| Egerton R.F. Physical principles of electron microscopy: an introduction to ТЕМ, SEM, and AEM. - 2nd ed. - New York: Springer, 2005. - xii, 202 p.: ill. - Ref.: - p.195-196. - Ind.: p.197-202. - ISBN 978-0-387-25800-3
Preface ........................................................ xi
1 An Introduction to Microscopy ................................ 1
1.1 Limitations of the Human Eye ............................ 2
1.2 The Light-Optical Microscope ............................ 5
1.3 The X-ray Microscope .................................... 9
1.4 The Transmission Electron Microscope ................... 11
1.5 The Scanning Electron Microscope ....................... 17
1.6 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope .............. 19
1.7 Analytical Electron Microscopy ......................... 21
1.8 Scanning-Probe Microscopes ............................. 21
2 Electron Optics ............................................. 27
2.1 Properties of an Ideal Image ........................... 27
2.2 Imaging in Light Optics ................................ 30
2.3 Imaging with Electrons ................................. 34
2.4 Focusing Properties of a Thin Magnetic Lens ............ 41
2.5 Comparison of Magnetic and Electrostatic Lenses ........ 43
2.6 Defects of Electron Lenses ............................. 44
3 The Transmission Electron Microscope ........................ 57
3.1 The Electron Gun ....................................... 58
3.2 Electron Acceleration .................................. 67
3.3 Condenser-Lens System .................................. 70
3.4 The Specimen Stage ..................................... 75
3.5 ТЕМ Imaging System ..................................... 78
3.6 Vacuum System .......................................... 88
4 ТЕМ Specimens and Images .................................... 93
4.1 Kinematics of Scattering by an Atomic Nucleus .......... 94
4.2 Electron-Electron Scattering ........................... 96
4.3 The Dynamics of Scattering ............................. 97
4.4 Scattering Contrast from Amorphous Specimens .......... 101
4.5 Diffraction Contrast from Polycrystalline Specimens ... 106
4.6 Dark-Field Images ..................................... 108
4.7 Electron-Diffraction Patterns ......................... 108
4.8 Diffraction Contrast within a Single Crystal .......... 112
4.9 Phase Contrast in the ТЕМ ............................. 115
4.10 ТЕМ Specimen Preparation .............................. 119
5 The Scanning Electron Microscope .......................... 125
5.1 Operating Principle of the SEM ........................ 125
5.2 Penetration of Electrons into a Solid ................. 129
5.3 Secondary-Electron Images ............................. 131
5.4 Backscattered-Electron Images ......................... 137
5.5 Other SEM Imaging Modes ............................... 139
5.6 SEM Operating Conditions .............................. 143
5.7 SEM Specimen Preparation .............................. 147
5.8 The Environmental SEM ................................. 149
5.9 Electron-Beam Lithography ............................. 151
6 Analytical Electron Microscopy ............................. 155
6.1 The Bohr Model of the Atom ............................ 155
6.2 X-ray Emission Spectroscopy ........................... 158
6.3 X-Ray Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy .................. 161
6.4 Quantitative Analysis in the ТЕМ ...................... 165
6.5 Quantitative Analysis in the SEM ...................... 167
6.6 X-Ray Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy .............. 167
6.7 Comparison of XEDS and XWDS Analysis .................. 169
6.8 Auger Electron Spectroscopy ........................... 171
6.9 Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy ..................... 172
7 Recent Developments ........................................ 177
7.1 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy ............. 177
7.2 Aberration Correction ................................. 180
7.3 Electron-Beam Monochromators .......................... 182
7.4 Electron Holography ................................... 184
7.5 Time-Resolved Microscopy .............................. 188
Appendix: Mathematical Derivations ............................ 191
A.1 The Schottky Effect ................................... 191
A.2 Impact Parameter in Rutherford Scattering ............. 193
References .................................................... 195
Index ......................................................... 197