Preface ....................................................... VII
Abbreviations ................................................ XIII
L Laccaridiones A and В - Lyratols С and D ................... 465
M Maackiaflavanones A and В - Myrsinoic acids А, В, С,
and F ...................................................... 507
N Nalanthalide - Nymphaeols A-C and isonymphaeol В ........... 589
О Oblonganoside A - Oxypeucedanin hydrate acetonide........... 611
P Pacificins С and H - 6- and 8-(2-Pyrrolidinone-5-yl)-
(-)-epicatechin ............................................ 631
Q Quassimarin - Quillaic acid glycosidic ester ............... 689
R Ravenic acid - Rubrisandrin A .............................. 697
S Salaspermic acid - Syncarpamide ............................ 715
T Tabucapsanolide A - Tungtungmadic acid ..................... 787
U UCS1025 A - Uvaretin ....................................... 837
V Vaccihein A - Vitex norditerpenoids 1 and 2 ................ 843
W Weigelic acid - Wrightiamine A ............................. 857
X Xanthohumols - Xylocarpin J ................................ 863
Y Yahyaxanthone - Yuccalan ................................... 867
Z Zaluzanin D - Zinolol ...................................... 873
Tables ........................................................ 879
A.1 Alkaloids ................................................ 880
A.2 Antibiotics .............................................. 884
A 3 Flavonoids ............................................... 890
A.4 Lignoids ................................................. 896
A.5 Terpenoids ............................................... 897
A.6 Xanthonoids .............................................. 911
A.7 Miscellaneous ............................................ 914