Gottinger Forstwissenschaften; Bd.4 (Gottingen, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFeng Z. Partitioning of atmospheric nitrogen under long-term reduced atmospheric deposition conditions in a Norway spruce forest ecosystem. - Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010. - xii, 98 p.: ill., graph. - (Göttinger Forstwissenschaften; Bd.4). - Ref.: p.87-96. - ISBN 978-3-941875-81-4; ISSN 1867-6731

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Оглавление / Contents
Tables ......................................................... IX
Figures ........................................................ XI
Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................... XIII
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  N input to terrestrial ecosystem ........................ 1
   1.2  Impact of elevated N input on temperate forest
        ecosystems .............................................. 3
   1.3  Distribution of N input among forest ecosystems ......... 4
   1.4  SOM ..................................................... 5
        1.4.1  SOM stability .................................... 5
        1.4.2  SOM pools ........................................ 6
   1.5  Application of N isotopes in forest ecosystem studies ... 7
        1.5.1  Natural 15N abundance ............................ 7
        1.5.2  15N tracer ....................................... 7
2  Objectives .................................................. 11
3  Materials and Methods ....................................... 13
   3.1  Study site ............................................. 13
   3.2  Experimental design .................................... 13
   3.3  15N tracer experiment .................................. 17
        3.3.1  Sampling and analysis ........................... 17
       Tree compartments ...................... 17
       Soil ................................... 18
       Soil solution .......................... 18
        3.3.2  Natural 15N abundance and N content in
               ecosystem compartments .......................... 20
        3.3.3  N fluxes ........................................ 20
        3.3.4  Calculation of 15N excess and recovery .......... 21
   3.4  Density fractionation experiment ....................... 22
        3.4.1  Density fractionation procedure ................. 22
        3.4.2  Comparison of two aggregate-disrupting
               methods ......................................... 24
        3.4.3  Preparation of density solution ................. 24
        3.4.4  Analysis and calculation ........................ 24
   3.5  Statistical analysis ................................... 25
4  Results ..................................................... 27
   4.1  15N tracer experiment .................................. 27
        4.1.1  The roof control plot ........................... 27
       Natural 15N abundance .................. 27
       N content in ecosystem compartments
                        and N fluxes ........................... 28
       bN enrichment in ecosystem
                        compartments ........................... 29
       15N recovery in ecosystem
                        compartments ........................... 36
        4.1.2  The clean rain plot ............................. 38
       Natural 15N abundance .................. 38
       N content in ecosystem compartments
                        and N fluxes ........................... 38
       15N enrichment in ecosystem
                        compartments ........................... 40
       l5N recovery ........................... 45
   4.2  Density fractionation .................................. 48
        4.2.1  Preparation of density solution ................. 48
        4.2.2  Comparison of two aggregate-disrupting
               methods ......................................... 48
        4.2.3  Distribution of ОС and N in soil density
               fractions ....................................... 49
       Organic layer .......................... 49
       Mineral soil layers .................... 49
        4.2.4  Recovery of soil 15N ............................ 50
5  Discussion .................................................. 59
   5.1  15N tracer experiment .................................. 59
        5.1.1  Natural 15N abundance ........................... 59
        5.1.2  15N recoveries .................................. 60
       Under ambient atmospheric deposition
                        (the roof control plot) ................ 60
                SoH ......................... 60
                Tree ........................ 61
                Leaching .................... 62
       Under long-term reduced atmospheric
                        deposition (the clean rain plot) ....... 63
                SoH ......................... 63
                Tree ........................ 66
                Leaching .................... 68
   5.2  Density fractionation experiment ....................... 69
        5.2.1  Preparation of density solution ................. 69
        5.2.2  Comparison of two aggregate-disrupting
               methods ......................................... 69
        5.2.3  Distribution of ОС and N in sod density
               fractions ....................................... 71
        5.2.4  Recovery of soil 15N ............................ 73
6  Conclusion .................................................. 77
7  Summary ..................................................... 79
8  Zusammenfassung ............................................. 83
9  References .................................................. 87
10 Appendix .................................................... 97

Lebenslauf ..................................................... 99

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