| Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra: exploratory workshop on combinatorial commutative algebra and computer algebra, Mangalia, Romania, May 29-31, 2008 / ed. by V.Ene, E.Miller. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2009. - vii, 184 p.: ill. - (Contemporary mathematics; 502). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-8218-4758-9
Preface ....................................................... vii
On the classification of toric singularities
F. Ambro ..................................................... 1
An overview on the minimal free resolutions of lexsegment
V. Bonanzinga, V. Ene, A. Olteanu, and L. Sorrenti ........... 5
Cohen-Macaulay squarefree lexsegment ideals generated in
degree 2
V. Bonanzinga and L. Sorrenti ............................... 25
On simple -multigraded minimal resolutions
H. Charalambous and A. Thoma ................................ 33
Tangent cones of numerical semigroup rings
T. Cortadellas Benítez and S. Zarzuela Armengou ............. 45
The Igusa local zeta functions of GL2( P)-orbit of Fermat's
binary form
D. Ibadula .................................................. 59
Arithmetical rank of monomial ideals of deviation two
K. Kimura, N. Terai, and K. Yoshida ......................... 73
A survey of combinatorial aspects in the topology of complex
hyperplane arrangements
A.D. Măcinic ............................................... 113
A class of locally complete intersection multiple structures
on smooth algebraic varieties as support
N. Manolache ............................................... 129
Topological Cohen-Macaulay criteria for monomial ideals
E. Miller .................................................. 137
Regularity and the case of few generators for Stanley-
Reisner ideals of subword complexes
A. Olteanu ................................................. 157
The type of the base ring associated to a transversal
A. Ştefan .................................................. 169