Prasad S. High-speed electronics and optoelectronics: devices and circuits (Cambridge, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPrasad S. High-speed electronics and optoelectronics: devices and circuits / S.Prasad, H.Schumacher, A.Gopinath. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. - x, 430 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.423-430. - ISBN 978-0-521-86283-7

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface Page ............................................... vii
   Acknowledgements ............................................ ix

Part One Devices ................................................ 1

1  Review of semiconductor materials and physics ................ 3
   1.1  Executive summary ....................................... 3
   1.2  Semiconductor materials ................................. 4
   1.3  Types of solids ......................................... 5
   1.4  Crystal structure ....................................... 5
   1.5  Crystal directions and planes ........................... 6
   1.6  Atomic bonding .......................................... 8
   1.7  Atomic physics .......................................... 9
   1.8  The de Broglie relation ................................ 11
   1.9  Quantum mechanics ...................................... 12
   1.10 Statistical mechanics .................................. 16
   1.11 Electrons in a semiconductor ........................... 16
   1.12 The Kronig-Penney model ................................ 16
   1.13 Semiconductors in equilibrium .......................... 18
   1.14 Direct and indirect semiconductors ..................... 20
   1.15 Recombination and radiation in semiconductors .......... 25
   1.16 Carrier transport in semiconductors .................... 29
   1.17 p-n junction ........................................... 30
   1.18 Schottky diode ......................................... 34
   1.19 Heterostructures ....................................... 35
   1.20 Silicon-germanium heterostructures ..................... 40
   1.21 Problems ............................................... 43
   References .................................................. 45

2  Electronic devices .......................................... 46
   2.1  Executive summary ...................................... 46
   2.2  MESFET ................................................. 46
   2.3  High electron mobility transistor ...................... 67
   2.4  Radio Frequency MOSFETs ................................ 95
   2.5  Bipolar and hetero-bipolar transistors ................ 115
   2.6  Problems .............................................. 156
   References ................................................. 158

3  Optimisation and parameter extraction of circuit models .... 163
   3.1  Executive summary ..................................... 163
   3.2  Optimisation of device models ......................... 163
   3.3  Simulated annealing ................................... 164
   3.4  Neural networks applied to modelling .................. 168
   3.5  Optimisation of neural networks by the genetic 
        algorithm ............................................. 180
   3.6  Structured genetic algorithm .......................... 181
   3.7  Semi-analytical device parameter extraction ........... 184
   3.8  Basic expressions for small-signal parameter 
        extraction ............................................ 203
   3.9  Small-signal model of the collector-up (inverted)
        HBT ................................................... 212
   3.10 Problems .............................................. 214
   References ................................................. 218

4  Optoelectronics ............................................ 221
   4.1  Executive summary ..................................... 221
   4.2  Optical sources ....................................... 221
   4.3  Photodetectors ........................................ 261
   4.4  Problems .............................................. 284
   References ................................................. 285

Part Two Circuits ............................................. 289

5  Building blocks for high-speed analogue circuits ........... 291
   5.1  Executive summary ..................................... 291
   5.2  Basic relations for two-port networks ................. 291
   5.3  Noise in two-ports .................................... 306
   5.4  Transistor amplifiers ................................. 313
   5.5  Oscillators ........................................... 383
   5.6  Mixers ................................................ 396
   5.7  Baluns, unbals and hybrids ............................ 412
   5.8  Problems .............................................. 419
   References ................................................. 421

   Index ...................................................... 423

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