Optoelectronics: infrared-visible-ultraviolet devices and applications (Boca Raton; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOptoelectronics: infrared-visible-ultraviolet devices and applications / ed. by D.Birtalan, W.Nunley. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton; London: CRC, 2009. - xxi, 336 p.: ill. - (Optical science and engineering). - ISBN-13 978-1-4200-6780-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xix

The Authors ................................................... xxi

Part 1.  The Source (Infrared-Emitting Diodes)

Chapter 1
Basic Theory .................................................... 3
    1.1.  Introduction .......................................... 3
    1.2.  P-N Junction Injection Electroluminescence ............ 3
    1.3.  Relative Efficiency ................................... 5

Chapter 2
Light-Emitting Diode Fabrication ................................ 7
    2.1.  Introduction: Epitaxial Growth 7
    2.2.  Liquid-Phase Epitaxy 7
          2.2.1.  Gallium Arsenide 9
          2.2.2.  Gallium Aluminum Arsenide 10
    2.3.  Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition 13
    2.4.  Hydride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy 14
    2.5.  Molecular Beam Epitaxy 15

Chapter 3
IRLED Packaging ................................................ 17
    3.1.  Introduction ......................................... 17
    3.2.  Techniques for Improving Photon Emission
          Efficiency ........................................... 19
    3.3.  Packaging the IRLED .................................. 21
    3.4.  Characterization of the Packaged IRLED ............... 25
          3.4.1.  Package Side Emission ........................ 28
          3.4.2.  Package Height ............................... 29
          3.4.3.  Lens Quality ................................. 30
          3.4.4.  Chip Centering ............................... 31
          3.4.5.  Heat Dissipation ............................. 32
          3.4.6.  Reliability .................................. 32
          3.4.7.  Storage Temperature Range .................... 34
          3.4.8.  Operating Temperature ........................ 34
          3.4.9.  Thermal Shock ................................ 34
          3.4.10. Solvent Resistance ........................... 34
          3.4.11. Hermeticity .................................. 35
          3.4.12. Mechanical Shock and Vibration ............... 35
          3.4.13. Optical Consideration ........................ 35
    3.5.  Understanding Thermal Impedance ...................... 39
          3.5.1.  Thermal Impedance Calculations ............... 39
    3.6.  Understanding the Measurement of Radiant Energy ...... 46
          3.6.1.  General Discussion ........................... 46
          3.6.2.  Parameter Definitions and Measurement
                  Techniques ................................... 51
    3.7.  Reliability .......................................... 52
    3.8.  Conclusion ........................................... 57

Part 2. The Receiver (Silicon Photosensor)

Chapter 4
The Photodiode ................................................. 61
    4.1.  Basic Theory ......................................... 61
          4.1.2. Photoelectric Effect .......................... 61
    4.2.  Optimization ......................................... 64
    4.3.  Characterization ..................................... 66

Chapter 5
The Phototransistor and Photodarlington ........................ 75 
    5.1.  Basic Theory ......................................... 75
          5.1.1.  Phototransistor .............................. 77
          5.1.2.  Photodarlington .............................. 78
          5.1.3.  RBE Phototransistor .......................... 79
    5.2.  Characterization ..................................... 80
          5.2.1.  Switching Characteristics .................... 82
          5.2.2.  Package Lens Effects ......................... 97

Chapter 6
The Photointegrated Circuit .................................... 99
    6.1.  Basic Theory ......................................... 99
    6.2.  IC Processing Steps ................................. 101
          6.2.1.  Starting Wafer .............................. 101
          6.2.2.  Buried Layer ................................ 101
          6.2.3.  Epi ......................................... 102
          6.2.4.  Isolation ................................... 102
          6.2.5.  Deep N+ ..................................... 102
          6.2.6.  P+ .......................................... 103
          6.2.7.  N+ .......................................... 104
          6.2.8.  Resistors ................................... 104
          6.2.9.  Contact ..................................... 105
          6.2.10. Metal ....................................... 105
          6.2.11. Passivation ................................. 106
          6.2.12. Backside Processing ......................... 106
    6.3.  Other IC Devices .................................... 107
          6.3.1.  Photodiodes ................................. 108
          6.3.2.  Lateral PNP ................................. 109
          6.3.3.  Vertical PNP ................................ 110
          6.3.4.  Capacitor ................................... 110
          6.3.5.  Summary ..................................... 110
    6.4.  Characterization .................................... 110

Chapter 7
Special-Function Photointegrated Circuits ..................... 115
    7.1.  Basic Theory ........................................ 115
    7.2.  Triac Driver Photosensors ........................... 115
    7.3.  Synchronous Driver Detector (SDD) ................... 118
    7.4.  Color Sensor ........................................ 120

Part 3. The Coupled Emitter (IRLED) Photosensor Pair

Chapter 8
The Transmissive Optical Switch ............................... 125
    8.1.  Slotted (Transmissive) Optical Switch ............... 125
    8.2.  Encoder Wheel Design ................................ 131
    8.3.  Performance Characteristics ......................... 131
    8.4.  Flag Switches ....................................... 136
    8.5.  Slotted Switch Summary .............................. 136

Chapter 9
The Reflective Optical Switch ................................. 141
    9.1.  Electrical Considerations ........................... 141
    9.2.  Mechanical Considerations ........................... 151

Part 4. The Optical Isolator and Solid-State Relay

Chapter 10
Electrical Considerations ..................................... 155
    10.1. Background .......................................... 155
    10.2. Function ............................................ 156
    10.3. Different Types ..................................... 160
    10.4. Introduction to Solid-State Relays (SSR) ............ 167
          10.4.1. Applications ................................ 168
    10.5. Theory of Operation ................................. 168
    10.6. DC Input-DC Output SSR Operation .................... 169
    10.7. DC Input-AC Output SSR Operation .................... 170
    10.8. AC Input-AC Output SSR Operation .................... 171
    10.9. Temperature Considerations .......................... 172
    10.10.Overvoltage and Overcurrent Surge Protection ........ 173
    10.11.Zero Voltage Crossover .............................. 173
    10.12.Conclusion .......................................... 175

Chapter 11
Mechanical and Thermal Considerations ......................... 177
    11.1. Mechanical Considerations ........................... 177
          11.1.1. Discrete Components ......................... 177
          11.1.2. Surface Mount Chip Carriers (SMCCs) ......... 177
          11.1.3. SMCC Advantages ............................. 178
          11.1.4. The Emitter and Photosensor Assemblies ...... 179
          11.1.5. Optoisolators ............................... 179
    11.2. Managing Junction Temperature of High-Power
          Light-Emitting Diodes ............................... 181
          11.2.1. Reduced MTTF and Accelerated Degradation .... 182
          11.2.2. Generating Heat ............................. 182
          11.2.3. Removing Heat ............................... 182
          11.2.4. Thermal Equilibrium ......................... 183
          11.2.5. Analogy to Electrical Circuits .............. 183
          11.2.6. Determining Junction Temperature from
                  Forward Voltage ............................. 184
          11.2.7. Passive Thermal Management .................. 184
          11.2.8. Active Thermal Management ................... 185

Part 5. Open Air and Fiber-Optic Communication

Chapter 12
Fiber-Optic Communication ..................................... 191
    12.1. Basics .............................................. 191
    12.2. Advantages .......................................... 195
          12.2.1. Less Expensive .............................. 195
          12.2.2. Small Diameter and Light Weight ............. 196
          12.2.3. Higher Capacity ............................. 196
          12.2.4. Nonconductivity ............................. 196
          12.2.5. Low Power ................................... 196
          12.2.6. Less Signal Loss ............................ 196
          12.2.7. Digital Signals ............................. 196
          12.2.8. Security .................................... 196

Chapter 13
Wireless Communication ........................................ 197
    13.1. Basic Theory ........................................ 197
    13.2. Background .......................................... 200

Part 6. IR Applications

Chapter 14
Pulse Operation ............................................... 205
    14.1. The IRLED ........................................... 205
    14.2. The Photosensor ..................................... 209

Chapter 15
Driving a Light-Emitting Device ............................... 211
    15.1. Introduction ........................................ 211
    15.2. Variables ........................................... 211
    15.3. Linear Operation .................................... 213

Chapter 16
Interfacing to the Photosensor ................................ 215
    16.1. The Photodiode ...................................... 215
    16.2. The Phototransistor and Photodarlington ............. 219
          16.2.1. Basic Interface Circuits for CMOS ........... 221
          16.2.2. Basic Interface Circuits for TTL ............ 222
    16.3. The Photo integrated Circuit ........................ 225

Chapter 17
Computer Peripheral and Business Equipment Applications ....... 227
    17.1. Copiers and Printers ................................ 227
    17.2. Keyboards and Mice .................................. 227
    17.3. Touch Screens ....................................... 227
    17.4. Data Interface ...................................... 227
    17.5. Check/Card Reader ................................... 229
    17.6. Optical Couplers/Isolators .......................... 229

Chapter 18
Industrial Applications ....................................... 231
    18.1. Safety-Related Optical Sensors ...................... 231
    18.2. Hazardous Fluid Sensing ............................. 232
    18.3. Security and Surveillance Systems ................... 235
    18.4. Mechanical Aids, Robotics ........................... 236
    18.5. Miscellaneous Optical Sensors ....................... 238
    18.6. Optical Couplers/Isolators .......................... 238

Chapter 19
Automotive Applications ....................................... 241
    19.1. Existing Applications ............................... 241

Chapter 20
Military Applications ......................................... 245
    20.1. Military Applications for Optical Sensors ........... 245

Chapter 21
Consumer Applications ......................................... 249
    21.1. TV and Game Controls ................................ 249
    21.2. CD and DVD Discs .................................... 249
    21.3. Dollar Bill Changers ................................ 250
    21.4. Coin Changers ....................................... 250
    21.5. Smoke Detectors ..................................... 251
    21.6. Slot Machines ....................................... 253
    21.7. Camera Applications ................................. 254
    21.8. Optical Golf Games .................................. 254
    21.9. Household Appliance Controls ........................ 254

Chapter 22
Medical Applications .......................................... 255
    22.1. Introduction ........................................ 255
    22.2. Pill-Counting Systems ............................... 255
    22.3. Electrical Isolation Systems ........................ 255
    22.4. Infusion Pump Application ........................... 255
    22.5. Hemodialysis Equipment Application .................. 257
    22.6. Fluid and Bubble Sensing for Medical Applications ... 257
    22.7. Intravenous Drop Monitor............................. 260
    22.8. Pulse Rate Detection ................................ 260

Chapter 23
Telecommunications ............................................ 263
    23.1. Telecommunications Overview ......................... 263

Part 7. Visible and Ultraviolet Technologies

Chapter 24
Visible-Light-Emitting Diodes (VLEDs) ......................... 269
    24.1. Introduction ........................................ 269
    24.2. What Is an LED? ..................................... 269
          24.2.1. Chip (Die) .................................. 269
          24.2.2. Packaging ................................... 271
          24.2.3. Phosphor Coatings ........................... 272
          24.2.4. Secondary Optics ............................ 273
    24.3. Generating Light .................................... 273
    24.4. Optical, Thermal, and Electrical Measurements ....... 274
          24.4.1. Measurement of Parameters ................... 274
    24.5. Laboratory Testing .................................. 279
    24.6. Reliability ......................................... 283
          24.6.1. Lifetime and Operation of LEDs .............. 283
          24.6.2. Factors Affecting LED Lifetime .............. 284
    24.7. Applications ........................................ 287

Chapter 25
Ultraviolet Electromagnetic Radiation ......................... 289
    25.1. Overview ............................................ 289
    25.2. The UV Spectrum ..................................... 289
    25.3. Fluorescent Lamp .................................... 291
    25.4. Types of UV Lamps ................................... 292
    25.5. UV Lamp Aging ....................................... 294
    25.6. RoHS and WEEE Concerns for UV Lamps ................. 295
    25.7. Failure Modes in UV Gas Discharge Lamps ............. 295
    25.8. Overview of UV Applications ......................... 296
    25.9. Germicidal Effects of UV Light ...................... 297
    25.10.Ultraviolet LED ..................................... 303
    25.11. UV Packaging Technology ............................ 305
    25.12.Currency and Document Validation Applications ....... 309
    25.13.Industrial UV Curing Applications ................... 310
    25.14.Air-Water-Surface Disinfection ...................... 312
    25.15.Medical and Forensic Applications ................... 313

Bibliography .................................................. 315
Glossary ...................................................... 317
Index ......................................................... 327

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