Ingrid Kreide-Damani
Introduction .................................................... 1
L.S. Dagyab Rinpoche
On the significance of Tibetan Buddhist art and iconography ..... 5
Roger Goepper
More evidence for dating the Sumtsek in Alchi and its
relations with Kashmir ......................................... 15
Christian Luczanits
Art-historical aspects of dating Tibetan art ................... 25
Heather Stoddard
'Bri gung, Sa skya and Mongol patronage: a reassessment of
the introduction of the Newar "Sa skya" style into Tibet ....... 59
Martin Brauen
Forgery, genuine or painted over: on the impossibility of
dating a Thangka exactly ....................................... 73
David Jackson
The dating of Tibetan paintings is perfectly possible -
though not always perfectly exact .............................. 91
Jane Casey Singer
A Tibetan painting of Chemchok Heruka's Maṇḍala in
the McCormick collection, revisited ........................... 113