| Algebra, geometry, and their interactions: International Conference on Midwest Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions, october 7-11, 2005, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana / ed. by Corso A., Migliore J., Polini C. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2007. - viii, 270 p.: ill. - (Contemporary mathematics; 448). - ISBN 978-0-8218-4094-8; ISSN 0271-4132
Preface ......................................................... v
List of Talks at MAGIC'05 ..................................... vii
Instability of projective reconstruction from 1-view near
critical configurations in higher dimensions
Marina Bertolini, Gian Mario Besana, and Cristina Turrini .... 1
Examples and counterexamples on the conjectured Hilbert
function of multiple points
Karen A. Chandler ........................................... 13
Projectively full ideals in Noetherian rings, a survey
Catalin Ciuperca, William Heinzer, Jack Ratliff,
and David Rush .............................................. 33
Cohomological degrees and the HomAB conjecture
Kia Dalili and Wolmer V. Vasconcelos ........................ 43
A minimal generating set for the first syzygies of a monomial
John A. Eagon ............................................... 63
Lifting the determinantal property
Elisa Gorla ................................................. 69
Resolutions of square-free monomial ideals via facet ideals:
A survey
Huy Tai Ha and Adam Van Tuyl ................................ 91
Some finiteness properties of Lyubeznik's -modules
Melvin Hochster ............................................ 119
Minimal homogeneous liaison and licci ideals
Craig Huneke, Juan Migliore, Uwe Nagel, and Bernd Ulrich ... 129
Unobstructedness and dimension of families of codimension
3 ACM algebras
Jan O. Kleppe and Rosa M. Miro-Roig ........................ 141
Ample vector bundles with sections vanishing on
submanifolds of sectional genus three
Antonio Lanteri and Hidetoshi Maeda ........................ 165
Finding all real points of a complex curve
Ye Lu, Daniel J. Bates, Andrew J. Sommese,
and Charles W. Wampler ..................................... 183
On the multiplicity conjecture
Rosa M. Miro-Roig .......................................... 207
Efficiently detecting torsion points and subtori
J. Maurice Rojas ........................................... 215
Divisor class groups of graded hypersurfaces
Anurag K. Singh and Sandra Spiroff ......................... 237
Irrelevant exceptional divisors for curves on a smooth
Karen E. Smith and Howard M. Thompson ...................... 245
Variation of hyperplane sections
Michael A. van Opstall and Razvan Veliche .................. 255
Jet schemes of determinantal varieties
Cornelia Yuen .............................................. 261