The origin and dynamics of solar magnetism ([New York], 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe origin and dynamics of solar magnetism / ed. by M.J.Thompson et al. - [New York]: Springer, 2009. - 428 p.: ill. - (Space sciences series of ISSI). - Previously published in Space Science Reviews, Volume 144, Issues 1-4, 2009. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-4419-0238-2

Оглавление / Contents

Introduction to Solar Magnetism: The Early Years
   A. Balogh, M.J. Thompson ..................................... 1
Solar Magnetism: The State of Our Knowledge and Ignorance 
   E.N.Parker .................................................. 15
Chaos and Intermittency in the Solar Cycle
   E.A. Spiegel ................................................ 25
The Solar Dynamo
   N.O. Weiss, M.J. Thompson ................................... 53
Flux-Transport Solar Dynamos
   M. Dikpati, P.A. Gilman ..................................... 67
The Solar Dynamo: The Role of Penetration, Rotation and Shear
on Convective Dynamos
   S.M. Tobias ................................................. 77
Advances in Theory and Simulations of Large-Scale Dynamos
   A. Brandenburg .............................................. 87
Planetary Dynamos from a Solar Perspective
   U.R. Christensen, D. Schmitt, M. Rempel .................... 105
Observations of Photospheric Dynamics and Magnetic Fields:
From Large-Scale to Small-Scale Flows
   N. Meunier, J. Zhao ........................................ 127
Large Scale Flows in the Solar Convection Zone
   A.S. Brun, M. Rempel ....................................... 151
Photospheric and Subphotospheric Dynamics of Emerging 
Magnetic Flux
   A.G. Kosovichev ............................................ 175
The Topology and Behavior of Magnetic Fields Emerging at the 
Solar Photosphere
   B.W. Lites ................................................. 197
Sunspots: From Small-Scale Inhomogeneities Towards a Global 
   R. Schlichenmaier .......................................... 213
Recent Evidence for Convection in Sunspot Penumbrae
   G.B. Scharmer .............................................. 229
Helioseismology of Sunspots: A Case Study of NOAA Region
   L. Gizon, H. Schunker, C.S. Baldner, S. Basu, 
   A.C. Birch, R.S. Bogart, D.C. Braun, R. Cameron, 
   T.L. Duvall Jr., S.M. Hanasoge, J. Jackiewicz, M. Roth,
   T. Stahn, M.J. Thompson, S. Zharkov ........................ 249
Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields
   A.G. de Wijn, J.O. Stenflo, S.K. Solanki, S. Tsuneta ....... 275
Coupling from the Photosphere to the Chromosphere and 
the Corona
   S. Wedemeyer-Bohm, A. Lagg, Ǟ. Nordlund .................... 317
Magnetic Flux Emergence, Activity, Eruptions and Magnetic 
Clouds: Following Magnetic Field from the Sun to 
the Heliosphere
   L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, J.L. Culhane ....................... 351
Coronal Holes and Open Magnetic Flux
   Y.-M.Wang .................................................. 383
Solar Cycle Forecasting
   D.H. Hathaway .............................................. 401
Coronal Magnetism: Difficulties and Prospects 
   P.J. Cargill ............................................... 413
ISSI Workshop on Solar Magnetism: Concluding Remarks
   J.-P. Zahn ................................................. 423

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