Preface ......................................................... v
List of Contributors ......................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ............................................... xix
1. General Characteristics of Prokaryotic Genomes .............. 1
Jan Mrázek and Anne 0. Summers
2. Genes in Prokaryotic Genomes and Their Computational
Prediction ................................................. 39
Rajeev K. Azad
3. Evolution of the Genetic Code: Computational Methods and
Inferences ................................................. 75
Greg Fournier
4. Dynamics of Prokaryotic Genome Evolution ................... 99
Pascal Lapierre
5. Mobile Genetic Elements and Their Prediction .............. 113
Morgan G.I. Langille, Fengfeng Zhou, Amber Fedynak,
William W.L. Hsiao, Ying Xu and Fiona S.L. Brinkman
6. Horizontal Gene Transfer: Its Detection and Role in
Microbial Evolution ....................................... 137
J. Peter Gogarten and Olga Zhaxybayeva
7. Genome Reduction During Prokaryotic Evolution ............. 153
Francisco J. Silva and Amparo Latorre
8. Comparative Mechanisms for Transcription and Regulatory
Signals in Archaea and Bacteria ........................... 185
Agustino Marténez-Antonio and Julio Collado-Vides
9. Computational Techniques for Orthologous Gene Prediction
in Prokaryotes ............................................ 209
Maria Poptsova
10. Computational Elucidation of Operons and Uber-operons ..... 233
Phuongan Dam, Fenglou Mao, Dongsheng Che, Ping Wan,
Thao Tran, Guojun Li and Ying Xu
11. Prediction of Regulons Through Comparative Genome
Analyses .................................................. 259
Zhengchang Su, Guojun Li and Ying Xu
12. Prediction of Biological Pathways Through Data Mining
and Information Fusion .................................... 281
Fenglou Mao, Phuongan Dam, Hongwei Wu, I-Chun Chou,
Eberhard Voit and Ying Xu
13. Microbial Pathway Models .................................. 315
Siren R. Veflingstad, Phuongan Dam, Ying Xu and
Eberhard О. Voit
14. Metagenomics .............................................. 345
Kayo Arima and John Wooley
References .................................................... 397
Index ......................................................... 467