Functiones et approximatio: commentarii mathematici; Vol.37, N 2 (Poznan, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFunctiones et approximatio: commentarii mathematici / Uniwersytet im. A.Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział matematyki i informatyki. - Poznań: Wydawinstwo naykove UAM, 2007. - Vol.37, N 2. - vi, P.233-471. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-83-232180-2-9; ISSN 0208-6573

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Оглавление / Contents
                              Part 1

Henryk Iwaniec
The sixtieth birthday of Jean-Marc Deshouillers ................. 7
Gautami Bhowmik & Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta
Natural boundaries of Dirichlet series ......................... 17
Régis de la Bretèche & Gérald Tenenbaum
Sommes d'exponentielles friables d'arguments rationnels ........ 31
Mireille Car & Luis H. Gallardo
Waring's problem for polynomial biquadrates over a finite
field of odd characteristic .................................... 39
Henri Cohen, Francois Dress & Mohamed El Marraki
Explicit estimates for summatory functions linked to the
Mobius μ-function .............................................. 51
Cécile Dartyge & Mihály Szalay
Dominant residue classes concerning the summands of
partitions ..................................................... 65
Harold G. Diamond & Heini Halberstam
Some properties of the Ankeny-Onishi function .................. 97
William Duke & Özlem Imamoḡlu
On a formula of Bloch ......................................... 109
Kevin Ford
Generalized Smirnov statistics and the distribution of prime
factors ....................................................... 119
Gregory A. Freiman & Yonutz V. Stanchescu
On a Kakeya-type problem ...................................... 131
John B. Friedlander & Henryk Iwaniec
Gaussian sequences in arithmetic progressions ................. 149
Andrew Granville
Refinements of Goldbach's conjecture, and the generalized
Riemann hypothesis ............................................ 159
Katalin Gyarmati, François Hennecart & Imre Z. Ruzsa
Sums and differences of finite sets ........................... 175
Laurent Habsieger
On the Nyman-Beurling criterion for the Riemann hypothesis .... 187
D. Roger Heath-Brown
Quadratic class numbers divisible by 3 ........................ 203
Martin N. Huxley
The integer points in a plane curve ........................... 213

                              Part 2

Aleksandar Ivić
On exponential sums with Hecke series at central points ....... 233
Jerzy Kaczorowski, Giuseppe Molteni & Alberto Perelli
Some remarks on the unique factorization in certain
semigroups of classical L-functions ........................... 263
Vsevolod F. Lev
On sum-free subsets of the torus group ........................ 277
Yu-Ru Liu & Trevor D. Wooley
The unrestricted variant of Waring's problem in function
fields ........................................................ 285
Bruno Martin
Nouvelles identités de Davenport .............................. 293
Michel Mendès France
Cantorian tableaux revisited .................................. 329
Władysław Narkiewicz
Euclidean algorithm in small Abelian fields ................... 337
Melvyn B. Nathanson
Representation functions of bases for binary linear forms ..... 341
Jean-Louis Nicolas & András Sárközy
On summands of general partitions ............................. 351
János Pintz
Cramér vs. Cramér. On Cramér's probabilistic model for
primes ........................................................ 361
Alain Plagne
Optimally small sumsets in groups III. The generalized
increasingly small sumsets property and the ν(k)q functions .... 377
Olivier Ramaré
Eigenvalues in the large sieve inequality ..................... 399
Georges Rhin & Carlo Viola
Multiple integrals and linear forms in zeta-values ............ 429
Andrzej Schinzel
On the reduced length of a polynomial with real
coefficients, II .............................................. 445
Jie Wu & Yangbo Ye
Hypothesis H and the prime number theorem for automorphic
representations ............................................... 461

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