Preface ......................................................... ix
1. Twenty-First Century Materials: Coatings That Interact
with Their Environment ...................................... 3
Robert F. Brady, Jr.
2. Smart Coatings. Core-Shell Particles Containing
PoIy(n-Butyl Acrylate) Cores and Chitosan Shells
as a Novel Durable Antibacterial Finish .................... 15
Weijun Ye, Man Fai Leung, John Xin, Tsz Leung Kwong,
Daniel Kam Len Lee, and Pei Li
3. Formulation and Evaluation of Organic Antibacterial
Coatings ................................................... 27
D.L. Clemans, S.J. Rhoades, J.J. Kendzorski, Q. Xu,
and J. Baghdachi
4. Silicone Polymers with Biocide Grafting for Antifouling/
Fouling Release Coatings: Effect of Modulus on
Antifouling Performance .................................... 43
Johnson Thomas, Renae Fjeldheim, Seok-Bong Choi,
and Philip Boudjouk
5. Thermoset Siloxane-Urethane Fouling Release Coatings ....... 61
Partha Majumdar, Abdullah Ekin, and Dean C. Webster
6. Smart Responsive Coatings from Mixed Polymer Brushes ....... 79
Sergiy Minko
7. Surface-Catalyzed Growth of Polymer Films That Respond
to pH ...................................................... 95
Dongshun Bai, Brian M. Habersberger,
and G. Kane Jennings
8. Pressure Sensing Paints Based on Fluoroacrylic Polymers
Doped with Phosphorescent Divalent Osmium Complexes ....... 107
Brenden Carlson and Gregory D. Phelan
9. Development of a Removable Conformal Coating through
the Synthetic Incorporation of Diels-Alder Thermally
Reversible Adducts into an Epoxy Resin .................... 121
J.H. Aubert, D.R. Tallant, P.S. Sawyer,
and M.J. Garcia
10. Electroactive Polymer Coatings as Replacements for
Chromate Conversion Coatings .............................. 135
P. Zarras, J. He, D.E. Tallman, N. Anderson,
A. Guenthner, C. Webber, J.D. Stenger-Smith,
J.M. Pentony, S. Hawkins, and L. Baldwin
11. Oxidation Resistive Coatings at High Temperatures for
Iron Cores ................................................ 153
Charles A. Sizemore and Chhiu-Tsu Lin
Author Index .................................................. 171
Subject Index ................................................. 173