Innovations in remote sensing and photogrammetry (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInnovations in remote sensing and photogrammetry / ed. by Jones S., Reinke K. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009. - xxxii, 468 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography) - ISBN 978-3-540-88265-7; ISSN 1863-2246

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction: Visualising Uncertainty in Environmental Data ... xix
   K.J. Reinke and S.D. Jones

Part I   Data Fusion Techniques and Their Applications in
         Environmental Monitoring

A Comparison of Pixel- and Object-Level Data Fusion Using
Lidar and High-Resolution Imagery for Enhanced Classification ... 3
   S.S. Ali, P.M. Dare, and S.D. Jones
Combining Texture and Hyperspectral Information for the
Classification of Tree Species in Australian Savanna
Woodlands ...................................................... 19
   Peter Bunting, Wenda He, Reyer Zwiggelaar, and Richard
High-Resolution Satellite Imaging in Remote Regions: A Case
Study in Bhutan ................................................ 27
   J. Poon and C.S. Fraser
A New Dataset for Forest Height Across Australia: Pilot
Project to Calibrate ICESat Laser Data with Airborne LiDAR ..... 37
   Alex Lee, Peter Scarth, and Adam Gerrand
Linking Biological Survey Information to Remote Sensing
Datasets: A Case Study ......................................... 51
   K.J. Sheffield, S.D. Jones, J.G. Ferwerda, P. Gibbons, and
   A. Zerger

Part II  Synoptic Monitoring and Data Processing

Characterizing the Landsat Global Long-Term Data Record ........ 65
   T. Arvidson, S.N. Goward, and D.L. Williams
Evaluation of Alternative Sensors for a Landsat-Based
Monitoring Program ............................................. 75
   S.L. Furby and X. Wu

Evaluation of CBERS Image Data: Geometric and Radiometric
Aspects ........................................................ 91
   X. Wu, J. Guo, J. Wallace, S.L. Furby, and P. Caccetta
Mapping and Monitoring Wetlands Around the World Using ALOS
PALSAR: The ALOS Kyoto and Carbon Initiative
Wetlands Products ............................................. 105
   John Lowry, Laura Hess, and Ake Rosenqvist
Testing of Alternate Classification Procedures Within an
Operational, Satellite Based, Forest Monitoring System ........ 121
   Jared O'Connell and Peter Caccetta
An Investigation of the Remote Sensing of Aerosols Based on
MODIS Data for Western Australian Conditions .................. 133
   Mark Broomhall, Brendon McAtee, and Stefan Maier
Improved Near-Real Time Atmospheric Correction of MODIS
Data for Earth Observation Applications ....................... 149
   Brendon McAtee and Stefan Maier
Near-Real Time Satellite Products to Drive Australia-Wide
Land Surface Monitoring and Modelling of Surface Water and
Energy Balance ................................................ 161
   I.F. Grant
Recent and Future Developments in Meteorological Remote
Sensing ....................................................... 173
   D.C. Griersmith, I.F. Grant, A.G. Rea, and M.C. Willmott
Improved Spatial Resolution of Fire Detection with MODIS
Using the 2.1 u.m Channel ..................................... 183
   Florian Goessmann, Stefan W. Maier, and Mervyn J. Lynch

Part III Terrestrial Applications of Remote Sensing

Characterizing Eucalypt Leaf Phenology and Stress with
Spectral Analysis ............................................. 193
   Karen Barry, Ross Corkrey, Christine Stone, and Caroline
Development of Satellite Vegetation Indices to Assess
Grassland Curing Across Australia and New Zealand ............. 211
   Danielle Martin, Ian Grant, Simon Jones, and Stuart
Assessment of Grassland Curing Using Field-Based
Spectrometry and Satellite Imagery ............................ 229
   Danielle Martin, Simon Jones, Ian Grant, and Stuart
Airborne Fire Intelligence .................................... 239
   R. Cook, A. Walker, and S. Wilkes
Give Me the Dirt: Detection of Gully Extent and Volume Using
High-Resolution Lidar ......................................... 255
   Alisa Eustace, Matthew Pringle, and Christian Witte
Integrating Mineralogical Interpretation of HyLogger Data
with HyMap Mineral Mapping, Mount Painter, South Australia .... 271
   A.J. Mauger and S. Hore
A Preliminary Study of Mapping Biomass and Cover in NZ
Grasslands Using Multispectral Narrow-Band Data ............... 281
   L. Vescovo, M. Tuohy, and D. Gianelle
Comparing Common Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices for Their
Ability to Estimate Seasonal Nitrogen and Other Variables in
Winter Wheat Across a Growing Season .......................... 291
   J.G. Ferwerda, S.D. Jones, G. O'Leary, R. Belford, and
   G.J. Fitzgerald
The Spectral Response of Pastures in an Intensively Managed
Dairy System .................................................. 309
   R.N. Handcock, G. Mata, G.E. Donald, A. Edirisinghe,
   D. Henry and S.G. Gherardi
Using Pasture Growth Rate Data in a National Agricultural
Drought Assessment Monitoring Tool ............................ 323
   R.G.H. Stovold, M. Adams, S.W. Maier, G. Donald,
   S. Gherardi, and M. Broomhall
Investigating the Potential for Mapping Fallow Management
Practises Using MODIS Image Data .............................. 331
   Ralf-D. Schroers, Robert Denham, and Christian Witte
Spectral Mixture Analysis for Ground-Cover Mapping ............ 349
   Michael Schmidt and Peter Scarth
Vineclipper: A Proximal Search Algorithm to Tie Gps Field
Locations to High Resolution Grapevine Imagery ................ 361
   A. Hall and J. Louis
Modelling Weed Distribution Across the Northern Australia
Using Very Extensive Transects ................................ 373
   С. Hempel, N. Preece, K. Harvey, and J.C.Z. Woinarski
Automated Reconstruction of Buildings Using a Hand Held
Video Camera .................................................. 393
   J.R. Fulton and C.S. Fraser

Part IV    Marine Applications of Remote Sensing

Mapping Seagrass Biomass with Photo-Library Method ............ 407
   Tiit Kutser, Ele Vahtmae, Chris Roelfsema, and Liisa
A Comparison of Bathymetric Signatures Observed on ERS
SAR and LANDSAT TM Images Over the Timor Sea  ................. 417
   Medhavy Thankappan and Craig J.H. Smith
Optical Properties of Water Bodies in the Torres Strait,
Australia, from Above-Water Reflectance ....................... 433
   L.J. Majewski, W.M. Klonowski, and M.M. Slivkoff
Accordance of MERIS Standard Products over the Gulf of
Finland to the Parameters Measured Under Regular Monitoring
Program ....................................................... 443
   L. Metsamaa, A. Reinart, K. Alikas, T. Kutser, and A.
Spectral Identification of Oil Slicks on the Ocean ............ 455
   A.P. Radliński

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