machines that take advice ...................... 112
6.4 P/poly and NP ......................................... 113
6.5 Circuit lower bounds .................................. 115
6.6 Nonuniform Hierarchy Theorem .......................... 116
6.7 Finer gradations among circuit classes ................ 116
6.8 Circuits of exponential size .......................... 119
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 120
EXERCISES .................................................. 121
7 Randomized computation ..................................... 123
7.1 Probabilistic Turing machines ......................... 124
7.2 Some examples of PTMs ................................. 126
7.3 One-sided and "zero-sided" error: RP, coRP, ZPP ....... 131
7.4 The robustness of our definitions ..................... 132
7.5 Relationship between BPP and other classes ............ 135
7.6 Randomized reductions ................................. 138
7.7 Randomized space-bounded computation .................. 139
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 140
EXERCISES .................................................. 141
8 Interactive proofs ......................................... 143
8.1 Interactive proofs: Some variations ................... 144
8.2 Public coins and AM ................................... 150
8.3 IP = PSPACE ........................................... 157
8.4 The power of the prover ............................... 162
8.5 Multiprover interactive proofs (MIP) .................. 163
8.6 Program checking ...................................... 164
8.7 Interactive proof for the permanent ................... 167
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 169
EXERCISES .................................................. 170
9 Cryptography ............................................... 172
9.1 Perfect secrecy and its limitations ................... 173
9.2 Computational security, one-way functions, and
pseudorandom generators ............................... 175
9.3 Pseudorandom generators from one-way permutations ..... 180
9.4 Zero knowledge ........................................ 186
9.5 Some applications ..................................... 189
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 194
EXERCISES .................................................. 197
10 Quantum computation ........................................ 201
10.1 Quantum weirdness: The two-slit experiment ............ 202
10.2 Quantum superposition and qubits ...................... 204
10.3 Definition of quantum computation and BQP ............. 209
10.4 Grover's search algorithm ............................. 216
10.5 Simon's algorithm ..................................... 219
10.6 Shor's algorithm: Integer factorization using
quantum computers ..................................... 221
10.7 BQP and classical complexity classes .................. 230
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 232
EXERCISES .................................................. 234
11 PCP theorem and hardness of approximation: An
introduction ............................................... 237
11.1 Motivation: Approximate solutions to NP-hard
optimization problems ................................. 238
11.2 Two views of the PCP Theorem .......................... 240
11.3 Equivalence of the two views .......................... 244
11.4 Hardness of approximation for vertex cover and
independent set ....................................... 247
11.5NP PCP(poly(n), 1): PCP from the Walsh-Hadamard
code .................................................. 249
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 254
EXERCISES .................................................. 255
12 Decision trees ............................................. 259
12.1 Decision trees and decision tree complexity ........... 259
12.2 Certificate complexity ................................ 262
12.3 Randomized decision trees ............................. 263
12.4 Some techniques for proving decision tree lower
bounds ................................................ 264
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 268
EXERCISES .................................................. 269
13 Communication complexity ................................... 270
13.1 Definition of two-party communication complexity ...... 271
13.2 Lower bound methods ................................... 272
13.3 Multiparty communication complexity ................... 278
13.4 Overview of other communication models ................ 280
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 282
EXERCISES .................................................. 283
14 Circuit lower bounds: Complexity theory's Waterloo ......... 286
14.1 AC0 and Håstad's Switching Lemma ...................... 286
14.2 Circuits with "counters": ACC ......................... 291
14.3 Lower bounds for monotone circuits .................... 293
14.4 Circuit complexity: The frontier ...................... 297
14.5 Approaches using communication complexity ............. 300
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 304
EXERCISES .................................................. 305
15 Proof complexity ........................................... 307
15.1 Some examples ......................................... 307
15.2 Propositional calculus and resolution ................. 309
15.3 Other proof systems: A tour d'horizon ................. 313
15.4 Metamathematical musings .............................. 315
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 316
EXERCISES .................................................. 317
16 Algebraic computation models ............................... 318
16.1 Algebraic straight-line programs and algebraic
circuits .............................................. 319
16.2 Algebraic computation trees ........................... 326
16.3 The Blum-Shub-Smale model ............................. 331
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 334
EXERCISES .................................................. 336
PART THREE: ADVANCED TOPICS ................................... 339
17 Complexity of counting ..................................... 341
17.1 Examples of counting problems ......................... 342
17.2 The Class #P .......................................... 344
17.3 #P completeness ....................................... 345
17.4 Toda's theorem: PH P#SAT ............................ 352
17.5 Open problems ......................................... 358
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 359
EXERCISES .................................................. 359
18 Average case complexity: Levin's theory .................... 361
18.1 Distributional problems and distP ..................... 362
18.2 Formalization of "real-life distributions" ............ 365
18.3 distnp and its complete problems ...................... 365
18.4 Philosophical and practical implications .............. 369
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 371
EXERCISES .................................................. 371
19 Hardness amplification and error-correcting codes .......... 373
19.1 Mild to strong hardness: Yao's XOR lemma .............. 375
19.2 Tool: Error-correcting codes .......................... 379
19.3 Efficient decoding .................................... 385
19.4 Local decoding and hardness amplification ............. 386
19.5 List decoding ......................................... 392
19.6 Local list decoding: Getting to BPP = P ............... 394
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 398
EXERCISES .................................................. 399
20 Derandomization ............................................ 402
20.1 Pseudorandom generators and derandomization ........... 403
20.2 Proof of Theorem 20.6: Nisan-Wigderson Construction ... 407
20.3 Derandomization under uniform assumptions ............. 413
20.4 Derandomization requires circuit lower bounds ......... 415
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 418
EXERCISES .................................................. 419
21 Pseudorandom constructions: Expanders and extractors ....... 421
21.1 Random walks and eigenvalues .......................... 422
21.2 Expander graphs ....................................... 426
21.3 Explicit construction of expander graphs .............. 434
21.4 Deterministic logspace algorithm for undirected
connectivity .......................................... 440
21.5 Weak random sources and extractors .................... 442
21.6 Pseudorandom generators for space-bounded
computation ........................................... 449
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 454
EXERCISES .................................................. 456
22 Proofs of PCP theorems and the Fourier transform
technique .................................................. 460
22.1 Constraint satisfaction problems with nonbinary
alphabet .............................................. 461
22.2 Proof of the PCP theorem .............................. 461
22.3 Hardness of 2CSPW: Tradeoff between gap and alphabet
size .................................................. 472
22.4 Hastad's 3-bit PCP Theorem and hardness of MAX-3SAT ... 474
22.5 Tool: The Fourier transform technique ................. 475
22.6 Coordinate functions, long Code, and its testing ...... 480
22.7 Proof of Theorem 22.16 ................................ 481
22.8 Hardness of approximating SET-COVER ................... 486
22.9 Other PCP theorems: A survey .......................... 488
22.A Transforming qCSP instances into "nice" instances ..... 491
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 493
EXERCISES .................................................. 495
23 Why are circuit lower bounds so difficult? ................. 498
23.1 Definition of natural proofs .......................... 499
23.2 What's so natural about natural proofs? ............... 500
23.3 Proof of Theorem 23.1 ................................. 503
23.4 An "unnatural" lower bound ............................ 504
23.5 A philosophical view .................................. 505
CHAPTER NOTES AND HISTORY .................................. 506
EXERCISES .................................................. 507
Appendix: Mathematical background.............................. 508
A.l Sets, functions, pairs, strings, graphs, logic ........ 509
A.2 Probability theory .................................... 510
A.3 Number theory and groups .............................. 517
A.4 Finite fields ......................................... 521
A.5 Basic facts from linear Algebra ....................... 522
A.6 Polynomials ........................................... 527
Hints and selected exercises .................................. 531
Main theorems and definitions ................................. 545
Bibliography .................................................. 549
Index ......................................................... 575
Complexity class index ........................................ 579