| Deruelle A. Networking Seifert surgeries on knots / A.Deruelle, K.Miyazaki, K.Motegi. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2012. - vii, 130 p. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; vol.217, N 1021). - Bibliogr.: p.127-130. - ISSN 0065-9266; ISBN 978-0-8218-5333-7
Acknowledgments ............................................... vii
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................... 1
Chapter 2 Seiferters and Seifert Surgery Network ............... 5
2.1 Seiferters for Seifert surgeries ........................... 5
2.2 m-equivalence of seiferters ............................... 11
2.3 Pairs of seiferters ....................................... 17
2.4 Seifert Surgery Network ................................... 25
2.5 Distance and complexity for Seifert surgeries ............. 29
Chapter 3 Classification of seiferters ........................ 31
3.1 Hyperbolic seiferters ..................................... 31
3.2 Seiferters for non-degenerate Seifert fibrations .......... 31
3.3 Seiferters for degenerate Seifert fibrations .............. 42
Chapter 4 Geometric aspects of seiferters ..................... 51
4.1 Geodesic seiferters ....................................... 51
4.2 Seiferters with arbitrarily large volume .................. 52
Chapter 5 S-linear trees ...................................... 55
5.1 Seifert invariants of seiferters .......................... 55
5.2 Linear trees generated by seiferters ...................... 56
5.3 Classification of S-linear trees .......................... 58
5.4 Hyperbolic seiferters and S-linear trees .................. 63
Chapter 6 Combinatorial structure of Seifert Surgery
Network ............................................. 67
6.1 Intersection of two S-linear trees ........................ 67
6.2 Cycles in the Seifert Surgery Network ..................... 71
6.3 Local infiniteness of the Seifert Surgery Network ......... 78
Chapter 7 Asymmetric seiferters and Seifert surgeries
on knots without symmetry ........................... 83
Chapter 8 Seifert surgeries on torus knots and graph knots .... 93
8.1 Subnetwork of Seifert surgeries on torus knots ............ 93
8.2 Subnetwork of Seifert surgeries on graph knots ............ 95
Chapter 9 Paths from various known Seifert surgeries to
those on torus knots ................................ 99
9.1 Lens surgeries given by primitive/primitive
construction .............................................. 99
9.2 Seifert surgeries given by primitive/Seifert-fibered
construction ............................................. 101
9.3 Seifert surgeries given by the Montesinos trick .......... 116
9.4 Toroidal Seifert surgeries over S2 ....................... 117
9.5 Toroidal Seifert surgeries over P2 ..................... 119
Bibliography .................................................. 127