Advances in GIScience: proceedings of the 12th AGILE conference (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in GIScience: Proceedings of the 12th AGILE conference / ed. by Sester M., Bernard L., Paelke V. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009. - xvii, 448 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-00317-2; ISSN 1863-2246

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Оглавление / Contents
Data Acquisition, Classification and Interpretation

Identification of Practically Visible Spatial Objects
in Natural Environments
   Martin Tomko, Friedjoff Trautwein, Ross S. Purves ............ 1
Extraction of Features from Mobile Laser Scanning Data for
Future Driver Assistance Systems
   Claus Brenner ............................................... 25
Automatic Revision of 2D Building Databases from High
Resolution Satellite Imagery: A 3D Photogrammetric Approach
   Nicolas Champion, Georges Stamon, Marc Pierrot-
   Deseilligny ................................................. 43
Accuracy of High-Resolution Radar Images in the Estimation
of Plot-Level Forest Variables
   Markus Holopainen, Sakari Tuominen, Mika Karjalainen,
   Juha Hyyppä, Mikko Vastaranta, Hannu Hyyppä ................. 67
Assessment of Solar Irradiance on the Urban Fabric for the
Production of Renewable Energy using LIDAR Data and Image
Processing Techniques
   Cláudio Carneiro, Eugenio Morello, Gilles Desthieux ......... 83

Data Fusion and Integration

Enhancing 3D City Models with Heterogeneous Spatial
Information: Towards 3D Land Information Systems
   Lutz Ross, Jannes Boiling, Mr gen Dollner, Birgit
   Kleinschmit ................................................ 113
Matching River Datasets of Different Scales
   Birgit Kieler, Wei Huang, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Jie Jiang .... 135
An Approach to Facilitate the Integration of Hydrological
Data by means of Ontologies and Multilingual Thesauri
   Miguel Ángel Latre, Javier Lacasta, Eddy Mojica, Javier
   Nogueras-Iso, Francisco Javier Zarazaga-Soria .............. 155
Applying Instance Visualisation and Conceptual Schema
Mapping for Geodata Harmonisation
   Thorsten Reitz, Arjan Kuijper .............................. 173
Transferring Segmented Properties in the Conflation of
Transportation Networks
   Alberto Belussi, Federica Liguori, Jody Marca, Sara
   Migliorini, Mauro Negri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, Paolo
   Visentini .................................................. 195
Spatio Temporal Modelling and Analysis Detecting Hotspots in
Geographic Networks
   Kevin Buchin, Sergio Cabello, Joachim Gudmundsson,
   Maarten Löjfler, Jun Luo, Günter Rote, Rodrigo I.
   Silveira, Bettina Speckmann, Thomas Wolle .................. 217
Estimating Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Railroad Users
and Its Application to Disaster Prevention Planning
   Toshihiro Osaragi .......................................... 233
Rasterizing Census Geography: Definition and Optimization of
a Regular Grid
   Himanshu Mathur, Stefania Bertazzon ........................ 251
Towards Semantic Interpretation of Movement Behavior
   Miriam Baglioni, José Antônio Fernandes de Macêdo, Chiara
   Renso, Roberto Trasarti, Monica Wachowicz .................. 271
Three-Valued 9-Intersection for Deriving Possible
Topological Relations from Incomplete Observations
   Yohei Kurata ............................................... 289
Modeling Land Use Change: A GIS Based Modeling Framework to
Support Integrated Land Use Planning (Naban Frame)
   Karin Berkhoff, Sylvia Herrmann ............................ 309
Monitoring System for Assessment of Vegetation Sensitivity
to El-Nino over Africa
   Pavel Propastin ............................................ 329

Generalization, Visualization and Perception

A Storage and Transfer Efficient Data Structure for Variable
Scale Vector Data
   Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak ............ 345
Line Decomposition Based on Critical Points Detection
   Eric Guilbert .............................................. 369
Generalization of 3D Buildings Modelled by City GML
   Hongchao Fan, Liqiu Meng, Mathias Jahnke ................... 387
3D Wayfinding Choremes: A Cognitively Motivated
Representation of Route Junctions in Virtual Environments
   Tassilo Glander, Denise Peters, Matthias Trapp, Jürgen
   Döllner .................................................... 407
Towards Geo visual Analysis of Crime Scenes - A 3D Crime
Mapping Approach
   Markus Wolff, Hartmut Asche ................................ 429

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