1 Introduction ................................................. 3
2 PPP - Hospitals .............................................. 5
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Kfm. Dieter Jacob
3 Private Participation in Highway Construction - German PPP
- Models .................................................... 19
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Kfm. Dieter Jacob
4 Project Based Consortium of Designers and Contractors -
Concept and Chances ......................................... 29
Dr. Christoph Winter
Dipl.-Kfm. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Armin Ilka
5 Small and Medium Enterprises Development in the Context of
PPP ......................................................... 42
Associate Professor Anna Michna, PhD, DSc
Anna Męczyńska, PhD
Roman Kmieciak, MSc, PhD student
Renata Sękowska, MSc, PhD student
6 Communities of Practice in der Innovationsarbeit ............ 55
Dr. Jacek Bendkowski
7 Why and in What Way Polish Enterprises Create Inter -
Organizational Networks: The Outcomes of Empirical
Research .................................................... 67
Piotr Kordel, Ph.D., Eng.
8 Knowledge-based improvement life cycle process of public
private partnership in area of the building and
exploitation of hospitals ................................... 76
Joanna Bartnicka, PhD, Eng.