Plenary lectures
R. Bañuelos, A. Bielaszewski and K. Bogdan, Fourier
multipliers for non-symmetric Lévy processes .............. 9-25
N.H. Bingham, Józef Marcinkiewicz: analysis and
probability .............................................. 27-44
M. Cwikel, Y. Sagher and P. Shvartsman, A geometrical/
combinatorical question with implications for the John-
Nirenberg inequality for BMO functions ................... 45-53
T. Iwaniec, An essay on the Interpolation Theorem of Józef
Marcinkiewicz - Polish patriot ........................... 55-74
J.-P. Kahane, Summation processes viewed from the Fourier
properties of continuous unimodular functions on the
circle ................................................... 75-87
N.J. Кalton, Marcinkiewicz spaces, commutators and
non-commutative geometry ................................. 89-95
M. Lacey, The linear bound in A2 for Calderón-Zygmund
operators: a survey ..................................... 97-114
R. Latała, Weak and strong moments of random vectors ...... 115-121
T. Łuczak, On families of weakly dependent random
variables .............................................. 123-132
L. Maligranda, Józef Marcinkiewicz (1910-1940) - on the
centenary of his birth ................................. 133-234
A. Seeger and J. Wright, Problems on averages and
lacunary maximal functions ............................. 235-250
L. Szili and P. Vértesi, On the theorem of Géza
Grünwald and Józef Marcinkiewicz ....................... 251-259
M. Yor, Small and big probability worlds .................. 261-271
M. Burnecki and R. Rałowski, Topologies on the group of
invertible transformations ............................. 273-280
J. Cerdà, J. Martín and P. Silvestre, Interpolation of
quasicontinuous functions .............................. 281-286
N. Dăneţ, Dedekind cuts in C(X) ........................... 287-297
R.-M. Dăneţ, Common extensions for linear operators ....... 299-316
U. Goginava, Norm convergence of Fejér means of two-
dimensional Walsh-Fourier series ....................... 317-324
M. Klimek, On contraction principle applied to nonlinear
fractional differential equations with derivatives of
order α(0,1) .......................................... 325-338
W. Łenski and B. Szal, Approximation of functions from
Lр(ω)β by general linear operators of their Fourier
series ................................................. 339-351
M. Nowak, Dunford-Pettis operators on the space of
Bochner integrable functions ........................... 353-358
B. Szal, On the rate of summability by matrix means in
the generalized Hölder metric .......................... 359-368
К.E. Tikhomirov, A strengthening of a theorem of
Marcinkiewicz .......................................... 369-383
M.C. Veraar, Regularity of Gaussian white noise on the
d-dimensional torus .................................... 385-398
F. Weisz, Some footprints of Marcinkiewicz in
summability theory ..................................... 399-413