Physics and engineering of new materials (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhysics and engineering of new materials / ed. by D.T.Cat, A.Pucci, K.Wandelt. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - xi, 387 p.: ill. - (Springer proceedings in physics; 127). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-540-88200-8; ISSN 0930-8989

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Hierarchical Diffusive Properties of Electrons in 
Quasiperiodic Chains ............................................ 1
   Michael Schreiber
Effect of Single-Side Modulation Doping on Low-Temperature
Transport Properties in Square Infinite Quantum Wells .......... 11
   Nguyen Huyen Tung, Doan Nhat Quang and Do Thi Hien
Nonlinear Optical Conductivity in Doped Semiconductor 
Superlattices Due to LO Phonon Scattering ...................... 23
   Luong Van Tung, Tran Cong Phong and Nguyen Thi Le Thuy
The Effects of the Polarization Charges on the Quantum
Lifetime of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in a Uniformly-
Doped Heterostructure .......................................... 31
   Nguyen Viet Minh
Possible Tc Superconducting Enhancement in Q2D Materials by
Incommensurate Structural Phase Transition ..................... 41
   Do Tran Cat and Ong Phuong Khuong
Compressed Electron Distribution in the Nanostructure .......... 51
   Nguyen Van Tri
Time and Space Resolved Studies on Metallic Nanoparticles ...... 61
   D. Bayer, J. Lange, С. Wiemann, M. Rohmer, M. Bauer and 
   M. Aeschlimann
Ultra-small One-Dimensional Metallic Nanostructures ............ 69
   H. Pfnür
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Colloidal CdS/CdSe/CdS 
Quantum Wells .................................................. 79
   Le Ba Hai, Nguyen Xuan Nghia, Pham Thu Nga, Vu Due Chinh, 
   Pham Thuy Linh and Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
Preparation and Optical Properties of One Dimensional Nano
Hydroxides and Oxides .......................................... 87
   Lam Тhi Kieu Giang, Nguyen Vu, Dinh Xuan Loc, Man Hoai Nam,
   Gyu- Chul Yi, Tran Kim Anh and Le Quoc Minh
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of ТiO2
Nanotubes ...................................................... 95
   D.D. Vuong, D.T.N. Tram, P.Q. Pho and N.D. Chien
UHV studies on CO and methanol adsorption and decomposition
on pristine and oxidized alumina-supported Co nanoparticles ... 103
   T. Nowitzki, V. Zielasek and M. Bäumer
Surface confined electrochemical compound formation: 
Incipient sulfidation of Au(lll) .............................. 113
   C. Schlaup, D. Friebel, P. Broekmann, К. Wandelt
Giant Spin-Polarization and Magnetic Anisotropy of 
Nanostructures at Surfaces .................................... 123
   H. Brune
The Role of Spin-Polarized Tunneling on Transport Properties
of (1-х) Lа0.7Са0.3МnО3 ÷ хАl2O3 Nanocomposites 
(x = 0 ÷ 5wt%) ................................................ 133
   Pham Thanh Phong, Nguyen Van Khiem, Nguyen Xuan Phuc and
   Le Van Hong
Advanced Metallic Magnetic Materials Prepared by Electro-
Chemical Deposition, Vapor Deposition and Rapid Quenching ..... 141
   Nguyen Hoang Nghi, Mai Thanh Tung, Hoang Nhat Hieu, 
   Nguyen Van Dung, Nguyen Huu Tinh, Le Cao Cuong and Trinh 
   Thi Thanh Nga
Magnetic Interaction Between Polycrystalline Ultrathin 
Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Films ..................... 151
   Roland Mattheis and Klaus Steenbeck
The (100) → (111) Transition in Epitaxial Manganese Oxide
Nanolayers .................................................... 163
   F. Allegretti, M. Leitner, G. Parteder, B. Xu, 
   A. Fleming, M.G. Ramsey, S. Surnev, and F.P. Netzer
Growth and Structure of Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Layer 
Obtained by Spray Pyrolysis ................................... 171
   Son Vo Thach, Michel Jouan, Sang Nguyen Xuan, Thoan
   Nguyen Hoang and Hung Pham Phi
Influence of Different Post-treatments on the Physical
Properties of Sprayed Zinc Oxide Thin Films ................... 177
   Thoan Nguyen Hoang, Son Vo Thach, Michel Jouan, Sang 
   Nguyen Xuan and Hung Pham Phi
The Effect of SiOz Addition in Hydrophilic Property of ТiO2
Films ......................................................... 185
   Tran Thi Duc, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Vu Thi Bich, Nguyen 
   Dinh Dung, Nguyen Trong Tinh, and Tran Xuan Hoai
Investigation of the Transformation of a Modified Iron 
Oxide Structure During Redox Reaction ......................... 193
   Luu Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Ngoc Trung, Van Dinh Son Tho
Structural Modification of Near-Surface Region of Strontium
Titanate Single Crystal Under the Influence of a Static 
Electric Field Enhanced by X-ray Irradiation .................. 201
   Alexandr A. Levin and Dirk C. Meyer
Thermoelectric Properties of Heavily Doped Polycrystalline
SrTi03 ........................................................ 209
   Nguyen Trong Tinh and Toshihide Tsuji
Optimization Study of ТiO2 Film Deposited by IAD Process ...... 219
   Pham Hong Tuan
Polymorphs in GeO2 Liquid ..................................... 225
   P.K. Hung, N.T. Nhan, L.T. Vinh , T.T.B. Phuong
Formation of Chiral Aggregates of Tetralactam Macrocycles
on the Au(lll) Surface ........................................ 235
   lordan Kossev, Thorsten Felder, Christoph A. Schalley,
   Fritz Vögtle, Mortiz Sokolowski
Surface Resonant Raman Spectroscopy at Indium-Nanowire-
Terminated Si(lll) ............................................ 247
   N. Esser, K. Fleischer, S. Chandola, J. McGilp
The Properties of Nano-Hexaferrite Sr-La Prepared by 
Citrate-Gel Method ............................................ 257
   Dang Le Minh, Le Thanh Cong, Luu Tuan Tai, Nguyen Hanh
Glucose Sensor Based on Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes Doped
Polypyrrole ................................................... 263
   T.T.N. Lien, L.H. Вас, T.D. Lam, and P.Q. Pho
Structural and Spectral Properties of Curcumin and Metal-
Curcumin Complex Derived from Turmeric (Curcuma longa) ........ 271
   Vu Тhi Bich, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Nguyen 
   Thi Mai Huong, Pham Nguyen Dong Yen, and Tran Thanh Luong
In-situ Chemically Polymerized PANi-SWNTs Composites:
Characterizations and Gas Sensing Feature ..................... 279
   Duong Ngoc Huyen
Design, Simulation and Experimental Characteristics of 
Hydrogel-based Piezoresistive pH Sensors ...................... 287
   Thong Quang Trinh, Jorge Sorber, and Gerald Gerlach
Optimization of the Thermostable Nanogel Systems for High
Temperature Reservoir Application ............................. 295
   Nguyen Phuong Tung, Nguyen T. Phuong Phong, Nguyen Hoang
   Duy and Nguyen T. Quynh Anh
Discovery of Nanotubes in Ancient Damascus Steel .............. 305
   Marianne Reibold, Peter Paufler, Aleksandr A. Levin,
   Werner Kochmann, Nora Pätzke, and Dirk C. Meyer
Materials Research with Energetic Heavy Ions at GSI ........... 311
   Reinhard Neumann
Nanoantennas for Surface Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy ....... 321
   F. Neubrech, M. Klevenz, F. Meng, and A. Pucci
Ultrafast Switching of Coherent Electronic Excitation: Great
Promise for Reaction Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale .... 327
   Matthias Wollenhaupt, Tim Bayer, Andrea Klumpp, Cristian 
   Sarpe-Tudoran and Thomas Baumert
InGaAsp/InP Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and their Some
Nonlinear Effects ............................................. 337
   Vu Doan Mien, Vu Thi Nghiem, Tong Quang Cong and Pham Van
Simulation and Lock-In Phase Analysis in Photoreflectance 
Modulation Spectroscopy of Gaas and Photoreflectance
Investigations of The Heterojunction Structure 
Alxga1-xas(N+)/Gaas(P-)/Gaas(P+) .............................. 345
   Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ha, Truong Kim Hieu, Le Hong Vu, Huynh Sa
   Hoang, Pham Thanh Tam, Vuong Trung Kien
Principally Basic Effects of Laser on the Bulk Semiconductor
Bands ......................................................... 355
   N. Vinh Quang
Controlling the Bragg Wavelength Spectral Profile Expansion 
of FBG Sensors by Nano-Particle Coated Layers ................. 363
   Pham Van Hoi, Pham Thanh Binh, Ha Xuan Vinh, Tran Thi
Controlled Cantilever-Tips Adapted from the Scanning Probe
Microscopies as Active Working Elements in Smart Systems ...... 371
   Michael Hietschold, Folk Müller, Anne-Dorothea Müller, 
   and Thomas Gessner
Design and Fabrication of a Miniaturized Three-Degree-of-
Freedom Piezoresistive Acceleration Sensor Based on MEMS 
Technology Using Deep Reactive Ion Etching .................... 377
   Vu Ngoc Hung, Nguyen Van Minh, Le Van Minh, Nguyen Huu 
   Hung, Chu Manh Hoang, Dzung Viet Dao, Ranjith Amarasinghe,
   Bui Thanh Tung, and Susumu Sugiyama

Contributors .................................................. 385

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