Nonlinear optics of organic molecules and polymers (Boca Raton, 1997). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNonlinear optics of organic molecules and polymers / ed. by H.S.Nalwa, S.Miyata. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997. - 885 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.861-885. - ISBN 0-8493-8923-2

Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1  Introduction to Nonlinear Optics ..................... 1
           Y.Z. Yu, K.Y. Wong, and A.F. Garito
Chapter 2  Computational Evaluation of Second-Order Optical
           Nonlinearities ...................................... 29
           John O. Morley and David Pugh
Chapter 3  Measurement Techniques for Refractive Index and
           Second-Order Optical Nonlinearities ................. 57
           Toshiyuki Watanabe, Hari Singh Nalwa, and Seizo
Chapter 4  Organic Materials for Second-Order Nonlinear 
           Optics .............................................. 89
           Hari Singh Nalwa, Toshiyuki Watanabe, and Seizo
Chapter 5  Phase-Matched Second Harmonic Generation in
           Organic Materials .................................. 351
           Toshiyuki Watanabe, Hari Singh Nalwa, and Seizo 
Chapter 6  Electro-optic Effects in Molecular Crystals and 
           Polymers ........................................... 391
           Christian Bosshard and Peter Günter
Chapter 7  High-Speed Electro-optic Modulators from 
           Nonlinear Optical Polymers ......................... 441
           Chia-Chi Teng
Chapter 8  An Introduction to Photorefractive Polymers ........ 465
           B. Kippelen, K. Meerholz, and N. Peyghambarian
Chapter 9  Computational Evaluation of Third-Order Optical
           Nonlinearities ..................................... 515
           Hari Singh Nalwa
Chapter 10 Measurement Techniques for Third-Order Optical
           Nonlinearities ..................................... 571
           Hari Singh Nalwa
Chapter 11 Organic Materials for Third-Order Nonlinear
           Optics ............................................. 611
           Hari Singh Nalwa
Chapter 12 Applications of Organic Materials in Third-Order
           Nonlinear Optics ................................... 799
           George I. Stegeman
Chapter 13 Organic and Metal-Containing Reverse Saturable
           Absorbers for Optical Limiters ..................... 813
           Joseph W. Perry
Chapter 14 Applications of Nonlinear Optics to Passive
           Optical Limiting ................................... 841
           Eric W. Van Stryland, D.J. Hagan, T. Xia, and 
           A.A. Said
Index ......................................................... 861

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