Allen P.A. Basin analysis: principles and applications (Malden; Oxford, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAllen P.A. Basin analysis: principles and applications / P.A.Allen, J.R.Allen. - 2nd ed. - Malden; Oxford: Wiley, 2005. - ix, 549 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.495-531. - Ind.: p.532-549. - ISBN 978-0-632-05207-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface to second edition ..................................... vii


1  Basins in their plate tectonic environment ................... 3
   Summary ...................................................... 3
   1.1  Compositional zonation of the Earth ..................... 4
   1.2  Rheological zonation of the Earth ....................... 7
   1.3  Plate motion ............................................ 8
   1.4  Classification schemes of sedimentary basins ........... 12
2  The physical state of the lithosphere ....................... 20
   Summary ..................................................... 20
   2.1  Stress and strain ...................................... 21
   2.2  Heat flow: conduction and convection ................... 31
   2.3  Gravity and isostasy ................................... 45
   2.4  Rock rheology .......................................... 51


3  Basins due to Iithospheric stretching ....................... 63
   Summary ..................................................... 63
   3.1 Introduction to rifts, failed rifts, and passive 
        continental margins .................................... 64
   3.2  Geological and geophysical observations in regions of
        continental extension .................................. 65
   3.3  Introduction to models of continental extension ........ 73
   3.4  Uniform stretching of the continental lithosphere ...... 77
   3.5  Modifications to the uniform stretching model .......... 85
   3.6  A dynamic approach to Iithospheric extension ........... 97
   3.7  Mantle plumes and igneous activity associated with 
        continental extension ................................. 106
   3.8  Estimation of the stretch factor and strain rate 
        history ............................................... 112
4  Basins due to flexure ...................................... 116
   Summary .................................................... 116
   4.1  Basic observations in regions of Iithospheric 
        flexure ............................................... 119
   4.2  Flexure of the lithosphere: geometry of the 
        deflection ............................................ 124
   4.3  Flexural rigidity of the oceanic and continental
        lithosphere ........................................... 130
   4.4  Lithosphcric buckling ................................. 139
   4.5  The dynamics of orogenic wedges ....................... 144
   4.6  The modeling of foreland basins ....................... 155
5  Effects of mantle dynamics ................................. 167
   Summary .................................................... 167
   5.1  Fundamentals and observations ......................... 168
   5.2  Dynamic topography .................................... 175
6  Basins associated with strike-slip deformation summary ..... 
   6.1  Overview .............................................. 191
   6.2  The structural pattern of strike—slip fault systems ... 201
   6.3  Basins in strike-slip zones ........................... 207

PART 3 THE SEDIMENTARY BASIN-FILL ............................. 219

7  The sediment routing system ................................ 221
   Summary .................................................... 221
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 222
   7.2  Weathering ............................................ 222
   7.3  Terrestrial sediment and solute yields ................ 227
   7.4  Measurements of erosion rates ......................... 241
   7.5  The functioning of sediment routing systems ........... 245
8  Basin stratigraphy ......................................... 266
   Summary .................................................... 266
   8.1  A primer on process stratigraphy ...................... 268
   8.2  Stratigraphic cycles: definition and recognition ...... 275
   8.3  Driving mechanisms for stratigraphic patterns ......... 286
   8.4  Numerical simulation of stratigraphy .................. 306
   8.5  Depositional systems .................................. 311
   8.6  Relation of depositional style to basin setting ....... 327
9  Subsidence and thermal history ............................. 349
   Summary .................................................... 349
   9.1  Introduction to geohistory analysis ................... 351
   9.2  Porosity loss during basin subsidence ................. 351
   9.3  Subsidence history and backstripping .................. 359
   9.4  Introduction to thermal history ....................... 366
   9.5  Theory: the Arrhenius equation and maturation 
        indices ............................................... 367
   9.6  Factors influencing temperatures and 
        palacotemperatures in sedimentary basins .............. 368
   9.7  Measurements of thermal maturity in sedimentary 
        basins ................................................ 378
   9.8  Application of thermal maturity measurements .......... 391
   9.9  Geothermal and paleogeothermal signatures of basin
        types ................................................. 395

10 The petroleum play ......................................... 405
   Summary .................................................... 405
   10.1 From basin analysis to play concept ................... 406
   10.2 The petroleum system and play concept ................. 407
   10.3 The petroleum charge system ........................... 414
   10.4 The reservoir ......................................... 452
   10.5 The regional topseal .................................. 467
   10.6 The trap .............................................. 474

References .................................................... 495
Index ......................................................... 532

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