List of contributors ........................................... ix
Introduction ................................................... xi
1 The impact of QFT on low-dimensional topology ................ 1
Paul Kirk
2 Differential equations aspects of quantum cohomology ........ 54
Martin A. Guest
3 Index theory and groupoids .................................. 86
Claire Debord and Jean-Marie Lescure
4 Renormalization Hopf algebras and combinatorial groups ..... 159
Alessandra Frabetti
5 BRS invariance for massive boson fields .................... 220
José M. Gracia-Bondía
6 Large-N field theories and geometry ........................ 253
David Berenstein
7 Functional renormalization group equations, asymptotic
safety, and quantum Einstein gravity ....................... 288
Martin Reuter and Frank Saueressig
8 When is a differentiable manifold the boundary of an
orbifold? .................................................. 330
Andrés Angel
9 Canonical group quantization, rotation generators, and
quantum indistinguishability ............................... 344
Carlos Benavides and Andrés Reyes-Lega
10 Conserved currents in Kähler manifolds ..................... 368
Jaime R. Camacaro and Juan Carlos Moreno
11 A symmetrized canonical determinant on odd-class
pseudodifferential operators ............................... 381
Marie-Françoise Ouedraogo
12 Some remarks about cosymplectic metrics on maximal
flag manifolds ............................................. 394
Marlio Paredes and Sofia Pinzón
13 Heisenberg modules over real multiplication
noncommutative tori and related algebraic structures ....... 405
Jorge Plazas