Sheng J. Modern chemical enhanced oil recovery: theory and practice (Burlington, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSheng J. Modern chemical enhanced oil recovery: theory and practice. - Burlington: Gulf Professional Pub., 2011. - xxvii, 617 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.569-600. - Ind.: p.601-617. - ISBN 978-1-85617-745-0

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Оглавление / Contents
     Preface ................................................. xiii
     Nomenclature ............................................ xvii

Chapter 1  Introduction ......................................... 1
1.1  Enhanced Oil Recovery's Potential .......................... 1
1.2  Definitions of EOR and IOR ................................. 1
     Existing Definitions ....................................... 2
     Proposed Definitions ....................................... 3
1.3  General Description of Chemical EOR Processes .............. 4
1.4  Performance Evaluation of EOR Processes .................... 5
1.5  Screening Criteria for Chemical EOR Processes .............. 8
     Formation .................................................. 8
     Oil Composition and Oil Viscosity .......................... 8
     Formation Water Salinity and Divalents ..................... 8
     Reservoir Temperature ...................................... 9
     Formation Permeability ..................................... 9
1.6  Naming Conventions and Units ............................... 9
1.7  Organization of This Book ................................. 11

Chapter 2  Transport of Chemicals and Fractional Flow Curve
           Analysis ............................................ 13
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 13
2.2  Diffusion ................................................. 13
     Diffusion in a Bulk Liquid or Gas Phase ................... 13
     Diffusion in a Tortuous Pore .............................. 14
     Statistical Representation of Diffusion ................... 15
2.3  Dispersion ................................................ 16
     Concept of Dispersion ..................................... 16
     Estimate Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient from
     Experimental Data ......................................... 17
     Empirical Correlations for the Longitudinal Dispersion
     Coefficient ............................................... 22
     Empirical Correlations for the Transverse Dispersion
     Coefficient ............................................... 24
     Evaluation of the Contributions of Diffusion, Convection,
     and Dispersion to the Front Spread ........................ 25
     Dispersivity .............................................. 26
2.4  Retardation of Chemicals in Single-Phase Flow ............. 28
2.5  Types of Fronts ........................................... 29
     Spreading Front ........................................... 31
     Indifferent Front ......................................... 31
     Sharpening Front .......................................... 32
2.6  Fractional Flow Curve Analysis of Two-Phase Flow .......... 36
     Saturation Shock .......................................... 36
     Fractional Flow Equation .................................. 37
     Retardation of Chemicals in Two-Phase Flow ................ 39
     Fractional Flow Curve Analysis of Waterflooding ........... 41
     Fractional Flow Curve Analysis of Polymer Flooding ........ 43
     Fractional Flow Curve Analysis of Surfactant Flooding ..... 48

Chapter 3  Salinity Effect and Ion Exchange .................... 51
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 51
3.2  Salinity .................................................. 51
3.3  Ion Exchange .............................................. 54
     Ion Exchange Equations .................................... 55
     Values of Other Exchange Coefficients ..................... 61
     Calculation of Exchange Composition ....................... 62
     Calculation of Mass Action Constant at Different
     Temperatures .............................................. 63
     Effect of Diluting an Equilibrium Solution ................ 63
     Chromatography ............................................ 64
     Effect of pH .............................................. 67
3.4  Low-Salinity Waterflooding in Sandstone Reservoirs ........ 67
     Observations of Low-Salinity Waterflooding Effect ......... 68
     Proposed Mechanisms ....................................... 68
3.5  Salinity Effect on Waterflooding in Carbonate
     Reservoirs ................................................ 73
     Wettability Alteration by Seawater Injection into Chalk
     Formation ................................................. 74

Chapter 4  Mobility Control Requirement in EOR Processes ....... 79
4.1  Introduction .............................................. 79
4.2  Background ................................................ 79
4.3  Setup of Simulation Model ................................. 82
4.4  Discussion of the Concept of Mobility Control
     Requirement ............................................... 84
4.5  Theoretical Investigation ................................. 90
4.6  Numerical Investigation ................................... 93
     Effect of Mobility Ratio in a Homogeneous Formation ....... 93
     Effect of Mobility Ratio in a Layered Formation ........... 96
     Effect of Mobility Ratio in a Heterogeneous Formation ..... 96
4.7  Experimental Justification ................................ 96
4.8  Further Discussion ........................................ 99

Chapter 5  Polymer Flooding ................................... 101
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 101
5.2  Types of Polymers and Polymer-Related Systems ............ 101
     Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide ................................ 102
     Xanthan Gum .............................................. 104
     Salinity-Tolerant Polyacrylamide—KYPAM ................... 104
     Hydrophobically Associating Polymer ...................... 110
     2-Acrylamide-2-Methyl Propane-Sulfonate Copolymer ........ 117
     Movable Gels ............................................. 119
     pH-Sensitive Polymers .................................... 121
     BrightWater .............................................. 122
     Microball ................................................ 125
     Inverse Polymer Emulsion ................................. 127
     Preformed Particle Gel ................................... 128
5.3  Properties of Polymer Solutions .......................... 129
     Polymer Viscosity ........................................ 129
     Polymer Stability ........................................ 135
5.4  Polymer Flow Behavior in Porous Media .................... 148
     Polymer Rheology in Porous Media ......................... 148
     Polymer Retention ........................................ 153
     Inaccessible Pore Volume ................................. 164
     Permeability Reduction ................................... 165
     Relative Permeabilities in Polymer Flooding .............. 171
5.5  Displacement Mechanisms in Polymer Flooding .............. 176
5.6  Amount of Polymer Injected ............................... 177
5.7  Performance Analysis by Hall Plot ........................ 178
5.8  Polymer Mixing and Well Operations Related Polymer
     Injection ................................................ 181
     Mixing ................................................... 181
     Completion ............................................... 182
     Injection Velocity ....................................... 183
     Separate Layer Injection ................................. 183
     Removing Plugging ........................................ 183
5.9  Special Cases, Pilot Tests, and Field Applications
     of Polymer Flooding ...................................... 183
     Profile Control by Injection of Polymers with Different
     Molecular Weights ........................................ 184
     Polymer Injection in Viscous Oil Reservoirs .............. 185
     Profile Control in a Strong Bottom and Edge Water
     Drive Reservoir .......................................... 188
     Offshore Polymer Flooding ................................ 189
     Uses of Produced Water ................................... 191
     Early Pilot Tests in Daqing .............................. 192
     PO and PT Pilot Tests in Daqing .......................... 192
     Large-Scale Field Applications ........................... 194
     Polymer Flooding Pilot in the Sabei Transition Zone ...... 197
     Dagang Gangxi Block 4 PF Pilot with Profile Control ...... 198
     Karamay Crosslinked Polymer Solution Pilot ............... 199
     Polymer Flooding in a High-Temperature and High-
     Salinity Reservoir ....................................... 200
5.10 Polymer Flooding Experience and Learning in China ........ 202
     Performance Characteristics during Different Periods ..... 202
     Experience and Learning .................................. 202

Chapter 6  Polymer Viscoelastic Behavior and Its Effect on
           Field Facilities and Operations .................... 207
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 207
6.2  Viscoelasticity .......................................... 207
6.3  Polymer Viscoelastic Behavior ............................ 212
     Shear-Thickening Viscosity ............................... 213
     Apparent Viscosity Model for a Full Velocity Range ....... 215
     Total Pressure Drop of Viscoelastic Fluids ............... 217
     Factors Affecting Polymer Viscoelastic Behavior .......... 218
6.4  Observations of Viscoelastic Effect ...................... 221
     Core Flood Observations .................................. 221
     Relative Permeability Curves ............................. 225
     Secondary and Tertiary Polymer Flooding .................. 226
6.5  Displacement Mechanisms of Viscoelastic Polymers ......... 227
     Pulling Mechanism ........................................ 228
     Stripping Mechanism ...................................... 229
     Mechanism of Oil Thread Flow ............................. 230
     Mechanism of Shear-Thickening Effect ..................... 232
6.6  Effect of Polymer Solution Viscoelasticity on Injection
     and Production Facilities ................................ 232
     Vibration Problem with Flow Lines ........................ 232
     Problems with Pump Valves ................................ 234
     Problems with Maturation Tanks ........................... 234
     Problems with Beam Pumps ................................. 235
     Problems with Centrifugal Pumps .......................... 237

Chapter 7  Surfactant Flooding ................................ 239
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 239
7.2  Surfactants .............................................. 239
     Types of Surfactants ..................................... 239
     Methods to Characterize Surfactants ...................... 240
7.3  Types of Microemulsions .................................. 244
7.4  Phase Behavior Tests ..................................... 247
7.5  Surfactant Phase Behavior of Microemulsions and IFT ...... 254
     Ternary Diagrams ......................................... 254
     Hand's Rule .............................................. 261
     Quantitative Representation of Phase Behavior ............ 268
     Effect of Cosolvent (Alcohol) on Phase Behavior .......... 277
     Two-Phase Approximation of Phase Behavior without
     Type III Environment ..................................... 281
     Quantitative Representation of Interfacial Tension ....... 286
     Factors Affecting Phase Behavior and IFT ................. 288
7.6  Viscosity of Microemulsion ............................... 291
7.7  Capillary Number ......................................... 293
     Definitions: Which One to Use ............................ 293
     How to Calculate Capillary Number ........................ 297
7.8  Trapping Number .......................................... 301
7.9  Capillary Desaturation Curve ............................. 307
7.10 Relative Permeabilities in Surfactant Flooding ........... 314
     General Discussion of Relative Permeabilities ............ 314
     Relative Permeability Models ............................. 315
     IFT Effect on the Relative Permeability Ratio krw/k ..... 319
7.11 Surfactant Retention ..................................... 322
     Precipitation ............................................ 322
     Adsorption ............................................... 325
     Phase Trapping ........................................... 331
7.12 Displacement Mechanisms .................................. 332
     Displacement Mechanisms in Dilute Surfactant Flooding .... 332
     Displacement Mechanisms in Micellar Flooding ............. 333
7.13 Amount of Surfactant Needed and Process Optimization ..... 334
7.14 An Experimental Study of Surfactant Flooding ............. 334

Chapter 8  Optimum Phase Type and Optimum Salinity Profile
           in Surfactant Flooding ............................. 337
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 337
8.2  Literature Review ........................................ 338
     Optimum Phase Types ...................................... 338
     Optimum Salinity versus Surfactant Concentration ......... 339
     Optimum Salinity Gradients ............................... 342
8.3  Sensitivity Study ........................................ 345
     Basic Model Parameters ................................... 345
     Sensitivity Results ...................................... 345
8.4  Further Discussions ...................................... 360
     Effect of kr Curves and Optimum Phase Type ............... 360
     Effect of Phase Velocity ................................. 361
     Negative Salinity Gradient ............................... 362
8.5  Optimum Phase Type and Optimum Salinity Profile
     Concepts ................................................. 365
     Optimum Phase Type ....................................... 365
     Optimum Salinity Profile ................................. 366
8.6  Summary .................................................. 369

Chapter 9  Surfactant-Polymer Flooding ........................ 371
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 371
9.2  Surfactant-Polymer Competitive Adsorption ................ 371
9.3  Surfactant-Polymer Interaction and Compatibility ......... 372
     Observations about Surfactant-Polymer Interaction ........ 372
     Factors Affecting Surfactant-Polymer Interaction ......... 374
9.4  Optimization of Surfactant-Polymer Injection Schemes ..... 379
     Placement of Polymer ..................................... 379
     Effect of the Amounts of Polymer and Surfactant
     Injected ................................................. 380
     Time to Shift Waterflood to SP ........................... 381
     Optimization of the Chemical Flooding Process ............ 383
9.5  A Field Case of SP Flooding .............................. 384

Chapter 10 Alkaline Flooding .................................. 389
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 389
10.2 Comparison of Alkalis Used in Alkaline Flooding .......... 389
     General Comparison and pH ................................ 389
     Polyphosphate ............................................ 391
     Silicate versus Carbonate ................................ 391
     Precipitation Problems ................................... 394
10.3 Alkaline Reaction with Crude Oil ......................... 395
     In Situ Soap Generation .................................. 396
     Emulsification ........................................... 398
     Effects of Ionic Strength and pH on IFT .................. 400
10.4 Measurement of Acid Number ............................... 402
10.5 Alkali Interactions with Rock ............................ 405
     Alkaline Ion Exchange with Rock .......................... 406
     Alkaline Reaction with Rock .............................. 409
     Alkali-Water Reactions ................................... 419
     Total Alkali Consumption ................................. 420
10.6 Recovery Mechanisms ...................................... 420
     A Brief Summary of Mechanisms ............................ 420
     IFT Function in Alkaline Flooding ........................ 425
10.7 Simulation of Alkaline Flooding .......................... 427
     Mathematical Formulation of Reactions and Equilibria ..... 428
     Mathematical Formulation of Alkaline Flooding ............ 430
     EQBATCH and UTCHEM ....................................... 432
     A Case with Clay and Silica Dissolution/Precipitation
     Included ................................................. 455
10.8 Alkaline Concentration and Slug Size in Field Projects ... 456
10.9 Surveillance and Monitoring in Pilot Testing ............. 458
10.10Application Conditions of Alkaline Flooding .............. 458

Chapter 11 Alkaline-Polymer Flooding .......................... 461
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 461
11.2 Interaction between Alkali and Polymer ................... 461
     Alkaline Effects on Polymer Viscosity .................... 461
     Polymer Effect on Alkaline/Oil IFT ....................... 464
     Alkaline Consumption in Alkaline-Polymer Systems ......... 465
11.3 Synergy between Alkali and Polymer ....................... 466
11.4 Field AP Application Example: Liaohe Field ............... 468

Chapter 12 Alkaline-Surfactant Flooding ....................... 473
12.1 Introduction ............................................. 473
12.2 Phase Behavior Tests for the Alkaline-Surfactant
     Process .................................................. 473
12.3 Quantitative Representation of Phase Behavior of an
     Alkaline-Surfactant System ............................... 474
12.4 Activity Maps ............................................ 477
12.5 Synergy between Alkali and Surfactant .................... 480
12.6 Synergy between Alkali and Surfactant in Heavy Oil
     Recovery ................................................. 482
12.7 pH Effect on Surfactant Adsorption ....................... 486
12.8 Recovery Mechanisms ...................................... 492
12.9 Simulation of Phase Behavior of the Alkaline-Surfactant
     System ................................................... 492
     Setup of Alkaline-Surfactant Batch Model ................. 492
     Analysis of Alkaline-Surfactant Phase Behavior ........... 493

Chapter 13 Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding ............... 501
13.1 Introduction ............................................. 501
13.2 Synergy of Alkali, Surfactant, and Polymer ............... 501
13.3 Interactions of ASP Fluids and Their Compatibility ....... 501
     Alcohol Effect on AS Compatibility ....................... 502
     Alkaline and Surfactant Effects in ASP Systems ........... 502
     Polymer Effect in ASP Systems ............................ 503
     Factors Affecting Phase Separation ....................... 504
     Factors Affecting I FT ................................... 506
     Factors Affecting Wettability ............................ 508
13.4 Relative Permeabilities in ASP ........................... 509
13.5 Emulsions in ASP Flooding ................................ 510
     Types of Emulsions ....................................... 511
     Properties of Emulsions .................................. 513
     Factors Affecting Emulsion Stability ..................... 518
     Effect of Emulsion in Oil Recovery ....................... 521
13.6 Displacement Mechanisms .................................. 521
13.7 Design Optimization of ASP Injection Schemes ............. 522
     Effect of Alkali and Surfactant Concentration Gradients ...522
     Reduced Surfactant Injection ............................. 522
13.8 Amounts of Chemicals Injected in Field ASP Projects ...... 523
13.9 Vertical Lift Methods in ASP Flooding .................... 526
13.10Problems Associated with ASP ............................. 527
     Chromatographic Separation of Alkali, Surfactant,
     and Polymer .............................................. 528
     Chromatographic Separation of Surfactant Compositions .... 530
     Precipitation and Scale Problems ......................... 534
     Formation Damage ......................................... 535
     Produced Emulsions ....................................... 536
13.11ASP Examples of Field Pilots and Applications ............ 536
     Daqing ASP Pilot Test in Sa-Zhong-Xi (S-ZX) .............. 536
     Daqing ASP Pilot in Xing-5-Zhong (X5-Z) .................. 540
     ASP Pilot in Xing-Er-Xi (X2-X) ........................... 542
     Daqing's Largest ASP Application (X2-Z) .................. 545
     Daqing ASPF Pilot Test ................................... 549
     Shengli Cudong ASP Pilot ................................. 553
     Shengli Gudao ASP Pilot .................................. 556
     Karamay ASP Pilot ........................................ 558
     Jilin Honggang ASP Pilots ................................ 562
     Zhongyuan Huzhuangji ASP Pilot ........................... 563
     Yumen Laojunmao A/S/P Pilot .............................. 565

     References ............................................... 569

     Index .................................................... 601

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