| Harris T.M. The yorkshire jurassic flora IV. 1. Ginkgoales; 2. Czekanowskiales / Harris T.M., Millington W., Miller J. - London: British Museum (Natural History), 1974. - 150 p., 14 p. of plate. - (British Museum (Natural History). Publications; N724). - Ref.: p.139-146. - Ind.: p.147-150. - ISBN 0-565-00724-6
Systematic Descriptions ......................................... 2
1 Ginkgoales ................................................... 2
Key to the genera of Yorkshire Ginkgoales ................. 3
Key to the Yorkshire species of Ginkgo .................... 3
Ginkgo Linnaeus .............................................. 4
Ginkgo digitata (Brongniart) .............................. 5
Ginkgo huttoni (Sternberg) ............................... 11
Ginkgo sp. cf. sibirica Heer ............................. 17
Ginkgo longifolius (Phillips) Harris comb. nov. .......... 21
Ginkgo zohitbiensis Harris ............................... 27
Baiera F. Braun ............................................. 29
Baiera furcata (L. & H.) ................................. 30
Baiera gracilis Bunbury .................................. 30
Sphenobaiera Florin ......................................... 39
Sphenobaiera pecten Harris ............................... 40
Sphenobaiera longifolia (Pomel) .......................... 43
Sphenobaiera ophioglossum sp. nov. ....................... 48
Sphenobaiera gyron sp. nov. .............................. 53
Eretmophyllum Thomas ........................................ 56
Key to the Yorkshire species of Eretmophyllum ............ 57
Eretmophyllum pubescens Thomas ........................... 57
Eretmophyllum whitbiense Thomas .......................... 62
Pseudotorellia Florin ....................................... 66
Pseudotorellia tibia sp. nov. ............................ 67
Reproductive Organs of the Ginkgoales ....................... 71
Seeds attributed to Ginkgo huttoni (Sternb.) ............. 72
Bud scales attributed to Ginkgo huttoni (Sternb.) ........ 74
Seeds attributed to Baiera furcata (L. & H.) ............. 74
Male cone attributed to Ginkgo huttoni (Sternb.) ......... 76
2 CZEKANOWSKIALES ............................................. 79
Provisional list of characters ........................... 80
Generic key to the Czekanowskiales ....................... 83
Key to the Yorkshire species of Czekanowskiales .......... 84
Relationships of the Czekanowskiales ..................... 84
Solenites Lindley & Hutton .................................. 86
Solenites vimineus (Phillips) ............................ 87
Czekanowskia Heer ........................................... 92
Czekanowskia furcula sp. nov. ............................ 92
Czekanowskia microphylla (Phillips) ...................... 97
Czekanowskia thomasi sp. nov. ........................... 100
Czekanowskia blacki sp. nov. ............................ 102
General comparison of the Yorkshire species of
Czekanowskia ......................................... 106
Czekanowskia sp. A ...................................... 108
Czekanowskia sp. В ...................................... 109
Czekanowskia sp. С ...................................... 109
Czekanowskia sp. D ...................................... 110
Czekanowskia sp. E ...................................... 110
Sphenarion gen. nov. .................................... 110
Sphenarion muiriae sp. nov. ............................. 111
Leptostrobus Heer .......................................... 114
Leptostrobus cancer Harris .............................. 114
Attribution of Leptostrobus to Czekanowskia and
Solenites ............................................... 124
Ixostrobus Raciborski ...................................... 126
Ixostrobus whitbiensis sp. nov. ......................... 131
Desmiophyllum Lesquereux ................................... 134
Desmiophyllum gramineum sp. nov. ........................ 135
References .................................................... 139
Index ......................................................... 147
Plates ........................................................ 151