Information fusion and geographic information systems: proc. of the fourth intern. workshop, 17-20 may 2009 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInformation fusion and geographic information systems: proc. of the fourth intern. workshop, 17-20 may 2009 / volume eds. Popovich V.V. et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009. - xiii, 371 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.371. - ISBN 978-3-642-00303-5; ISSN 1863-2246

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Organization ................................................... xi

Invited Papers

Visual Analytics for Geographic Analysis, Exemplified by
Different Types of Movement Data
   G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko ................................... 3
Application of Self-Organizing Maps to the Maritime
   Victor J.A.S. Lobo .......................................... 19


Concept for Corporate Information Systems Development Based
on GIS Technologies
   V. Popovich ................................................. 39
Data Harmonization in CIS
   A. Pankin, V. Kuzenny ....................................... 63
iRank: Integral Ranking of Geographical Information by
Semantic, Geographic, and Topological Matching
   F. Mata, S. Levachkine ...................................... 77

GIS as a Basis for Monitoring System

A Multi-scale and Multi-modal Transportation GIS for the City
of Guangzhou
   S. Chen, С. Claramunt, C. Ray, J. Tan ....................... 95
GIS for Profile-Based Context Formation in Situation
   A. Smirnov, N. Shilov, T. Levashova, A. Kashevnik .......... 113
Immunocomputing for Geoinformation Fusion and Forecast
   A. Tarakanov ............................................... 125

Ontologies and Programming Technologies for GIS and GIS

A Model-driven Approach for Designing Adaptive Web GIS
   M. Angelaccio, A. D'Ambrogio, A. Krek ...................... 137
Semantic Similarity Applied to Geomorphometric Analysis of
Digital Elevation Models
   M. Moreno-Ibarra, S. Levachkine, M. Torres, R. Quintero,
   G. Guzman .................................................. 149
Dynamic Models of Geographic Environment Using Ontological
   M. Martinez, S. Levachkine ................................. 165
Geospatial Information Integration Approach Based on
Geographic Context Ontologies
   M. Torres, R. Quintero, S. Levachkine, M. Moreno,
   G. Guzman .................................................. 177
An Approach to Comparing Different Ontologies in the Context
of Hydrographical Information
   L.M. Vilches-Blazquez, J.A. Ramos, F.J. Lopez-Pellicer,
   O. Corcho, J. Nogueras-Iso ................................. 193
A Web-Service Approach for Multisensor Data Fusion and
Geographic Information Systems
   M.C. Florea, N. Duclos-Hindie, E. Bosse, P. Valin .......... 209

Monitoring of Terrorist Threat Based on GIS

Theoretical Investigation of Terrorism. Ontology Development
   P. Galjano, V. Popovich .................................... 227
Terrorists: Statistical Profile
   V. Osipov, Y. Ivakin ....................................... 241

Geographical Information System for Analysis of Critical
Infrastructures and their Hazards due to Terrorism, Man-
Originated Catastrophes and Natural Disasters for the City
of Gdansk
   M. Kulawiak, Z. Lubniewski, K. Bikonis, A. Stepnowski ...... 251

Maritime GIS

IGIS Capabilities Application to Controlling Polystatic
Detection Systems Ensuring Security of Marine Economic
   V. Ermolaev, S. Kozlovskiy, A. Makshanov ................... 265
Real-time Web-based GIS for Analysis, Visualization, and
Integration of Marine Environment Data
   J. Dabrowski, M. Kulawiak, M. Moszynski, К Bruniecki,
   L. Kaminski, A. Chybicki, A. Stepnowski .................... 277
On Optimizing Search Efforts (Area Effectively Swept)
Allocation in the Course of Search and Rescue Operations
   A. Makshanov, V. Ermolaev .................................. 289

Information Assurance and Protection in GIS

Design of Entrusting Protocols for Software Protection
   V. Desnitsky, I. Kotenko ................................... 301
Vector Finite Groups as Primitives for Fast Digital
Signature Algorithms
   N. Moldovyan, A. Moldovyan ................................. 317
Multisignature Protocols and Problem of Simultaneous Signing
a Package of Contracts
   P. Moldovyanu, E. Dernova, A. Kostina, N. Moldovyan ........ 331
Integrated Usage of Data Mining Methods for Malware
   D. Komashinskiy, I. Kotenko ................................ 343
Schemes for Data and User Authentication in Distributed GIS
   S. Shtanko, A. Pankin ...................................... 359

Author Index .................................................. 370

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